TNTRun_reloaded | TNTRun for 1.13 - 1.21.4 | icon

TNTRun_reloaded | TNTRun for 1.13 - 1.21.4 | -----

Bungeecord | MySQL | Multi-Arena | Placeholders | PVP | Kits | Scoreboards | Leaderboard | Parties

Version 8.5 update
This update is for Spigot/Minecraft 1.13 and 1.14, and has been compiled with Spigot API 1.14.4.

This update adds the ability to set a join fee (or cost) on an arena. The cost can either be money (needing an economy plugin to be installed), or any valid Minecraft material.

To set the cost to join arena1 to 10, use the commmand " /trsetup setfee arena1 10". When a player joins the arena, his/her balance will be reduced by 10. If the player doesn't have the funds, he/she will not be able to join the arena.

If you want players to pay with Emeralds, use the command " /trsetup setcurrency arena1 emerald". A player will now need 10 emeralds in his/her inventory in order to join the arena. The currrency items are removed from the player's inventory on joining the arena.

The currency can be set to any valid item. To reset the currency back to money, use " /trsetup setcurrency arena1 -1".
To remove the fee for joing an arena, use the command " /trsetup setfee [arena-name] 0"

The fee and currency settings can be displayed using " /tr list [arean-name]", and are also displayed when hovering over the join gui items.

Change Log
  • add optional fee to join an arena (monetary or material)
  • add setfee and setcurrency commands
  • update join menu gui to display join fee and currency
  • format the balance display in shop gui to 2 decimal places
  • prevent ops running /tr join when already in an arena
  • validate /trsetup setdamge arguments correctly
  • fix the force start command breaking the voting system

Please report any issues found preferably on GitHub or Discord -
----------, Sep 28, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 78,725
First Release: Feb 16, 2018
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
65 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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