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Wizards ❱ Domination | CTF | TDM -----

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New Class & Improvements
New Class: Crusader

  • Crusader is a tank class.
  • Your skill creates a temporary shield for you and to nearby teammates.
    • This shield recudes all damage received by 35%.
    • You can modify the shield duration and damage reduction values in Crusader's config file.
    • Creates a impact when activated causing damage on nearby enemies.
    • You will not receive mana until the shield expires.
    • You can set a cooldown to this ability.
      • Set it to 0 to disable.
Code (Text):
#For a complete tutorial see pyromancer.yml.
#You can disable class countdown by setting it to 0.
# !!! IMPORTANT !!!
#shield-duration-in-ticks: 70 --> This value is in ticks, not seconds (1 second = 20 ticks, 70 ticks = 3.5 seconds)
#damage-area: 5.0 --> This will not have impact in "shield-impact-area", shield-impact-area value is for allies.
display-name: 'Crusader'
- '&9Crusader'
- ' '
- '&7Creates a temporarily shield'
- '&7that reduces all damage received by 35%.'
- ' '
- '&7Causes damage to nearby enemies.'
price: 3200
mana-cost-per-use: 100
mana-per-hit: 1
max-distance: 80
damage: 2.5
damage-area: 5.0
explosion-radius: 3
shield-protection-percentage: 35
shield-duration-in-ticks: 70
shield-impact-area: 8
ability-countdown: 15
enable-all-particles: true
weapon: 'STONE_AXE : 1 : name:&bShield'
helmet: 'IRON_HELMET : 1'
chestplate: 'DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE : 1'
leggings: 'IRON_LEGGINGS : 1'
boots: 'IRON_BOOTS : 1'
scripts: []
target-scripts: []
ally-scripts: []
I'd recommend you to balance this class yourself and not use the default values.

This class has some crazy particles, if your server is not supporting the amount of effects you can reduce crusader particles in "
enable-all-particles" path in config, this will not remove all particles but will disable some effects like the spherical shield.

shop.yml does not have a automtic update system yet, so make a backup of your shop.yml and delete to generate a new one with the new class.

  • More stable for 1.14, but still not recommended due software problems.
  • Added /wizards creload command
    • Will reload all classes files, you can now modify a value then use this command to apply the changes.
    • Aliases: reloadclasses, rc.
    • This command reloads all events, so it cannot be used if there is a game running.
  • Fixed a bug where a error is thrown when there are no portals in a game with portal system enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where Enderman's recall ability cooldown is being registered in all classes.
  • Fixed a bug where mana earning cannot be toggled off.
Script Changes
  • Changed how script is summoned.
  • Added parameter "gameplayer" for target scripts. It refers to the "player", not the "target".
  • Added parameter "gametarget" for target scripts. It refers to the "target", not the "player".
  • Added a new type of script: "ally-script"
    • It will be used in some cases, not available in all classes.
    • Will be summoned whenever an ally is impacted with any effect, e.g: shields and healing.
    • the target parameter for this script is "gameally".
GamePlayer (gameplayer, gametarget and gameally) refers to Wizard's player class, you can modify in-game and database data with this class.
----------, May 9, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 139
First Release: Jul 7, 2018
Last Update: Yesterday at 4:53 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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