[+] Added the ability to add custom model data to the repair token (as well as the item being repaired)
Code (Text):
Repair1: #The name of the item (used in the give command)
item: NETHER_STAR #Must be a valid material (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html)
data: 0 #Used for further material data (Not needed for 1.13)
repairDurability: 10 #The amount that it will repair the items durability by
name: "&eRepair Token &7(Tier I)" #Items name
lore: #Lore of the item
- "&7Increase an items durability by"
- "&7Drag this item onto another to repair it!"
setGlow: true #Whether you want the item to have a glow
spawnParticles: true #Whether you want a helix to show
permission: "none" #Whether you want a permission for it to be useable
sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING # >>>> USE BLOCK_NOTE_PLING if on 1.12.2 !!! <<<< The sound to play, simply type NONE if you wish a sound not play
customModelData: 0 # 1.13 + Custom model data on the RepairToken itself
customModelDataOfItemBeingRepaired: 0 # 1.13 + Whether the item being repaired needs custom model data