StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more icon

StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more -----

Customizable and affordable practice plugin with many features!

Version: 3.9.2
Add support for 1.21 players. They get kicked from server after duel fight..... thanks

Version: 3.9.1
Really good plugin, easy to set up, and you get good support with it from the owner and the people in Discord. Would definitely recommend it to anyone trying to set up a practice server.

Version: 3.9.1
Terrible plugin. Bot kb is literal dogshit, bedwars is more like mlg rush where you break the opponents bed and you win the game. The default configuration is terrible, dogshit code and shitty obf.
Author's response
The better version of bedwars and the new beta bots are available in devbuilds on Discord. Anyone can access the server as long as they are not toxic.

Version: 3.9.1
Please remove the spraken command or add config to hide it completely so we can successfully block of the command and make this review 5 stars (:

Version: 3.9.1
I love the plugin pretty awesome to play I really like fighting against bot and te rewatch my match after it. Its has a lot of features so its take some time to setup everything but I have to say I love the plugin so for me 5 stars.

Version: 3.9.0
Support is active and the plug-ins are working very well!
Personally, I consider it the best plugin available!

Version: 3.9.0
Bed Wars mode is terrible, plugin is very poorly coded, has a lot of bugs. i honestly dont recommend buying it
Author's response
I'm usually not this negative towards any feedback but if a plugin you purchased in 2019 for less than 8 euros no longer fulfills your needs after 5 years and if you do not want to have "a 1/5 star server", I recommend considering other plugins.

For anyone interested, the better bedwars version is currently only available in devbuilds (beta version).

Version: 3.9.0
super good plugin i used it on my minigames server and everyone liked it thanks for it :)

Version: 3.9.0
its 2024, this shit dont even have bedfight or battlerush. it's shit, the owner will take your license for no reason whatsoever, this is bullshit go fucking kys retard

Version: 3.9.0
If you were a player playing this plugin on a server, you'd have great fun however if you're setting up the server then you really won't have fun. I've gave this plugin two chances on my server. The first it was a side gamemode which isn't really how it's meant to work. The second time it was just a single pvp server and it was better but still became annoying. It does have some nice features like auto-arena stacking and stuff. If I could, I would get a refund.
Author's response
Just 3 months ago you said "To be honest, this is the best plugin I've ever bought! Should cost more imo! But there's just so many commands and different things to setup..."

Do you have a specific issue you need help with or? Just let me know if there is something specific. And yes I agree, the config is big because people wanted to use the plugin in very different ways.

Version: 3.9.0
Why when I have block-all-commands: true
It blocks me also if I'm in queue lol
And why /queue leave works if u're not in queue...
Author's response
Hi, it's a known "issue" it only whitelists some commands. Originally when it was used, people used the "leave item" in the queue GUI to leave the queue (which is something people rarely nowadays use). I probably should work on that though.

Version: 3.8.1
Love this plugin, Easy to configure, Cheap considering the quality of the plugin. Has some few bugs, it is still understandable.

Version: 3.8.1

It is a pretty good plugin and works consistently!
It was a good plugin, highly customizable and very easy to use.
However, the bot knockback and movement is unstable and I would like to see something done about that.
Other than that, it is perfect!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. If you didn't yet try the settings in the config.yml, search "bot-kb" and try if they make it better for you. On some servers "fix-bot-kb: false" works better than "true" etc. It's very sensitive to server versions, any custom kb by the server or other plugins.

Version: 3.8.1
very nice practice plugin

works well on
i would recommend and tts very good for the price as it has bots aswell

Version: 3.8.1
Godlike practice plugin. It's very customizable and fairly simple to customize and set up at the same time.

Version: 3.8.1
That's practice plugins is very nice, but scoreboard have some bug ;w;. I like it

Version: 3.8.1
I want FFA spawn to be in the arena, not back to the lobby and teleport, good plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Please use Discord or message me for support and check "ffa-rejoin-automatically" in the config.yml

Version: 3.8.1
This is the best Practice plugin. It is well maintened with good updates (also debuilds available on the discord server). I think the price should be much higher. The plugin works very nice, a lot of amazing features and the support on discord, even if there isn't a support team but the dev is alone, is really fast. Toppe helps everyone on discord (He also joined my server to fix a problem, I've never seen another developer doing that). Also API are easy to use and very large. I couldn't be more happier I bought this plugin.

Version: 3.8.1
Great Plugin. Using it for my pvp practice server. Author is also good and this plugin is improving day by day ❤

Version: 3.8.1
I have many questions to ask, but I haven't used Discord before. Which channel should I turn to for help
Author's response
Hi, you can send me your spigot account name in the #presales channel, after that you will get the "clients" role and access to other channels, then I recommend using #support for questions

Version: 3.8.1
This plugin is amazing, i've just got it and it's already working the server i have got it on is if you want to add it, but this plugin is really good so thanks for making this

Version: 3.7.2
Good Plugin! Been using it for like 4 months I guess, since December and it does lack some stuff but overall its great and the best part is its affordable and is the only working core for newer versions.

Version: 3.7.2
Why is the monster refreshed, and I can't stop it,I'm already in peace mode。Is this a loophole?
Author's response
Sorry, I do not understand. You can toggle mobs in the arenas world. Please contact me in private if you need support.

Version: 3.6.2
Very good plugin not very user friendly it takes a while to understand it but works very very well

Version: 3.6.0
nice but I don't test it so nice idk why I rate without testing but nice api I love

Version: 3.5.2
very nice version but when the bot support combo and more I will wait long time for that?

Version: 3.4.6
Very nice practice plugin ! If you want to do a PvP Server, this plugin it's for you ! Thank's you Toppe !

Version: 3.4.6
In messages config thing could you make it so it can use <queuetype> so my queue message could be like "You have been added to the unranked/ranked nodebuff queue" instead "you have been added to the nodebuff queue"
Author's response
Thanks for the review. The message system is being refactored for better placeholder support but "<placeholder_queuetype>" should still work in current version.

Version: 3.4.6
Better Version but when the bot can use 2 armor? It's will be good feature and custom pvpbot?

Version: 3.4.6
Amazing definitely worth the 17 EUR! By the way, how do i make a boxing kit? I don't understand please answer quick, thank you!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. See /battlekit boxing <kit> or ask for help on the Discord support channel :)!

Version: 3.4.6
Ive been using this plugin for years but ive had enough, whenever you type something bad in the config, it fully resets EVERYTHING
Author's response
Sorry to hear that you are not satisfied after years of using the plugin. I know it's not very user friendly but the files must be in correct format. The plugin still takes backups of your config files so you should be able to restore your setup. Or maybe it's a sign to consider alternative plugins :)?

Version: 3.4.6
Been using this plugin for almost a week now and I'm in love with it! Config is easy to use, support is nice and perfect, works really well, you can modify almost everything to your liking. PvP Bots and performance are a plus compared to any other practice plugin out there! I recommend buying it if you want to make a pvp server.

Version: 3.4.4
It's really good but I got this error when a player got killed by at bot!
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] [StrikePractice] Task #4636 for StrikePractice v3.4.4-SNAPSHOT generated an exception
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.citizensnpcs.util.Util.assumePose(Lorg/bukkit/entity/Entity;FF)V
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at ga.strikepractice.npc.d.g( ~[?:?]
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:14:58 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_292]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] ERROR Could not pass event PlayerDeathEvent to StrikePractice v3.4.4-SNAPSHOT
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException: null
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerDeathEvent( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityPlayer.die( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityLiving.damageEntity( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityHuman.damageEntity( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityPlayer.damageEntity( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityHuman.attack( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityPlayer.attack( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.citizensnpcs.nms.v1_8_R3.util.NMSImpl.attack( [Citizens-2.0.29-b2559.jar:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.citizensnpcs.util.NMS.attack( [Citizens-2.0.29-b2559.jar:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at$1.handle( [Citizens-2.0.29-b2559.jar:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at [Citizens-2.0.29-b2559.jar:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at [Citizens-2.0.29-b2559.jar:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.citizensnpcs.npc.CitizensNPC.update( [Citizens-2.0.29-b2559.jar:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.citizensnpcs.nms.v1_8_R3.entity.EntityHumanNPC.t_( [Citizens-2.0.29-b2559.jar:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.World.entityJoinedWorld( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.World.g( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.World.tickEntities( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.WorldServer.tickEntities( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_292]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.citizensnpcs.util.Util.assumePose(Lorg/bukkit/entity/Entity;FF)V
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at ga.strikepractice.npc.CitizensNPC.teleport( ~[?:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at ga.strikepractice.npc.CitizensNPC.destroy( ~[?:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at ga.strikepractice.fights.botduel.BotDuel.handleDeath( ~[?:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at ga.strikepractice.fights.b.a( ~[?:?]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_292]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_292]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_292]
08.06 20:15:00 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_292]
08.06 20:15:03 [Server] INFO at$1.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-741a1bd]
08.06 20:15:03 [Server] INFO ... 26 more
Author's response
Thanks for the review. The error occurs because citizens did some changes about a month ago that broke StrikePractice bots. I have not yet published the fix on spigot but it's coming soon and meanwhile you can use older versions of citizens.

Version: 3.4.4
Hello, this plugin is great, but, I have a problem with 1.7.10, the plugin is not compatible, here is the error received:

Hope you can fix the problem! Thanks in advance.

Version: 3.4.4
This is a fantastic plugin that makes it simple to set up arenas bots and permissions It's just a great plugin.

Version: 3.4.4
Amazing plugin with a lot of futures. Simple use,recommended for all. Really like this plugin.

Version: 3.4.4
This Plugin is amazing and the support is amazing!

The plugin itself is so customizable that you can make your server look completely different and better then other servers using the exact plugin, everything from botkb to all the little messages are customizable!

The support is also better then any other plugin I have, I have had a few problems but every time I do the developer always helps every morning!
I even had a problem of my version of the plugin showing that it had too many uses so it blocked me from using it but the developer was so nice he even reset my jar to fix it when it was just taking up his time when he could have been doing other things so HUGE props to him for not making me buy it again.

100/10 would recommend for a practice server

Version: 3.4.4
Very good practice plugin, fully recommend, does it job well, congrats on a good plugin!

Version: 3.4.3
I had to change my review after talking to the developer!

First of all, strikepractice is an excellent practice core.
Strike is well done with lots of customization and easy-to-use tools.
If you plan to make a practice server, this is the plugin for you.

The developer is friendly and super easy to talk to.
There are no significant bugs or issues in my experience.

Version: 3.4.2
fix this: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'playback' in 'field list'
Author's response
Hi, the discord #faq covers this issue. It is related to the database migration and legacy database support. Please contact me for more details on how to fix it.

Version: 3.4.2
The review 2 reviews under me by "Envqu" stating that the plugin has "Terrible Support" is an utter lie, StrikePractice Developer "Toppe" gives SP Buyers support every day when he wakes up, even when he has a job paying him way more than this plugin ever did.

This plugin is very clear, with descriptions, faqs, and daily support from other knowledgable SP buyers or previous SP users in the discord that help every single day.

The reason you can't reload the plugin is that it's not advised, like any other good functioning plugin, you shouldn't reload it, you should just restart your server, which takes at least 1 minute of your day.

The reason for "latest versions" on Patreon is because the developer actually has a life, and this is basically motivating him, and people who donate to him will get early access to the things that are developed first, which is actually benefiting you, because if it wasn't for Patreon users or Patreons existing at all, those "few months" you're waiting, will probably turn into a year or two before the plugin is updated since this plugin has been around for years with constant updates & support.

As well as, it's clearly stated that Bots do not work properly with 1.9+ PVP, maybe before you buy a plugin, you should read the description instead of just throwing your money and expecting it to be your way, cause that's not how life works.

After all of that, you say "Very messy, I don't recommend it.", first of all, there are so many things wrong with that, this plugin is certainly not messy, it's very simple for people, and anyone with a brain can config it and know what is what and how to set it up, whilst there being descriptions and help everywhere on discord. You're expecting StrikePractice to be whatever you want it to be, this is a $20 Practice Plugin, and a very good one as well for its price.

For anyone who's reading this, please ignore and neglect the review below, let me actually give you a review of this plugin.

Why you should buy this plugin?

● 95% of it is fully customizable
● Unique Features
● Easy API to work with
● Simple to setup
● Not complex to setup
● Daily Support
● Competent Developer

There are a lot more things that this plugin offers, especially for its price tag.

To actually "sum it up", this plugin is amazing, I would recommend this to anyone starting up a server for fun or for production.

Version: 3.4.2
the review before me of that guy giving StrikePractice 1 star is just BS
StrikePractice is working fine and with great support and active development. Development Builds (Experimental builds) are available for Patreon supporters, bugs are minimal and get patched ASAP in the development builds if they are game breaking if they are just a matter of time stuff it could be delayed a little as it's not the highest priority. last thing this plugin is really old and updating the config values from it being messy will probably be really annoying for no good reason and will require people to redo it (which was 1200+ lines but now scoreboards got a dedicated file for it). tbh the config isn't even that bad lol.

Version: 3.4.2
Terrible support.
Plugin is unclear. Instead clean config you get mess.
You can't reload plugin because its too bugged.
You will get latest version if you patreon. If you not you can wait some months for suggested feature. Bots not working properly with 1.9+ PVP.
You can't set your custom scoreboard because you can have only 16 letters in one line (with colors "&a" etc. !). Btw. u can make scoreboard with unlimited letters on 1.13+... Now kits.. Instead 1 command you have to do combo with 3 commands because he dont even know how to fix this bug in this plugin.

To sum up.. Maybe plugin is good, but only if you want to do 1.8 server.
Very messy, I don't recommend it.
Author's response
I'd recommend suggesting a better alternative plugin to people reading your review :)

Anyway, a few things to correct:
- You can download latest version here, there is experimental version behind the patreon (so it's actually worth for a developer to add suggestions from existing buyers)
- Scoreboards are limited to 48 characters
- Combo is a built in kit, setting the mode is one command but sometimes you have to set the items again (this is a know bug that will maybe take 2 minutes out of your life in worst-case scenario)

Version: 3.4.2
doesnt matter if you make a practice server or just want to add duels system to your survival srv, this plugin is your best friend
bots are somewhat buggy but other than that its awesome

Version: 3.4.2
very good plugin, for this cost, is similar to frost practice, continuous support, and modes always on the way!

Version: 3.3.2
Great plugin, dev is active nowadays, use discord to see for yourself, the addons are nicely done too.

Version: 3.3.2
It's great. By far. I do wish there was more tutorials on how to setup the more advanced gamemodes etc. <3

Version: 3.3.2
Insanely good practice plugin. I do wish there was an HCT mode for parties though

Version: 3.3.2
Recomiendo el plugin, lo tuve que comprar ya que quería pvp en mi network, intente con prácticamente mas de 8 plugins de pvp, pero todos tenían bugs, compre este plugin y me soluciono todo, muy fácil de usar

Version: 3.3.1
the best plugin for PracticePvP is so funny, and Toppe is the best Developer is a good person, and he give a good service support :D

Version: 3.3.0
It's awesome plugin, I highly recommend it. Toppe is a good developer and has good support :))

Version: 3.3.0
Best practice server plugin, highly customisable and extremely easy to navigate and use. Highly recommended!

Version: 3.3.0
Really good plugin with good support :)
He helped me a lot, and the plugin it self is really good

Version: 3.3.0
Good plugin itself, but with many errors on the way that the developer should have implemented a fix INSIDE the plugin. Right now you must be verified in the discord server, and that takes AGES. Support is not good, and developer takes > 48h to respond.
Author's response
Sorry to hear. You purchased it yesterday so not sure how it could take more than 2 days to reply. You were verified within a few hours and the question I got was at 11pm - that's the reason. Contact me if you want a refund (as you purchased it yesterday) but you won't be able to use this plugin or receive any support after a refund.

Version: 3.3.0
This is a best plug-in for the pvp server for the world come form ROC or call us Taiwan in here this plugin are very popular in our pvp servers thx developers and thx this pulling can be so good

Version: 3.2.0
This is the best plugin you will find on SpigotMC for Practice, Duels, ect. 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND!!

Version: 3.2.0
Отличный плагин для Практиков, рекомендую. Купин покупай, плагин стоит своих денег :)

Version: 3.2.0
Worked excellently, and the developer is very helpful, and he accepts ideas and fixes your problems.

Version: 3.2.0
Great practice plugin I really recommend you to use it. It has bots replay and all the things you need.

Can I get vip xD dis username crafticat

Version: 3.2.0
well um iv used spigots with custom kb it dosent work wiht strikepractice and th horizontal anf vertical are not enough even yet that kb i sent is simple
Author's response
Do not use the reviews for discussion. You deleted your last review so you can reply now in new review?? The plugin doesn't affect spigot kb if disabled.

Version: 3.2.0
this is what the kb should be enabled: true

ground_horizontal_multiplier: 0.5
ground_vertical_multiplier: 0.31
air_horizontal_multiplier: 0.39
air_vertical_multiplier: 0.3

sprint_multiplier_horizontal: 1.9
sprint_multiplier_vertical: 1.2
sprint_yaw_factor: 0.6
Author's response
Thanks for the suggestion. However, the plugin already has so many features and is not meant to replace everything. Therefore, I decided to keep many features very simple (like the kb) because there are better options (custom spigots) that focus on that. Many of the additional features are designed to be the minimum viable feature a server needs. Servers can use other plugins/spigots/custom stuff if desired.

Version: 3.2.0
A very good plugin with a lot of functionality. Unfortunately, it needs an option to enable the plugin only in certain world (per world) because PerWorldPlugin doesn't really work with it. ^^
Author's response
You can disable scoreboard in specific worlds. I think PerWorldPlugins handles other stuff quite well

Version: 3.2.0
Very good plugin works very excellent, I need support my discord is LuisJEGJ#5830

Version: 3.2.0
Works good
Would like a feature where u can disable the plugin in some worlds :)
Author's response
You can use perworldplugins plugin to disable most features. That plugin can't change how scoreboard works but you can disable scoreboard in specific worlds by adding them in the config scoreboard section.

Version: 3.2.0
A great plugin for server owners who don't want to spend $100+ on a custom practice core

Version: 3.2.0
great plugin and great developer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 3.2.0
can you re add the tab list because it would be really good to have again
plz but the plugin is great
Author's response
The tab did not really work for a long time (and only supported 1.7 clients on 1.7 servers) so I coded the tab addon separately to support 1.7-1.16 clients and servers.

Version: 3.2.0
friendly developer also this plugin is the best on market so he deserved it we want new plugins :soon:

Version: 3.1.2
Plugin, 10/10.

- Pre-Translations
- CPS/Ping placeholders
- Customized events
- Optional pre-built maps
- Allows users to customize hotbar

I strongly recommend buying the plugin to get support, does worth it.

Version: 3.1.2
Excellent Plugin, In the future, would be cool to be able to change the stats of each bot difficulty like reach, etc.

Version: 3.1.2
Honestly.. such an amazing plugin. No bugs at all! Highly recommend to any server owner!

Version: 3.1.2
Best plugin practice EVER, I love so munch. Using on :)
I recommend the plugin :)

Version: 3.1.2
5 stars are not enough to explain how good is the plugin & the support thats just crazy

Version: 3.1.0
An amazing fucking plugin, dev helped me with everything, man even joined my server to help me fix issues and then stayed for a few nodebuff fights
Amazing dude, 10/10 plugin.

Version: 3.0.12
Excellent practice plugin, it has everything you need for your server. Recommended 100%.

Version: 3.0.12
has everything you need for a practice plugin, easy to use, very customizable, good support, highly recommend!

Version: 3.0.12
Good plugin, has everything I would expect from a Practice plugin, however it does require a lot of configuration. Would recommend!

Version: 3.0.12
Très bon plugin pour serveur Practice je recommande pour les personnes intéressées !

Version: 3.0.12
This is the best practice plugin you can find, it's affordable, and it works like a charm! :)

Version: 3.0.12
The most accessible practice plugin with useful support and discord. 5 stars. I love this one !

Version: 3.0.12
The best Practice plugin out there. Easy to setup, minimal errors, and a nice caring support. 5 stars!

Version: 3.0.12
An insanely good and very well made plugin, Perfect for testing purposes and Duels. Very well done! Definitely 5 stars.

Version: 3.0.12
Best practice plugin out there! Everything is configurable, developer gives fast support. If you want to open a Practice server, BUY THIS RIGHT NOW!

Version: 3.0.12
Definitely a good purchase. Very customizable and configurable. Defo recommend. The creator is active as well and gives pretty quick support which is also a plus.

Version: 3.0.12
Great work! The best practice plugin, and fast support. Easy configure and much extras

Version: 3.0.12
StrikePractice is the best plugins for PracticePVP servers. It has a lot of customization and combined with the web system that LegendEffects sells is just awesome!

Version: 3.0.12
Great practice core, just needs a bit more optimization!
Other than that I love it as the bots are bug free and its easy to setup as all the kits are pre setup!

Version: 3.0.12
Very good plugin continue with this wonderful plugin if possible I could add my server to the list of servers that use your plugin, great compliment congratulations:

Version: 3.0.12
excellent plugin, easy to configure and brings many new things to the other common plugins. Congratulations to the creator.

Version: 3.0.12
At first the plugin worked well. Got help with setting it up. They give support but I just put it in the garbage after hours and hours of trying to get this to work. Scoreboard glitches, players get teleported in the void, lag spikes,... They tried to help but I just don't have to give any more effort

Version: 3.0.11
Very Useful plugin, 10/10, would recommend to anyone. Perfect for a Practice Server!!

