⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity icon

⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity -----

» Blocking all booting sites and programs, most extensive API and good reputation!

Several bug-fixes and cool additions

- Added languages inside of BotSentry. Using the new /bs language subcommand, it is possible to download a new messages.yml of the given language. This is fully translated by amazing volunteers at: https://crowdin.com/project/botsentry. We are currently supporting: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish and Ukrainian. Later, more of them will be supported.
- Added an auto saver feature for the whitelist and blacklist. It automatically saves the lists every X minutes (configurable, by default 60 minutes).
- Added a configuration setting to only filter the console during attacks.

- The firewall blacklisting feature now fully works on all platforms again.
- Added better concurrency through all features.
- Fix for the dolly detection not fully working in specific cases.
- Fix for the warning that is being displayed since Minecraft 1.18.2
- Several other little cleanups that had minor impact on the overall health.

We now support the plugin from Minecraft version 1.8 all the way through 1.19 on the platforms: Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity, Sponge and their forks (e.g. Paper, Waterfall, Travertine, etc.).

If you are happy with our product, you can leave a review and join our discord server by clicking here
----------, Jun 12, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,429
First Release: Apr 30, 2018
Last Update: Jun 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
240 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
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