This Update is for 1.7-1.12 Servers. Backup your halloween World if necessary!
This version contains most of the changes of the 3.x version for Spigot 1.7-1.12.
If you find a problem, please send me a message!
(I hope I made no big mistakes... )
+ The command /mhp setWarpWG [Arena] to create the warp location for the WitchGame.
+ The command /mhp delWarpWG [Arena] to delete the warp location of the WitchGame.
+ The command /mhp warpWG to teleport a player to the WitchGame warp location.
+ The Messages.yml message "Message.22" ("You have changed the Warp of the arena &e[ARENA]&6.").
+ The Messages.yml message "Message.23"("You have deleted the Warp of the arena &e[ARENA]&6.").
+ The Messages.yml message "Message.24"("The arena &e[ARENA]&6 does not have a Warp location.").
+ The Messages.yml message "HelpText.16"("This command is changing the WitchGame Warp location."").
+ The Messages.yml message "HelpText.17"("This command is deleting the WitchGame Warp location.").
+ The Messages.yml message "HelpText.18"("This command teleports you to the WitchGame.").
+ The Config.yml option "Scarecrows.FakeFire" to replace the fire with "fake" fire blocks.
+ The Config.yml option "Scarecrows.DisableBlockDamage", that prevents the blockschden through all explosions. (Since there is probably a problem with Worldguard in the latest version.).
+ The new 1.13 mobs were added to the Scarecrow effects.
+ The Config.yml Option "Sounds.Volume" to change the value of all MHP sounds.
+ The Config.yml Option "Sounds.Pitch" to change the value of all MHP sounds.
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.TurtleCreepe" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "TurtleCreepe".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.TurtleDrowned" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "TurtleDrowned".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.PhantomCreeper" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "PhantomCreeper".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.PhantomZombie" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "PhantomZombie".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.PhantomSkeleton" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "PhantomSkeleton".
+ Weather options for the HalloweenWorld.
+ The Config.yml option "MysteriousHalloweenPlusWorld.FreezeWeather.Enabled" to freeze the Weather in the HalloweenWorld.
+ The Config.yml option "MysteriousHalloweenPlusWorld.FreezeWeather.Type" to set the weather type (Valied Options are "CLEAR" and "DOWNFALL")
+ Random Lightnings.
+ The Config.yml option "RandomLightning.Enabled" to enable the random lightning effect.
+ The Config.yml option "RandomLightning.Time" to set the time for the random lightning.
+ The Spawn Location of the MHPWorld is not oriented on the real Spawn location. (Changeing the Config.yml option "MysteriousHalloweenPlusWorld.SpawnRadius" to 0 will result into the spawn location at the default world spawn.)
+ Improved the block place detection for the scarecrows.
+ The mobs now always carry the right pumpkin on their head
+ Displaying the update message was not set to false after updating from a particular version.
+ The blindness effect when using the MHP-Portal has been extended.
+ The config option "ShowUpdateMessage" is now set to false by default.
+ The plugin name in the /plugin list is now "MysteriousHalloweenPlus" instead of "MysteriousHalloween".
+ The doubled chestplate from the WorldGenChests.yml" has been removed.
+ The alignment of the scarecrow now follows the direction of the pumpkin.
+ Improvements to the /mhp Reload command
+ Future updates will automatically update any changes that need to be made to the /mhp reload command. (So I can't forget the changes anymore
+ I've reworked the way the commands work.
+ The reload command has been updated.
+ Fixed a problem with the MHPWorld Spawn.
+ A problem with the portal detection in version 1.13 was fixed.
+ The /mhp giveScarecrows command now works as intended.
+ Some problems with scarecrows have been fixed.