⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity icon

⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity -----

» Blocking all booting sites and programs, most extensive API and good reputation!

Update 9.6-THANATOS - Custom IP Detection

- It is now possible to add your own IP detection systems, instead of relying solely on BotSentry's backend. Read below for more information.
- Any commands that allow for IP input, now allow to add multiple IPs at once: /bs whitelist add,
- - This command will add both all IPs in the range of and the IP Items should be split between commas, ranges should be given with a slash.
- Added the import subcommand for whitelisting/blacklisting: /bs <blacklist/whitelist> import <file>. This will import all IPs from the file and add it to the given list.
- - Every line should be the same format as shown above. Either a single range, single IP or split with commas.
- Allow running on Folia, support cannot be granted as Folia is still in development stage. (Issue #110)

- The MySQL connection now allows the usage of SSL. It will try to first connect using SSL, if that is not possible, without. (Issue #117)
- BungeeCord now respects any filters that have already been set, instead of replacing any logging filters. (Issue #115)
- Proxies/VPNs cannot simply whitelist themselves using notbot.es, when the server has explicitly disabled it.

- Fixed error message that said an older MySQL driver was being loaded. (Issue #113)
- Fixed bugs for servers running locally and retrieving local IPs.
- Fixed bugs with PacketListenerAPI, by completely removing it. Amazon is now completely disabled on Spigot like systems. (Issue #112 & #114)
- Fixed bugs with AntiBot Mode not going off automatically in some cases. (Issue #102)
- Little code improvements.

Custom IP Detection
Custom IP Detection, this can be used when the BotSentry servers are not good enough in detecting IPs.
When this is enabled, it will first fetch the status of the first provider. If that provider fails, it will continue to the next one. If all fail, the BotSentry servers will be used.
AntiProxy/AntiBotMode only change the settings for the sensitivity of the BotSentry servers, this will fully be managed
by the providers entered here.
When the status of an IP should be found, BotSentry sends a POST request to the URL provided.
This POST request retrieves as input a JSON like so: {"ips":["","",""]}.
BotSentry expects a JSON back in the following way: {"ips":[{"ip":"","blocked":true},{"ip":"","blocked":false}]}
For these examples, BotSentry acts as the following: will be blocked, will be allowed,
since the status is unclear of on this provider. It will send it to the next one (or to BotSentry's servers).
The links in the customProviders array, should start with either http:// or https://.

Plugin Publisher
Between this and the last update, the plugin ownership has been completely transferred to Lahuca Software Development. The development was already being done by them for over 3 years. Most customers will know them as Laurenshup. The company is registered in the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands.
Website: https://lahuca.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lahucasd
Facebook: https://facebook.com/lahucasd
Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/lahucasd
Discord: https://discord.gg/c3cDfqZ

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----------, Mar 16, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,429
First Release: Apr 30, 2018
Last Update: Jun 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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