This is the last update of the plugin because it reached its peak and i don't want to continue this project because i will go to focus on study.
If it have a critical bugs i will fix it but no more than that.
I Want to make the last update special so i added many things.
If you want to add something by yourself you can download the source and edit anything you want.
You need to reset your KP-PVP folder in order to update Changelog
Added 5 new kits [Camel, Viking, Poseidon, Resouper, Confuser]
Added all these 5 kits to the shop
Fixed a bug with the vampire kit
Now players don't be able to use fisherman kit in players that don't have selected a kit
Added some messages to message.yml
Changed the items of some kits to make it more balanced
Now the cooldown of Timelord Kit is configurable
Added a new command (/kpkickall) - Its forces all players to leave the kitpvp
Made some improvements to the code