Overall, It's a nice plugin. Now you may wander, why is it rated 1 start by me then?
Here's the explanation:
I wanted to use this plugin on my bungeecord, but that couldn't have been possible, as the commands run through the spigot servers itself, and the advancedbans for bungee is on proxy online, so the support team advised me to install advancedban on every spigot server and connect them using MySQL, and to also remove advancedban from the proxy.
I asked about the advancedban's staff team about this, and they said that it should not be done, as MySQL is a DATABASE, not a method of synchronization between servers, MySQL is meant to store data in it, and access it later, while the staff member at BDHDDevelopment advised me to use it for connecting the servers.
I finally invited the staff member(s) of advanced ban to BDHDDevelopment's server, so that they could discuss the issue. After that, a few minutes later of discussion, the staff member at BDHDDevelopment banned the staff member of AdvancedBan (Leoko.dev team).
This was a very rude action, that was taken by the staff team at BDHDDevelopment, Finally, I would not recommend you to use this plugin, due to the support team providing solutions that could lead to corruption of the data of other plugins etc.
An image is attached below for reference: