Trails | Proper roads on your server icon

Trails | Proper roads on your server -----

Create trails on commonly traveled routes! Towny, WorldGuard, Lands Support!

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Trails is a great RPG plugin that works on the premise that, in the real world, walking wears down trails and paths from dirt to stone, eventually. Trails aims to add this element to Minecraft by automatically creating paths and roads based on the use of a trail. The trail contents and wear passes are fully configurable, unlocking the possibilities for a number of different trails or uses on your server. Players may toggle their trails off and on.

The plugin even has
support to add extra control over where paths can form!

(Example Use)

To create paths you need to define a trail link. There are two by default. Link defines upgrade levels of the path which may vary in required amount of steps to advance, chance to progress and speed bost given to the player who walks on the path. Here is example of trail link:

GRASS_BLOCK:5:100:1.0 > DIRT:5:100:1.1 > COARSE_DIRT:7:30:1.2

This is translated as a GRASS_BLOCK block will degrade into DIRT block after 5 steps with a chance of 100% to increment step amount every time. The last number represents speed boost, like 1.1 means speed will be 110% of base walk speed. Then DIRT block will degrade into COARSE_DIRT and etc.

Speed boost
Path blocks can give speed boost to the player who walks on them. In order to reduce stutter I decided to change speed gradually. However, you can change it in config by increasing speed-boost-step value.

There are of course blocks of the same material as defined trails in the world, so ones which appeared due to plugin's mechanic are marked and speed boost is applied only on them (by default). You can disable option speed-boost-only-trails which will give boost on any block with the same material.

Trail tools
To create tools you can use trail tool which is iron shovel by default. To use it you need to have trails.trail-tool permission. To bypass protection while using this tool you can give trails.trail-tool.bypass-protection permission.

To check trail progress you can use trail info tool which is stick by default. To use it you need to have permission. It was created for testing purposes.

Trails has support for the following plugins:

Towny integration now works two ways. If 'PathsInWilderness' is set to true, then players will create paths in the Wilderness unless individually toggled off. If TownyPathsPerm is set to true, players with "" will create paths anywhere in their hometown, and players with "trails.towny.nation" will create paths anywhere in their nation. Recommend setting these in Towny config permissions for Assistant, or create your own resident type "TrailMaker" and add perms to that. If TownyPathsPerm is set to false, any player in their home town or nation will create trails in their own town or nation unless they have trails individually toggled off. Players will never create trails in towns that aren't their own town or in their Nation.

WorldGuard is automatically detected. Regions with the Trails flag set to false will be protected from trails. Trails flag is trails-flag. Setting "checkBypass: 'true'" will allow OPs to use trails anywhere regardless of Region settings.

Lands settings affect the Role Flag. Setting PathsInWilderness: 'true' will always allow paths in wilderness. Setting ApplyInSubAreas: 'true' cause the flag to also be applied in Sub Areas, not just the individual area you have toggled it on in. (Whole Towns/Lands versus individual plots)

GriefPrevention is automatically detected. If it is found, players must have Build permission to build in a claim. If 'PathsInWilderness' is set to true, then players will create paths in the Wilderness unless individually toggled off.

Trails will create rollback data when blocks change using Trails.

Trails will not be created if a player has no build permission.

Trails will not be created if a player has no build permission.

Trails will not be created if a player has no build permission.

Trails will create rollback data when blocks change using Trails.

%trails_toggled_on% - Gives "true" or "false"

Visit here for the most up to date config options.​
All config options are described in the config file.

Perms and Commands
The plugin comes with one command, /trails. This command can be changed in the language file starting in version 1.0.

/trails - Toggles your trails on/off
Permission: trails.toggle
/trails <username> - Toggles another player's trails for them
Permission: trails.other
/trails show [radius] - Shows trails blocks

description: Toggles trails on/off
default: true
description: Toggles another player's trails on/off
default: true
description: Allows using /trails show command
default: false
description: Toggles a player's boost on/off
default: false
description: Allows using trail tool
default: false
description: Allows using info tool
default: false
description: Can assign to Town roles to allow them to make trails (Enable TownyPathsPerms in config)
default: false
description: Can assign to Nation roles to allow them to make trails (Enable TownyPathsPerms in config)
default: false

Default Language File
Visit here for the most up to date language files. If you create a language file for another language, please send it to me so I may include it in future versions!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,054
First Release: Nov 24, 2017
Last Update: Apr 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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