Note this is a quite big update and might break things. Take backups before updating!
- New StrikePractice API. Some old StrikePractice Extensions may need to be recompiled (especially if they interact with arenas and kits). The API can be found
- Support for MC 1.14, finally! (only tested basic stuff, not everything)
- Fix: beds no longer explode, so you no longer get stuck in bedwars.
- Fix: a few errors
- Fix: bots causing errors if the kit has gapples
- Fix: Player's no longer can spam party leave while in a match
- Fix: accepting duels while in a match
- [Beta] notify staff if a player abused items to their kit editor kit
StrikeLeaderboards was also updated to support 1.14 and the new API. Github link
- Next inventory button in the inventory snapshots! (Unfortunately there was a type and this won't work yet, will publish a fix within 2 days)