ParticleGrenades REQUIRES ParticleProjectileApi:
WorldGuard for region protection flags
Particle Grenades is a plugin designed to allow servers to craft custom grenades that explode with custom particles projectiles that apply effects to entities. These grenades are highly configurable via a configuration file. This config file allows the editor to set almost everything about the grenade. Once a player crafts a custom particle grenade, all they need to do to launch it is to drop it whilst sneaking, as long as they have the correct permission node. This will in turn fire the dropped grenade in the direction the player was looking and will proceed to explode after its timer has expired. There can be multiple grenades with multiple effects in the config as well, thus allowing a whole host of fun and exciting options!
- Have multiple grenades
- Different particles (Some can be colored)!
(0.3.4 adds the ability for grenades to have multiple particles)
- Different sounds for explosions
- Each grenade requires a permission node
particlegrenade.use.<node> (Look at configuration below for help)
- Multiple effects
- Colored smoke trails
- Give command
(Requires permission node)
- Grenades push entities when exploding
- Custom crafting recipes
- Custom display name and lore for grenades
- Color code support for display names and lore
- Optional and highly configurable block damage
- Crafted grenades can be placed as custom tnt blocks! (Since 0.3.4+)
- Grenades can be used with dispensers! (Since 0.3.4+)
- Highly configurable
- WorldGuard Support!
- /pgreload
Reloads the config.yml to update changes and change recipes on the fly
Requires the permission particlegrenades.reload
- /pglist
Lists availble grenades to that player if they can use commands to give
Requires the permission particlegrenades.list
- /pggive <grenade> [amount]
Allows players with proper permissions to give specified amount of grenade to themselves
Requires the permission particlegrenades.give.<internal name>
(Internal name is found in config)
- /pgspawn <grenade> <x> <y> <z>
Spawns the specified grenade at the chosen coordinates
Version 0.3.3 and earlier:
Code (Text):
# List of all ingredients (Materials), effects, particles, and sounds can be found in the auto-generated materials.txt, effects.txt, particles.txt, and sounds.txt
# All times are in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
# Colorable particle types: REDSTONE, SPELL_MOB, and SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT
# Internal name of grenade and permission ('particlegrenades.use.default' and 'particlegrenades.give.default')
# Name that will be displayed on the crafted item
name: '&4&lGrenade'
# Each line will be a line of lore on the item
- '&6A throwable explosive'
- '&6Warning: &cContains Explosives!'
# How far the grenade is thrown
distance: 1.5
# Sound of explosion
# Type of sound
# Volume of the sound
volume: 4.0
# Pitch of the sound
pitch: 0.8
# Settings for particles
# Explosion particles
# List of materials affected by the explosion
# A question mark '?' can be used as a wildcard
# Using 'RED?' will include 'REDSTONE' but not 'POWERED_RAILS'
# Using '?RED' will not include 'REDSTONE' or 'POWERED_RAILS'
# Using '?RED?' will include everything with 'RED' in its name
# Using '?' will include all blocks
# When a particle hits a block...
# Break it naturally IE item drops if applicable
- ?LOG
# Destroy it by completely removing it
# When a particle passes through a block...
# Break it naturally IE item drops if applicable
# Destroy it by completely removing it
# Do nothing but still go through the block
# Number of actual projectiles generated (Higher numbers requires more server resources)
fragments: 256
# How much damage a particle deals to an entity (1.0 = half heart, can be 0)
damage: 1.0
# Velocity of the explosion particles (In meters per second, 1 block = 3 meters)
velocity: 512.0
# Time the particle has to exist (seconds) before disappearing
lifespan: 0.125
# Force multiplier of the explosion
force: 1.0
# Size of the hitbox for particles
hitbox: 0.2
# Explosion particle type
particle: LAVA
# Explosion color (If applicable)
# Amount of red (0 - 255)
red: 127
# Amount of green (0 - 255)
green: 127
# Amount of blue (0 - 255)
blue: 0
# Amount of red (0 - 255)
red: 127
# Amount of green (0 - 255)
green: 127
# Amount of blue (0 - 255)
blue: 127
# Smoke trail particles
# Is smoke enabled?
enabled: true
# Smoke color
# Amount of red (0 - 255)
red: 127
# Amount of green (0 - 255)
green: 127
# Amount of blue (0 - 255)
blue: 127
# Ticks before the grenade explodes
fuse: 100
# Time before player is able to throw another of this grenade
cooldown: 60
# Potion effects to apply to entities hit by particles
# Potion effect
# Multiplier
amplifier: 1
# Duration in ticks
duration: 60
# Recipe for the grenade
# Amount of grenades the recipe gives
amount: 1
# Ingredients needed, the first ingredient listed will be 'a' the second 'b', third 'c', and so on (Max of nine ingredients)
# Crafting grid using above ingredients letters (Each line may contain up to three different letters and there may only be one to three lines)
- cac
- aba
- cac
Version 0.3.4+
Code (Text):
# List of all ingredients (Materials), effects, particles, and sounds can be found in the auto-generated materials.txt, effects.txt, particles.txt, and sounds.txt
# All times are in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
# Colorable particle types: REDSTONE, SPELL_MOB, and SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT
# Internal name of grenade and permission ('particlegrenades.use.default' and 'particlegrenades.give.default')
# Name that will be displayed on the crafted item
name: '&4&lGrenade'
# Each line will be a line of lore on the item
- '&6A throwable explosive'
- '&6Warning: &cContains Explosives!'
# How far the grenade is thrown
distance: 1.5
# Ticks before the grenade explodes
fuse: 100
# Should the grenade explode when a player/mob gets to close?
proximity: false
# If so how close do they need to be?
radius: 2.0
# Should it explode upon hitting something?
impact: false
# Time before player is able to throw another of this grenade (In ticks)
cooldown: 60
# Sound of explosion
# Format <sound>:<volume>:<pitch>
sound: entity.generic.explode:10.0:0.5
# Potion effects to apply to entities hit by particles
#List of effects with format of <effect>:<amplifier>:<duration in ticks>
- weakness:1:60
- slowness:1:60
# Settings for particles
# Explosion particles
# List of materials affected by the explosion
# A question mark '?' can be used as a wildcard
# Using 'RED?' will include 'REDSTONE' but not 'POWERED_RAILS'
# Using '?RED' will not include 'REDSTONE' or 'POWERED_RAILS'
# Using '?RED?' will include everything with 'RED' in its name
# Using '?' will include all blocks
# Other available placeholders include:
# 'burnable' (Includes all blocks that can burn away
# 'flammable' (Includes all blocks that can catch fire)
# 'logs', 'leaves' , 'planks' (Are self-explanatory as they include every type they describe)
# a hyphen ('-') can be used to negate a certain block/placeholder such as '-logs' will not include any logs
# Adding %<#> to the end of a query can add a chance for that material to be effected such as 'stone%10' will add
# a 10 percent chance for stone to be effected
# When a particle hits a block...
# Break it naturally IE item drops if applicable
- leaves
- ?stone?
- diorite
- andesite
- granite
- dirt
- grass_block
- logs
# Converts from one set of blocks to another at random
# '?,-logs:air%10' will convert all blocks except logs to air with a 10 percent chance of becoming air
- grass_block:dirt
- dirt:gravel
- gravel:sand
- sand:air%50
# Destroy it by completely removing it
- ?glass%90
# Throw the block
- sand
# When a particle passes through a block...
# Break it naturally IE item drops if applicable
- leaves
- ?grass
# Convert randomly to one of the following blocks
convert: []
# Destroy it by completely removing it
- ?glass?
# Do nothing but still go through the block (Can still be thrown)
- water
# Number of actual projectiles generated (Higher numbers requires more server resources)
# (Going higher than 10000 can potentially cause severe server lag)
fragments: 512
# How much damage a particle deals to an entity (1.0 = half heart, can be 0)
damage: 1.0
# Velocity of the explosion particles (In meters per second, 1 block = 3 meters)
velocity: 2048.0
# Time the particle has to exist (seconds) before disappearing
lifespan: 0.5
# Force multiplier of the explosion (Knockback effect upon hitting an entity)
force: 1.0
# Size of the hitbox for particles
hitbox: 0.2
# Explosion particle type
# Can use percentages
- lava%50
- flame
# Explosion color as a hexadecimal value (If applicable to any particles)
from: 7f7f00
to: 7f7f7f
# Smoke trail particles
# Is smoke enabled?
enabled: true
# Smoke color
color: 7f7f7f
# Recipe for the grenade
# Amount of grenades the recipe gives
amount: 1
# Ingredients needed, the first ingredient listed will be 'a' the second 'b', third 'c', and so on (Max of nine ingredients)
# the first item on the list is represented be the letter a, b for second and so forth. An empty space can be the letter after the last item
- iron_ingot
- gunpowder
# Crafting grid using above ingredients letters (Each line may contain up to three different letters and there may only be one to three lines)
- cac
- aba
- cac
ParticleGrenades in Action
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