StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more icon

StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more -----

Customizable and affordable practice plugin with many features!

Big update - sumo, matchlimits, elo rewards, arena copypaste and more
Please note that the update has many new features and new features require supervision and caution. I'd recommend taking backups of your kits, arenas and configs just in case. Please read this update message before installing the update!

- Added an option in the scoreboard config for better performance (= different update interval for players at spawn)
- Added elo-rewards. Note that players may get rewarded more than once for the same level.
- Added /arena copypaste command. Copy paste an entire arena with the positions and everything. Easy way to make more arenas!
- Fixed bugs and errors
- Added ranked and unranked matches limits. Check /matchlimit command. You can add extra ranked matches with strikepractice.extrarankeds.<number> permission and unranked matches with strikepractice.extraunrankeds.<number> permission.
- Added option to remove bottles after drinking ("remove-bottles" in the config)
- Added sumo event. (Similar to brackets but named sumo). Sumo requires a "sumoevent" arena.
- Use \n to split messages! Some placeholders (placeholders without "<placeholder_" prefix) might only work in the last line

config.yml (just copy if you want to change them, otherwise you don't need to add these). The whitespaces infront matter the line in the config doesn't.
Code (Text):

#When the player has the 'default' scoreboard
  lobby-update-time: 100
limit-rankeds: true
limit-unrankeds: false
rankeds-per-day: 20
unrankeds-per-day: 50
    elo: 1200
    #<player> means the player's name and <level> the level's name ('example_level')
    - 'examplecommand <player> <level>'
  winner-cmd: eco give <player> 100
  auto-start: 15
  auto-start-after-seconds: 10
#(you should find 'automatic-event' in the config, paste under it, just like other events are there)
automatic-event: #(be sure there are only one of this line)
    sumo: '&cSumo event is starting soon! Type /sumo join!'
  sumo-kit: sumo
#you should find "party:" in your config. Add under it like this:
  #lore in /party fight inventory items
  #leave null for no members list
  member: '&e<name>'
  show-members-limit: 9
  #<more_members> will always be greater than 1, otherwise 'member:' will be used
  show-members-limit-reached: '&e&lAnd <more_members> members more.'

Add to messages.yml (REQUIRED or your messages won't work properly):
no-rankeds-left: '&cYou don''t have any ranked matches left for today.'
no-unrankeds-left: '&cYou don''t have any unranked matches left for today.'
sumo-next-fight: '&6The next sumo fight is &e<player1> &6VS &e<player2>!'
sumo-slays: '&e<player1> &6slays &e<player2> &6in the sumo event!'
sumo-winner: '&e&l<player>&6 has won the sumo event!'
sumo-joined: '&e<player>&6 has joined the sumo event!'
sumo-left: '&e<player>&6 has left the sumo event!'
sumo-already-started: '&cThe event has already started!'
sumo-not-started: '&cThe sumo event is not open yet!'
New placeholders:
<limits_update> - When match limits will update again (HH:mm)
<rankeds_left> - Number of ranked matches left
<unrankeds_left> - Number of unranked matches left
sumo placeholders will be added later
----------, Feb 11, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,075
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Sep 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
342 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings