StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more icon

StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more -----

Customizable and affordable practice plugin with many features!

Update - 3.8.0
- 1.7 clients inventory message in one line instead of multiple
- Added better error logging if changelog fetching fails
- Fixed some bugs caused by asynchronous code when duel ends (opt back in with "async-match-end: true" for performance, not really recommended though)
- Fixed a bug where inventory message did not appear when the bot is killed
- Fixed a bug where players couldn't build in arenas without corners
- Fixed typo in ChangeLogFetcher (StrikeTab -> StrikePractice)
- Fixed custom-kit.replaces-kits not working (and added it back)
- Fixed <no_colors_kit> placeholder not working properly
- Fixed support for <arena> in koth/lms events and auto-disable the placeholder when not available
- Fixed spectating events being broken by config changes (by forcing wait-before-teleport to be at least 2 for spectators)
- Fixed some other placeholders not always working as intended
- Fixed some null pointer exceptions
- Fixed prevent-tool-dropping not working for netherite tools
- Fixed players not being able to use /juggernaut leave in the event
- Fixed /battlekit seticon not working with newer items
- Fixed fight-start-commands and fight-end-commands making texts (e.g., custom messages/titles) lower case
- Fixed being able to accept duel requests from players in kit editor
- Fixed events with auto-start ("start after X players") not start if player hosted (else it would start with the default kit)
- Fixed water inside fences and other water loggable blocks not resetting in arenas
- Fixed multiline messages not always in order
- Fixed bot name not showing in the death message (may still occur in some cases)
- Fixed multiple hex colors not working in messages (previously only the first one worked)
- Fixed players being teleported to lobby in events even if not supposed to be teleported
- Fixed bestof duels in bot fights not working properly when the bot is killed by damage
- Fixed some typos in the default config.yml

New features:
- Added #getPlayerSettings in the API
- It's now possible to make ffa instant /spawn by setting wait-before-leaving-ffa-arena: 0
- custom kits now support netherite armor
- custom kits now support newer items (e.g., netherite tools)
- Make /spec more editable (check the new config) and make spectator-teleport-title configurable (the teleport GUI title)
- Refactored (partially recoded) the scoreboard system
- Added support for unlimited scoreboard lines in 1.13+
- Players will now respawn in the arena instead of teleporting to spawn and back to the arena to spectate
- Only show custom kit in kit selector if player has strikepractice.customkit permission
- Reset arenas starting from the bottom up instead of randomly (this still doesn't make sand etc. reset properly)
- [display=<placehodler>] now works in messages too (let's you make, for example, separate message for ranked vs unranked fight/queue)
- Added "" messages.yml option to customize the message
- Implemented ""/sprac trace" (for debugging, not really useful for normal use like "/sprac debug")

- Increase default max block changes
- Refactoring of code and cleanup
- Better error handling in some cases
- Added quite a lot fo debug logging
- Maven exclusions for citizens
- Update some dependencies
- Removed some unused code and messages
- Add debug logging to KB module when it's not available on the server version
----------, May 7, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,075
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Sep 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
342 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings