Add Damage Indicators and Blood effects to your server, just drag and drop in your plugins folder and restart.
- Compatible with plugins that modify the damage.
- Shows the damage between mobs.
- Compatible with MythicMobs damage reduction.
- Does not alter the normal course of the fight.
- Shows blood effects.
- EcoSkills critical attacks support.
Code (Text):
damageindicator.use # Use /di toggle command
damageindicator.use.admin # Use admin commands
/di # Show command list
/di reload # Reload the plugin config and messages
/di clear <range> # Remove the damage indicators in the specified range
/di clearall # Removes all the damage indicators from the world
/di toggle # Toggle damage indicators
Code (Text):
# DamageIndicator Reborn, Minecraft plugin to show the damage taken by a entity
# Source Code:
# Issue Tracker:
# Config version, don't edit
version: 5
# Damage Indicator options, here you can define in what type of entities we
# should show the damage indicators and completely disable this feature.
Damage Indicator:
Enabled: true
Player: true
Monster: true
Animals: true
# Use %health% for the regain health you get
# Use %damage% for the damage you get
EntityRegain: '<gray>+</gray><color:#00ff62>%health%</color>'
EntityDamage: '<gray>-</gray><color:#ff0f23>%damage%</color>'
# Here you define the decimal format for the damage and health
# See
# for more information.
Decimal: '#.##'
# Distance in Y axis from the entity where we should spawn the damage indicator
# A distance of 2 is recommended for 1.8 servers
Distance: 1.6
# List of disabled entity types that shouldn't spawn damage indicators
# See
# for all possible entities.
# If you don't want to disable entities, remove elements from the list set it to
# Disabled Entities: []
Disabled Entities:
# List of spawn reasons that we must listen and mark entities so they won't spawn
# damage indicators.
# See
# for all possible spawn reasons.
# If you don't want to disable for spawn reasons, remove elements from the list set it to
# Disabled Spawn Reasons: []
Disabled Spawn Reasons:
# List of damage causes that we must ignore for damage indicators.
# See
# for all possible damage causes.
# If you don't want to disable for damage causes, remove elements from the list set it to
# Disabled Damage Causes: []
Disabled Damage Causes:
# Enable or disable damage indicators for players who are sneaking, it is recommended to disable for PvP servers.
# true: damage indicators are shown even if you're sneaking.
# false: damage indicators aren't shown when you're sneaking.
Sneaking: false
# Blood options, here you can configure this feature.
Enabled: true
Player: true
Monster: true
Animals: true
# List of disabled entity types that shouldn't bleed.
# See
# for all possible entities.
# If you don't want to disable entities, remove elements from the list set it to
# Disabled Entities: []
Disabled Entities:
# List of spawn reasons that we must listen and mark entities so they won't bleed.
# See
# for all possible spawn reasons.
# If you don't want to disable for spawn reasons, remove elements from the list set it to
# Disabled Spawn Reasons: []
Disabled Spawn Reasons:
# List of damage causes that we must ignore for blood.
# See
# for all possible damage causes.
# If you don't want to disable for damage causes, remove elements from the list set it to
# Disabled Damage Causes: []
Disabled Damage Causes:
# Enable or disable blood particles for players who are sneaking.
# true: blood particles are shown even if you're sneaking.
# false: blood particles aren't shown when you're sneaking.
Sneaking: true