StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more icon

StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more -----

Customizable and affordable practice plugin with many features!

Update - 3.10.0
This update may contain some breaking changes to some gamemodes:
- Explosions now follow /battlekit extramaterials. Meaning that arena won't explode unless players could also break them by hand (which requires the blocks to be added in /battlekit extramaterials)
- "/battlekit bedwars" now works differently than "/battlekit bridge|mlgrush". Make sure these gamemodes still work (see /battlekit info and make sure "deathcooldown" is enabled for gamemodes where there should be a cooldown and "bestofreset" is enabled if the arena should reset between rounds)

You can wait a while before updating if you want to make sure it does not break anything.

New stuff:

- Make block explosions follow extramaterials (POSSIBLY BREAKING CHANGE!! Add the blocks you want to be breakable by explosions)
- Added command /battlekit shootfireballs <kit> (allow shooting fireballs, see "fireball" in the config.yml)
- Added command /battlekit autotnt <kit> to automatically ignite TNT
- Added command /battlekit nofalldamage <kit> (to disable fall damage)
- Real bedwars, kill after breaking bed (/battlekit bedwars)
- Changed /battlekit mlrush|bridge (and help info) because they no longer work like /battlekit bedwars
- Added alias commands: /duel requests and /duel settings
- Added placeholders <win_streak>, <win_streak_kit> (only with SQL database) and <opponent_rank>
- Added botfight#getBots method in the developer API
- Added enderpearl-cooldown.modify-exp-level configuration
- Added RoundEndEvent for winners/losers in the developer API
- Added PartyJoinEvent, PartyLeaveEvent, and PartyInviteEvent in the developer API
- Added respawn-countdown-time for separate death countdown duration
- Added support for async-teleport (this was in some very old versions but was removed)
- Added /surrender command (pretty much same as StrikeSurrender addon)
- Added snowball on snow block break in spleef (snowball-on-snow-break in the config)
- Added copied arenas for FFA (use-copied-arena-for-ffa in the config)
- Allow windcharge explosion in non-build kits
- Improved TNT experience and Fireball functionality
- Make /battlekit extramaterial support newer items
- Make messages work as a list too (easier to add multiline messages)
- Better support for newer Minecraft versions (1.21.1)

- Fixed command "/battlekit extramaterials <kit> all"
- Fix: make block below water unbreakable if part of the map
- Fixed issue with resetting beds placed by players
- Fixed error with <wlr> placeholder while loading
- Fixed renaming newer items in hand
- Fixed kit editor not using correct location for countdown.
- Fixed bridge and insta void not respawning in the bridge gamemode
- Fixed extra bedwars check for player online and fight status
- Fixed error with bedwars colored items
- Fixed double scoring in bridge gamemodes
- Fixed improper handling of block breaking
- Fixed projectile explosion issues and windcharge explosion

- Removed unused code etc.
- Small overall optimizations and refactoring
- Minor corrections (e.g., typos) and cleanup
----------, Sep 28, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,075
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Sep 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
342 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings