PunishmentGUI - LiteBansGUI, AdvancedBan & More (1.8-1.21.x+) | Fully Customizable icon

PunishmentGUI - LiteBansGUI, AdvancedBan & More (1.8-1.21.x+) | Fully Customizable -----

A spigot PunishmentGUI plugin, completely configurable, unlimited items and menus!

Version: 1.1.7
Overall, It's a nice plugin. Now you may wander, why is it rated 1 start by me then?

Here's the explanation:

I wanted to use this plugin on my bungeecord, but that couldn't have been possible, as the commands run through the spigot servers itself, and the advancedbans for bungee is on proxy online, so the support team advised me to install advancedban on every spigot server and connect them using MySQL, and to also remove advancedban from the proxy.

I asked about the advancedban's staff team about this, and they said that it should not be done, as MySQL is a DATABASE, not a method of synchronization between servers, MySQL is meant to store data in it, and access it later, while the staff member at BDHDDevelopment advised me to use it for connecting the servers.

I finally invited the staff member(s) of advanced ban to BDHDDevelopment's server, so that they could discuss the issue. After that, a few minutes later of discussion, the staff member at BDHDDevelopment banned the staff member of AdvancedBan (Leoko.dev team).

This was a very rude action, that was taken by the staff team at BDHDDevelopment, Finally, I would not recommend you to use this plugin, due to the support team providing solutions that could lead to corruption of the data of other plugins etc.

An image is attached below for reference:


Version: 1.1.7
I'll tell you, this is the BEST, and yes, I mean it, This is the BEST PunishmentGUI plugin! I've seen and tested a lot of them, but this is the one I still use. It is highly customizable, as mentioned above in the page, it has infinite GUI's, which is highly useful, for a network that I own.

To the author: Please keep developing such cool plugins! Highly appreciated, this is one of the best creation by BGHD Development, And you gotta agree!

Version: 1.1.6
Dose it have support for bungee cord? but great plugin. Just i need to do some configuration for ab as the tempban command is /tempban (time here) NOT /ban (time here blank for perm) as -s to be silent goes first not last!
Author's response
You would need to have this and your punishment plugin on every server in your bungee network. The punishment plugin would need to be connected via MySQL to sync. Sadly bungee does not have GUI support standalone

Version: 1.1.6
This is the best pick for a punishment/ban GUI plugin. I would 100% recommend it, it has SO MUCH customizability!

But, can you add Staff++ compatibility? It is a must-have staff plugin and this is a must-have banning GUI plugin so this plugin would be Perfect+ if you would add support for Staff++

Anyways hope you have the time and motivation to develop this plugin, and all of your plugins, I love them, keep up with them!
Author's response
I don't know Staff++ myself but you should be able to use this along with that without issue. All aspects of this can be changed in the config :)

Version: 1.1.6
Very good, a plugin for your staff and avoid the work of sanctions that record it with this and you will forget that
Author's response

Version: 1.1.6
I haven't tried the plugin yet, but i'm sure i'll love it! Just by seeing the screenshots, i already know it's perfect for my 1.8.8 practice server!
Author's response

Version: 1.1.5
Absolutely wonderful plugin! Super customizable, super useful, super easy. Works great in 1.19.2, incredibly easy to set up and configure!
Author's response

Version: 1.1.4
No more words for this plugin
Bad plugin
Don't download
Doesn't work!
Author's response
Please reach out on Discord or GitHub for support. Reviews are not the place for random messages.

Version: 1.1.0
good plugin but im getting a gui bug i think im using defult config but look like this

Author's response
Default config is 1.8 change depending on your server version.

Version: 1.1.0
Easy configrer. I was able to make a totaly custom punishment system and get how I wanted. PERFECT
Author's response

Version: 1.1.0
Hello. This plugin is amazing, but im having problem with the ip ban, it just says unknown command.

Version: 1.0.7
I like it but the only reason I can't use it is it doesn't have a litebans history menu. Adding that would be amazing
Author's response
We don't directly hook into API's so we can't pull that data. If your preferred punishment plugins allows that information to be pulled via placeholders, all PlaceholderAPI placeholders work in the menu.

Version: 1.0.5
So it can fit in AdvancedBan?
It's good though.
Author's response

Version: 1.0.5
Fix your plugin. It literally tells you how.
Put api-version: 1.13 in your plugin.yml.
Do it.
Fix your plugin, and it's errors.
I just told you how. Thanks.
Author's response
If you have an issue report it the correct way. We have to support 1.7-1.13 so adding api versions for 1.13+ won’t really work and break items on older versions. Trust me we tried that already and it caused issues. That is also just a warning not an error so it can be ignored.

Version: 1.0.3
Very fantastic plgin, but i have a question, is it this plugin for the bungeecord?
Author's response
No you must use it on each server then connect your punishment handler on each server with a database to sync punishments.

Version: 1.0.3
Just missing one important feature. The ability to bring up the UI without having to select the player. Just a simple, /punish or /pg (punish gui). Or something like that. Overall though, nice plugin!
Author's response
I mean there is no reason to do that but put it on our feedback site if you want something like that.

Version: 1.0.2
I reccomend this plugin. Its really useful when you want yours admins learn how simply ban someone.
Author's response

Version: 1.0.2
Easy to configure, and it works like it's supposed to. Defo recommend to download!
Author's response

Version: 1.0.2
Great Plugin, very customisable, multi page support and custom commands. I really enjoyed using this plugin along with litebans.
Author's response

Version: 1.0.2
i really like this plugin because it makes banning players easy on my moderators!
Or moderating the chat depending on what type.
Author's response

Version: 1.0.2
Good plugin, I wish you could place objects with your ID, or put the object data.
Author's response
Data is there, change the durability value of the item

Version: 1.0.1
The plugin is amazing, but how do I unban people?, because I wanna test it without letting the user pbanned.
Author's response
Use the unban command of your punishment handler. This plugin just runs the commands of the punishment handler you set in the settings.yml

Version: 1.0.1
this plugin is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, mainly because you can customize it yourself!

Love it!
Author's response
Why give it 4 stars then lol

Version: 1.0.1
Hmmm... firenet you can customize it actually :/

This plugin is boom!
thanks dev
Author's response

Version: 1.0.0
Does this plugin work for bungeecord?

Author's response
It says on the wiki how to setup cross server stuff based on your punishment plugin

Version: 0.0.7
Great plugin!! Does this one have a Punishment History? Other than that it's the best one so far!
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
Muy buen plugin, lastima que no soy muy bueno configurando. Exelentew plugin 100% recomendado
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
This plugin is awesome! Just wondering though, can I submit a config preset for UltimateModeration? (songoda)

Author's response
You can on the github

Version: 0.0.7
buen plugin muy bueno ayuda bastante se puede configurar todo y cambiar todo casi gracias gran trabajo
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
Pros: Gui, severity punishment, easy to use / clear.

Cons: Terrible punish reason. This is not a very useful plugin for a bigger / professional server. If you are to punish someone lets say for a custom reason. You can't. If someone is to appeal there punishment and ask for their reason, their reason will be either: Spam, advertisement, Abuse/harassment, hackusations, etc. Not only will the staff have no clue what their actual punishment reason is, but at the same time this ruins the entire purpose of punishment reason.

Tl:Dr, add punishment reason instead of premade possible reason of your punishment.
Author's response
You can change it in the configs.....

Version: 0.0.7
This is the best plugin for GUI banners. I have found so many 'GUI Banners' that don't work. Amazing plugin.
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
I absolutely love this plugin and would highly recommend it to anyone who owns a server! Keep up the work Noodles :)
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
Very nice plugin also a popular youtuber named JuckSucksAtStuff is using your plugin just so you know!

Version: 0.0.7
Great plugin! Thanks for your work!
Great plugin! Thanks for your work!
Great plugin! Thanks for your work!
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
Could you please add 1.7 support i co own a 1.7-1.15 bungee server and this plugin would be benefical
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
Nice plugin! Thanks for creating!
Nice plugin! Thanks for creating!
Nice plugin! Thanks for creating!
Author's response

Version: 0.0.7
When you make Screenshots make without texturepack thanks ;), because that's doesn't look really nice,
Author's response
Not a reason for review

Version: 0.0.7
> [12:38:14 INFO]: *********************************************************************
> [12:38:14 INFO]: [WARNING] PunishmentGUI is outdated!
> [12:38:14 INFO]: [WARNING] Newest version: 0.0.6
> [12:38:14 INFO]: [WARNING] Your version: 0.0.7
> [12:38:14 INFO]: [WARNING] Please Update Here: https://spigotmc.org/resources/52072
> [12:38:14 INFO]: *********************************************************************
Just downloaded the plugin, tells me it's outdated..
Author's response
Do not leave reviews for support, contact us on discord so we can look into it.

Version: 0.0.5
It's very good but how do you do silent and non silent bans and mutes and warnins
Author's response
Change the command in the config for your preference

Version: 0.0.5
I love this plugin! It works really well with LiteBans and its perfect for a 1.15 server =)
Author's response

Version: 0.0.4
It's perfect.
Is there a way to put 2 commands to execute in the same time? Like, to add a second command to execute when you click on an item.
If it isn't possbile rn, it can be?
If it is possible, how?
Author's response
Currently no, please suggest on https://feedback.bghddevelopment.com

Or you can code it yourself if you don’t want to wait:

Version: 0.0.4
Great plugin i really enjoy it but can u make an custom reason feature? This will help me a lot.

Version: 0.0.2
Thank you so much for this plugin! I love it, it is clear and as every punishment in it. Keep up the good work!
Author's response

Version: 3.1
Great. Easy to use! Perfect for any kind of server. Helps to see banning reason preview. LOVE IT
Author's response

Version: 3.1
This plugin is a great idea. However; I am disappointed to see that you can't create your own completely custom GUIs, it has to be in the format provided.
Author's response
This is not the place to suggest features. https://bghddevelopment.com/discord

You can change the layout, items, etc just can not add more items. Everything else can be changed. The plugin is also open source so you can feel free to add any more you want that way as well.

Version: 3.1
The best LiteBansGUI plugin. The most popular plugin! the amazing plugin. nice works!
Author's response

Version: 3.0
Good!Great plugin,I want more people to experience,can i advertise this to a Chinese minecraft forum MCBBS?
Author's response
Thanks, No reuploading.

Version: 2.8
This plugin is just what I've been looking for and more. The only problem I have with it is that you have to manually add more permissions. I think that this should just be consistent with the Litebans permissions because it just makes it easier. But amazing plugin!
Author's response
Only perm needed is punish.use and litebans perms.

Version: 2.8
This is a very good plugin! Can you make this plugin also for buneecord? I really like if you gonna do this! then it is easyer to ban people over a bungeecord network
Author's response
Dont ask for things in reviews:
LiteBans & LiteBansGUI Cross Server - Tutorial/Overview https://youtu.be/R6gsL-uEMrI

Version: 1.5
ive always loved this plugin, however the latest version makes it so players and admins are unable to move items in their inventories even while the gui is closed
Author's response
Hotfix coming tonight

Version: 1.3
Great plugin!

Please add it so if you have permission litebans.gui.serv1 (something like that) you only have perms for severity 1! <3
Author's response
Put the litebans perms for the items in the gui based on the command you have set.

Version: 1.1
Very good, customisable plugin. Worth getting on a server. Is it possible to clear history of players data or remove warnings before expirary. Greta plugin
Author's response

Version: 1.1
I give you 5 stars but I have a question what would be the permission for the moderators helpers and administrators? I'm waiting for an answer
Author's response
On plugin page punish.use for the menu, all others is litebans perms.

Version: 1.1
Hello! I love but does it work with bungeecord? I put litebans in my bungeecord server and was wondering if this would work with it. Thanks
Author's response
Dont ask for support in reviews
We can help you there

Version: 1.1
Fantastic plugin! I love the customizable feature of this plugin. It also saves me a lot of time creating a new gui (deluxemenus). Now with the source of this plugin provided! I can just update it to 1.13 so I can use it on my own server properly!
Author's response

Version: 1.0
Its a Great plugin i would use the plugins in other server i own i would recommend it
Author's response

Version: 1.0
Super Handy!

I love how basic it is to set up, yet there is so much possibility with this plugin. Very well designed, well thought out, and well advertised.
Author's response

Version: 1.0
Author's response

Version: 1.0
Great Plugin! I Recommend it!
But How do you punish players who are currently punished.
Author's response
To unpunish use litebans commands

Version: 1.0
maybe you can add an option where you can choose which reason they will get banned for if you perm mute/ban or warn someone
Author's response
Found in banreasons.yml

Version: 0.16
Very good plugin! But there is no function to edit the ban legth by yourself.
Maybe add that.
Author's response
You can in the banreason.yml

Version: 0.16
Got some issues on 1.12 at the start, but was resolved fast!
Would suggest to anyone using Litebans.
Author's response

Version: 0.13
Hey Amazing plugin but could you add a way to change what the command does. for example Serverity one Mutes people for 1 Hour can I change it to an IpMute?
Author's response
Right now you can edit the source to do this, if you want I could add a IPMute item. Just dm me if you want this

Version: 0.13
Maybe you for the next update you can make it possible to use this for your Bungeecord.... or make another plugin Named "LiteBansGUIBUngee" it should be nice if you can make this.
Author's response
Next time dont leave a review with lower stars to suggest something.

1. GUI’s dont work with bungee so its not possible.

2. You can put my plugin and litebans on every server and not bungee. Connect litebans to the same database and it works the same. My plugin works if you do that to.

Version: 0.12
Amazing plugin and developer!:D
Only one think, can i add more items?

Version: 0.11
Had a problem with a 0.10. Asked for support and after 2 minutes the developer immediately comes with a bug fix! Awesome plugin, works like a charm! Keep going with this awesome work!
Author's response

Version: 0.9
add me on discord undiscussed#9314 the discord link dont work, thanks for making good plugin
Author's response

Version: 0.8
Great plugin but I have one request that would make this plugin really stand out from the crowd. Could you add a history feature. It would basically log the punishment type serverity, staff member, reason etc at the bottom of the gui. MySQL support for this feature would be exceptional.
Author's response

Version: 0.7
Best support on minecraft, helped me create my own style of litebansgui also. I just love it how there is no errors, and even if there is, he will fix it fast. 5 stars, gg.
Author's response

Version: 0.5
seems good but can it be used with advancedban aswell? i perfer that one over litebans
Author's response
Right now only litebans, thanks

Version: 0.5
Very nice plugin, but please can you add MySQL support as I use bungee? Thanks .
Author's response
If you have this plugin and litebans on every server then connect litebans to mysql it will work fine.

Version: 0.3
Awesome plugin, Very satisfied but also disappointed that you can't remove one an item in the gui, But other than that it's very good.
Author's response
I will see if I can add that to the next update

Version: 0.2
Good plugin! I really love it, but I wish it was easyer to edit things. Like data.yml file and the setup would be

NAME: 'Ban'
LORE: 'Ban {player}'
SLOT: **Number you want**
COMMAND: ban {player} git gud
Author's response
Well everything can be configed, all commands and reasons are in banreasons.yml
And the gui items are in guiitems.yml

I can not make it that much easier sadly

Version: 0.2
Excellent complement! I would love it if you could add bungeecord mode, since the litebans I have it Connected to the bungeecord, thanks for the complemente!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, the plugin should work fine if you have litebans on each server connected through mysql (that makes ban sync) and that works fine.

Version: 0.1
Can you add this:

/punish (Player) (Reason)

I will give an example:

/punish Verbramd Hacking

in a special file "Reasons" you can set the penalties for that particular violation, you can add reasons yourself in config.

for the rest, top plugin!
Author's response
I will see what I can do to add something like that, right now all reasons are set in banreasons.yml
But I will work on your request

Version: 0.1
Nice :)
but how to unban or unmute any player ?
And Never give up
Author's response
All unbans and unmutes are done through litebans like normal

Version: 0.1
Nice plugin, <3 5 Stars GG! ---------------------------------------------------
Author's response

Version: 0.1
Nice plugin, Really easy to use gui, I love it thx <3 .
Author's response

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48,549
First Release: Jan 15, 2018
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
72 ratings
Find more info at punishmentgui.bghddevelopment.com...
Version -----
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