StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more icon

StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more -----

Customizable and affordable practice plugin with many features!

3.4.0 - New placeholders, per kit pearl cooldown, /2v2|kiteditor|duel|botduel [kit] syntax AND MORE!
It has been a while since last update but this one has reasonably many things. As always, I highly recommend taking a backup (you should always have backups of your server anyway!). There's no need to change anything in your configs/setup. Just delete the old plugin jar file and upload the new one.

# Fixes
- Fixed 2v2 queue "in_match" numbers
- Fixed off-by-one top placeholders (not displaying as "(none)")
- Fixed a few errors
- Fixed bot kb affecting mobs
- Fixed /battlekit bestof not being in the help text
- Fixed console not being able to execute /battlekit give <kit> <player>
- Fixed clickable messages in the compatibility mode
- Fixed minor and rare error with scoreboard when player disconnects
- Catch some errors when the server stops instead of giving up on the rest (i.e. less likely to lose any data)
- Fixed selecting language on 1.16+ servers
- Added a workaround for compatibility with getting player ping in different server versions (=fix <ping> in most cases on 1.16+ servers)
- Fixed fight-start/end-commands in LMS event
- Fixed insta-soup if it's in the player's second hand
- Fixed a weird bug with potion effects on some spigot versions
- Fixed other minor things and errors
- (probably) fixed a bug when quickly reconnecting after you died and executing /spec could let you hit players
- Fixed /brackets leave as a spectator
- Fixed /hostevent brackets|lms <kit> syntax to work as a player too

# New Features
- Added <hits_difference> placeholder (red (negative) / green (positive))
- Added <in_ranked_fight> and <in_unranked_fight> placeholders
- Added italian translations in the defualt messages.yml
- Added option to disable respawn on death
Code (Text):

  respawn: true/false
- Added /dueltoggle (previously only "/duel toggle")
- It's now possible to disable the spectator inventory messages by making the message empty (spectator-inventory-message: '')
- Added /duel <player> [rounds] [kit] syntax
- Added /botduel [rounds] [kit] syntax
- Added /2v2 [ranked | kit] syntax (previously only "/2v2" or "/2v2 ranked")
- Added /kiteditor [kit] syntax
- Added /battlekit nodamage <kit> to allow hitting others but not taking damage (e.g., for sumo kits)
- Added /battlekit pearlcooldown <seconds | 0 for default | -1 to disable>
- Added arenas-world-allow-monsters: true/false and - arenas-world-allow-animals: true/false config options
- Added StrikePracticeAPI#createParty method
- Added any-kit-colored-armor to allow any kit with leather armor to be blue/red based on team

# Improvements
- Added "keep-arenas-loaded" (enabled by default) to tell the server to keep the arenas loaded all the time on 1.14+ servers. So the arena chunks do not need to unload/load, consequently reducing CPU usage and sync loading when required by the plugin.
- Optimized the <team> / %rel_strikepractice_team% placeholders in some cases (especially in events and party ffa). If the tags do not work, check #faq on the Discord server
- Other minor general improvements and code optimizations
- Added countdown-inventory-update to disable the sometimes annoying refresh of inventory after the countdown which stops drinking/eating on some versions (set it to false to disable)

# Internal changes

- Tweaked some bstats charts/data
- Bunch of internal refactoring (shouldn't break anything)
- Cleaning the code :sick:
- Made it easier to modify elo changes (StrikePractice.getAPI()#setEloCalculator/getEloCalculator and its #withModifier method)
----------, Nov 1, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,075
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Sep 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
342 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings