TNTRun_reloaded | TNTRun for 1.13 - 1.21.4 | icon

TNTRun_reloaded | TNTRun for 1.13 - 1.21.4 | -----

Bungeecord | MySQL | Multi-Arena | Placeholders | PVP | Kits | Scoreboards | Leaderboard | Parties

Version 9.6 update
This update is for Spigot/Minecraft 1.13.2 to 1.16.4, and has been compiled with Spigot API 1.16.4.

This release includes the addition of a command whitelist for use in-game, and currency symbols and names can be added to money related messages.

Commands can be added to the whitelist by running /trsetup addtowhitelist <command>. For example, to allow players to run " /time set day" in-game
Code (YAML):
/trsetup addtowhitelist /time set day
Commands are added to the whitelist at your own risk. There is always a chance of the plugin breaking in unexpected ways due to players running non-TNTRun commands in-game.

Hard-coded references to the word " coins" have been replaced with 2 config options:
Code (YAML):
: ''
: ' coins'
For example, " 50 coins", can now be displayed as " £50" or " 50 EUR" or " 50" by specifying the prefix and suffix options. Strings in messages.yml affected by this change are:
Code (YAML):
playerboughtitem : '&7 You have bought item &6 {ITEM } &7for &6 {MONEY }'
: '&5Your balance is &6 {BAL }
: '&c You need {MONEY } to buy this item'
The output from commands /tr list and /tr listkits has changed slightly due to the code improvements. The headings now include a count of the number of arenas and kits available. These messages have been updated:
Code (YAML):
availablearenas : '&7 Available arenas : {COUNT }'
: '&7 Available kits : {COUNT }'
The output from /tr listrewards is now configurable/translatable with these additions to messages.yml
Code (YAML):
playerrewardmaterial : '&6 Material : &f'
: '&6 Command : &f'
: '&6 Money :   &f'
: '&6 XP :     &l  &f'

There is a new command /trsetup setlanguage which will eventually allow the messages.yml file to be switched between languages. This is still a work in progress and at the moment the only language file include with the plugin is the current default, UK English. Details on how you can contribute a translation in your own language using GitLocalize will follow.

Change Log
  • add ability to whitelist commands for use in-game
  • new command /trsetup addtowhitelist <command>
  • new language class to enable loading different language files
  • new /trsetup setlanguage command
  • typo in notenoughtmoney replaced with notenoughmoney in messages.yml
  • code improvements to tab completion
  • code improvements to /tr list and /tr listkits commands
  • the text in the output from /tr listrewards <arena> is now translatable
  • add currency formatting options to replace hard-coded references to "coins"

Please report any issues found either in the discussion pages, on GitHub or Discord -
----------, Nov 21, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 78,725
First Release: Feb 16, 2018
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
65 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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