Replace the <ID>in the above link with your bot Client ID, then press Enter:
Select your Discord server, then authorize the bot to join:
The Discord bot is now created and is a member of your Discord server.
Installation of TigerReportsSupports:
Stop your Spigot server.
Install the latest version of TigerReports plugin if you don't already have it.
Download and put TigerReportsSupports.jar file in the plugins folder of your server.
Launch your server.
If you have a
BungeeCord network, you can install this plugin:
on only 1 Spigot server (recommended):
You only need to edit 1 config.yml file to change settings of your Discord bot.
The bot is managed by only 1 Spigot server, that means that all your other Spigot servers don't consume their resources (CPU, RAM, ...) for the Discord bot.
The server where TigerReportsSupports is installed needs at least 1 player to receive BungeeCord notifications and then update the Discord bot. That means that the reports aren't displayed by the Discord bot if there is no player on the server where the plugin is installed.
on all your Spigot servers (not recommended):
You need to set
NotifyOnlyLocalReports setting to
yes in the
config.yml file of all your Spigot servers.
All reports will be displayed on Discord, whereas there is at least 1 player on the Spigot server or not.
All settings in config.yml file only concern the Spigot server where they are. That means that if you want to change a setting of your Discord bot, you will have to change the config.yml file of all your Spigot servers.
All your Spigot servers will use their resources (CPU, RAM, ...) to run the TigerReportsSupports plugin and therefore manage the Discord bot.
Setting up the Discord bot:
Open config.yml file in ../plugins/TigerReportsSupports folder.
Replace "false" to "true" for Discord: Enabled.
Copy the Discord bot Token from the web page of the bot (here if you closed it) by clicking on Copy button and put it for Discord: Token.
Go on your Discord server and right click on the text channel you want the bot to use and then click on "Copy the id":
Other way of getting the id: type the name of the
text channel you want the bot to use with a
"\" before, then copy it (highlighted below)
Put the channel ID (previously copied) in the config to Discord: Channel.
Type in a channel of your Discord server the reload command: /tigerreports reload.
That's it, the bot will now display all new reports in this channel.
You can change every message in
messages.yml file and then reload with the previous command.
The plugin can be configured in
config.yml file.
Enabled: Define if the Discord support is used.
Token: Define the Token of the Discord bot.
Channel: Define the channel used by the Discord bot.
Managers: Define users who can use the
/tigerreports command.
Remove the "none" and the "#" and replace
pseudo with the Discord name of an user.
ServerInfo: Display or not the server field in alerts.
Messages are by default in french but all can be modified in
messages.yml file.
Why ? Because I'm french I don't want the default messages of the plugin to have bad english but I nevertheless wrote a base of english below if you don't have the time/motivation to translate them by yourself.
They are updated after all new versions.
In order to make the Discord bot
tag(/mention) a Discord role, you can put
<@&ROLE_ID> in
messages.yml file with
ROLE_ID replaced by the id of the role that you can get by typing
\@ROLE_NAME in a Discord channel with
ROLE_NAME replaced by the name of the role.
Important: If you use Minecraft 1.8 or less, you must encode
messages.yml file with
ANSI, else you must encode it with
If messages are not changed, it means that you encoded with wrong format.
Also, you can't put a comment (#Message) at first line of the file. If you do it messages will simply not be implemented.
Update your messages: If you recently updated TigerReportsSupports to the latest version, you can update your messages (in
messages.yml file) with this online tool:
Basic messages:
There are currently 2 commands for the Discord bot:
/tigerreports reload: Reloads the config files (config.yml and messages.yml).
/tigerreports stop: Disconnect the bot.
Please respect my work respecting these directions:
Do not claim this plugin as yours.
Do not distribute or sell this plugin on this site or another, just redirect to this page.
Do not copy part or all of source code without quoting me and notifying me (MrTigreroux).
Do not post errors in the reviews section, please contact me directly instead.
And that's all, thank you for reading this page.
If you want to look at sources, the plugin is on
If you are french you can follow
@MrTigreroux on Twitter.
Please keep in mind that I made this plugin for free to help people who don't know how to create their own plugin, a good review is highly appreciated.