Compiled and tested with
Spigot 1.13.2. This update is only for Minecraft 1.13+.
This is quite a big update with the addition of Kits and some new commands.
Kits are easily created with a single command based on your current inventory, and includes armor and any active potion effects. Kits can be enabled or disabled per arena. If Kits are enabled for a particular arena, then all players joining that arena will be allocated a random kit. See the main page for more info on Kits.
The number of votes needed to force-start an arena is shown in the 'waiting' scoreboard. The number automatically updates as each player votes. The number of votes required is calculated from the 'minplayers' and 'votepercent' settings for the arena. A single player cannot force-start an arena.
The bossbar colour can now be set to any valid colour or left to the default, which will generate a random colour each time the arena starts. The number of players needed to start is shown in the bossbar message which updates as players join or leave.
New Commands (with tab complete)
/trsetup addkit [kitname]
/trsetup deletekit [kitname]
/trsetup setbarcolor [color]
/tr listkits
/tr listkit [kitname]
/tr leaderboard [number-of-entries-to-display]
There are updates to the following config files:
config.yml - votes needed added to scoreboard
messages.yml - new kit messages
configbars.yml - updated 'waiting' message
It is recommended to rename/copy your existing files before updating, then re-appy your customizations.
Change log:
- new updates to WorldEdit 7.0 mean selection code has been updated - vectors to blockvector3 meaning requires minimum WorldEdit 7.0.0 build #3933-4e4ed6c
- add option to leaderboard command to display specific number of entries, for example "/tr leaderboard 10" to display the top 10.
- add PVP/damage setting to "/tr list arena" output
- add if kits are enabled or disabled to "/tr list arena" output
- add votes needed to force-start arena to the scoreboard
- add command to choose bossbar colour, e.g. "/trsetup setbarcolor GREEN", default is RANDOM.
- change to config.yml - add votes needed to scoreboard
- change default waiting message in bars.yml to be more informative - show number of players required to start
- move addkit and deletekit out of structure manager as they not liked to an arena
- fix unregister kit not deleting kit from config
- moved Kits class from arena.structure to a kits package
- standardised the "kit added", and "kit deleted" messages
- validate kit exists before adding/deleting
- new command /tr listkit [kit] to list the available kits or the contents of the specified kit
- update tab complete and help for commands addkit, deletekit and listkit
- kits - remove potion effects before fireworks at end
- standardise colour format for listkit and list arenas output
- add leave item in slot9 when using kits
- some small bug fixes
- remove armor_contents from Kit object as its already included in inventory contents (since 1.9!)