This update is for Spigot/Minecraft 1.17.1 - 1.20.2, and has been compiled with Java 17 and Spigot API 1.20.2.
Minor update which adds 2 new placeholders, some bug fixes and improvements - see change log for details.
Thanks to
Влад Грицишин (xlanyleeet) for the Ukranian translation.
Change Log
- remove JFrog artifactory from GitHub Actions as JFrog is no longer free
- remove max players limit of 65 when using the arena config menu
- bug fix - restore player health should not exceed value of max health
- enable Ukranian language
- add placeholders for count of spectators in arena and total spectators
- commandOnStop - this should run (for all players present) when the arena stops
- bug fix - fix npe when clicking empty slot in config menu
Anyone wishing to add a translation in their own language or suggest improvements to existing translations can visit
Please report any issues found either in the discussion pages, on GitHub or Discord -