BetterConcrete implements a faster way to get concrete by simply throwing it into a cauldron. Also it provides an option to transform concrete back to powder or powder to stained glass by smelting it.
Features: - Highly customizable!
- Mess-Up Protection for all configurations
- Useful error/info messages in console
- Enable/Disable new mechanic: Throw powder into cauldrons to transform it!
- Customize messages sent to player
Mechanic Cauldron - Customize in which cauldrons items can be transformed! (empty, full)
- Customize how much water gets lost after a transformation!
Furnace Recipes: - Enable/Disable smelting concrete into the respective powder.
- Enable/Disable smelting powder into the respective stained glass.
- Customize the amount of exp you get for smelting
- Customize the amount of items you get for one time crafting.
- Customize the smelting speed.
- Add recipes to a player's recipe book on login (or by command).
How-To-Use: Note: All named values are related to the default configurations!
Mechanic Cauldron
- Go to a cauldron
- Throw concrete powder into a non empty cauldron. (The water level will decrease by one)
- Pick up concrete
Furnace Recipes
- Smelt concrete (or concrete) powder in a furnace to get powder (or stained glass)
Important Information: - If recipes are added to a player's recipe book (via the config option or if a player uses the recipe) uninstalling the plugin will spam your console with messages like "Tried to load unrecognized recipe..." (once for each affected player). Unfortunately there is nothing reasonably to solve this issue.
- Java 17 or higher is required to run the plugin since v1.11.1.
- Java 11 or higher is required to run the plugin since v1.7.1.
BetterConcrete does not support Minecraft version 1.12 since v1.2. So please use v1.1 if your sever is still on Minecraft version 1.12.
- This plugin uses bstats
Installation: Just put the jar file into your server's plugins folder. After restarting your server you can make adjustments in the config. (Do not forget to restart/reload it afterwards)
Commands: -
Aliases: /bc [subcommand]
/betterconcrete: Credits and available commands for this player.
/betterconcrete discover: Discovers all available recipes for this player.
Permissions: -
betterconcrete.*: Grants access to all permissions.
- Grants access to the discover command.
betterconcrete.cauldron: Allows to use the cauldron mechanic. (is granted by default)
betterconcrete.updatechecker: Get notified on login if a new update of the plugin exists.
Configuration File:
Code (YAML):
# BetterConcrete by Alex_qp # This plugin provides you with some more mechanics/recipes to transform concrete into powder and the other way round. # Please leave a review after a while to help me improve my plugins!
# All configurations for furnace ## add_recipes_on_login: If set to true recipes will be added to a player's recipe book on login. furnace_recipes:
add_recipes_on_login: true
enable: true
exp_amount: 0.1
cooking_time: 200
enable: true
exp_amount: 0.1
cooking_time: 200
# Cauldron options ## check_empty: If set to 0: players will be able to transfer items in any cauldron. ## If set to 1: players will be able to transfer items in non empty cauldrons. ## If set to 2: players will be able to transfer items in cauldrons with higher or equal waterlevel than needed for one transformation (change_waterlevel) ## change_waterlevel: Cauldrons will change their waterlevel by the given amount if a player transforms an item stack. Note: A full cauldron has water level 3. ## max_stack_size: maximum amount of items that can be transformed per usage. cauldron_mechanic:
enable: true
check_empty: 1
change_waterlevel: 1
max_stack_size: 64
# Message configuration messages:
credits: "Use /betterconcrete help for all available commands." noPerm: "&4You do not have permission." wrongCmdUsagePrefix: "&CUsage:" discover:
help: "discovers all available recipes." success: "&2You discovered all available recipes."