IT IS RECOMMENDED TO RESET settings.yml and add these values to config.yml and messages.yml respectivaly
Code (Text):
#If this is false the player will leave kitpvp when they change world
#BungeeMode needs to be false to it works
DisableWorldLeaveKitPvPEvent: false
Code (Text):
KillStreakLostBroadcast: '&e%player% lost a KillStreak of &c%killstreak% &6Kills &eto %killer%!'
Added prefixed levels! You now can give a prefix that you can configure to a player. by default you can add prefix up to level 100 but you add more level entries on settings.yml and make infinite prefixes! Placeholder: %kp-pvp_player_levelprefix%
PS: By default it does not display in any place! You need to use the placeholder in the chat/tab or any other plugin you want the prefix to be displayed
Now when you change world the plugin takes out you off kitpvp if you are on it. (Only works if bungeemode is disabled and you can toggle this in config, enabled by default)
Added a message that is broadcasted when a player is killed and his streak is greater than 3
Fixed some internal plugin stuff that fixed some bugs