This update is for Spigot/Minecraft 1.13 and 1.14, and has been compiled with Spigot API 1.14.1.
Change Log
fix null pointer exception if Vault not installed when creating arena
fix string 'trprefix' not being updateable
add arena selection menu (from /tr join)
add permission 'tntrun.joinmenu'
make menu item configurable (default TNT)
make colour of glass pane in menu GUI configurable or "NONE" to leave blank
add menu title to messages.yml
new command to force-start arena (/tr start)
add permission 'tntrun.start' needed to force-start an arena
add 'start' to tab-completion
log player that force starts arena to console
add 'start {arena}' to console commands
update bstats to v1.5 for compatibility with MC1.14
add option to give players a configurable number of doublejumps at start - the number is reset at the start of each game (cannot be carried over) - doublejumps can still be purchased in the shop, but are not used if free jumps is enabled
the players doublejumps are now cached for better performance
fix feature where players could get more than the maximum doublejumps