GPFlags icon

GPFlags -----

GriefPrevention add-on to set flags in claims


GPFlags is a plugin to allow admins to set flags for GriefPrevention claims. Either a single claim or a global flag for all claims. It's similar to WorldGuard, but it's more performant, easier to use, and includes many more useful flags than WorldGuard does. It also doesn't require WorldEdit to run (unlike WorldGuard). Admins can also empower players to self-serve by giving them access to specific flags, which they can then only use on land claims they own.

- GriefPrevention
- McMMo
- Vault (Optional)
- MythicMobs (Optional)
- EliteMobs (Optional)

Commands and Permissions:
See WIKI for all available commands and permissions

I’d recommend giving your players the permissions gpflags.command.setclaimflag and gpflags.command.unsetclaimflag and gpflags.command.listclaimflags and gpflags.command.allflags. Then, go through the list of flags and decide which of those flags you want players to be able to set. Also, give to anyone who should be able to fly around in the world.

See WIKI for all available flags

All of the messages in the messages.yml can be edited to be custom for your server. If you would like we now have a FRENCH MESSAGES version now thanks to @arboriginal .... just download this one, unzip it and replace your current messages.yml found in the GPFlags folder.


Support is fastest and preferred in the Birdflop Discord. I can also provide support in the Spigot resource discussion page or in the GitHub issues page.

When requesting support, it’s really helpful that you show the output of /gpflags debug, explain what you expected to happen and what you actually observed happening, and provide clear steps on how I can reproduce the issue on my own server.

Development builds:
Development builds can be found at and in the support Discord. I recommend using them as they have bug fixes and new features.

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

See more stats here.

I appreciate all reviews, but I do ask that you keep them to the point of how this plugin operates. DO NOT use reviews to report bugs or ask for new features to be added. These will be ignored. Please use the correct channels to ask for new features or report bugs.

Note: Review replies made on comments before 5.10.0 were by the previous author Shane.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,366
First Release: Apr 17, 2018
Last Update: Feb 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
46 ratings
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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