Version: 3.0.6
I Highly recommend this plugin. I bought it a mounth ago and im not disappointed.

Version: 3.0.6
Lovely updates; fixes bugs very fast and is very interactive. If you're looking into making a practice server, this is the most advanced plugin you'll find for this price. Trust me I've looked around. A lot.
It would be 5 stars if there wasn't a problem with the bugs (which he fixed quickly though :p)
Author's response
Most of the bugs were caused by the new features (kit editor especially). Bugs are normal in software development :) Anyway, thanks for the review

Version: 3.0.6
Beautiful complement, brings everything you need to make a beautiful server.
5 Stars to the best practice plugin, I will use it on my server. if you add it to the list I will be very grateful

Version: 3.0.4
I used this back when I co-owned a server with someone else, and re-purchasing it is probably one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Version: 3.0.4
Best pvp plugin ever made, i recommend buying it!

So many cool features and easy tools to set it all up!
The bots work great and all the other features like party and ranked queue etc are amazing too!

Version: 3.0.4
Best practice plugin for servers that are starting. Nice features and nice developer :=)

Version: 3.0.4
One of the best practice plugins i have ever used.

and still waiting for more new cool features.

Version: 3.0.4
Solid Practice Plugin!

It provides many features for a small price!
Constant updates and support in the discord server.

You can also get free addons!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.0.4
One of the best plugins i have ever used!

Awesome and fast support! can't recommend enough!
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 3.0.4
Honestly a great practice/duels plugin for any small server (Ignore ZamanPvpNetwork's rating as he didn't really elaborate with his issues and is trashing a great plugin's rating)
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 3.0.4
.4 mb in one update dude, thats kinda of words which is actually hard i swear that is not a normal dev u r impossible.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Although, that size came from libraries that some spigot versions were missing :)

Version: 3.0.2
I haven't used it successfully for a year.
I restarted the server many times over a year.
once I sent you the problems, no solution was produced.
for example: resetting statistics, suddenly stopping the server
speak console errors console errors.
I am already using a different plugin on the other server.
I do not recommend this plugin to people. because it was always a problematic plugin.
Author's response
Looking at our conversations I strongly disagree with what you're stating here but go ahead and use another plugin if it suits better for you

Version: 3.0.1
I do not recommend that you purchase this plugin.
80 characters.80 characters.80 characters.
Author's response
Could you elaborate? If you want to convince others not to purchase you should at least list a few reasons, especially while you're still using the plugin on your server.

Version: 3.0.0
[17:17:34] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent to StrikePractice v3.0.0
org.bukkit.event.EventException: null
at$1.execute( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PlayerConnection.a( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$0( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask(SourceFile:144) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext(SourceFile:118) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.aX( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.executeNext( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks(SourceFile:127) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_231]
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/citizensnpcs/api/CitizensAPI
at ga.strikepractice.IllllIllllIIllllIIIllIIllIIlllIl.lIlIlIlIllIIlIIIIIllIIllllIIllII.IlllllIllIIlIIlIlIlIllIllIIlIlIl( ~[?:?]
at ga.strikepractice.IllllIllllIIllllIIIllIIllIIlllIl.lIlIlIlIllIIlIIIIIllIIllllIIllII.<init>( ~[?:?]
at ga.strikepractice.IIIlIllIlIIlIIIIlIIIIlIlIlIlIIII.IIlIIlIlIIIllllllllIlllIIIIllIll.lIlIlIllIlIIlllIIIllIIllIIIIIIII( ~[?:?]
at ga.strikepractice.IIIlIllIlIIlIIIIlIIIIlIlIlIlIIII.IIlIIlIlIIIllllllllIlllIIIIllIll.IIlIIlIlIIIllllllllIlllIIIIllIll( ~[?:?]
at ga.strikepractice.IIIlIllIlIIlIIIIlIIIIlIlIlIlIIII.IIlIIlIlIIIllllllllIlllIIIIllIll.IlllIlllIIIlIlllIllIIlIlIIIIIIlI( ~[?:?]
at ga.strikepractice.battlekit.lIlIlIlIllIIlIIIIIllIIllllIIllII.giveKit( ~[?:?]
at ga.strikepractice.fights.other.FFAFight.joinPlayer( ~[?:?]
at ga.strikepractice.fights.other.llIIllIllIlIIIIIllIIIIIllIIlllII.llIIllIllIlIIIIIllIIIIIllIIlllII( ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor160.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_231]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_231]
at$1.execute( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-9de398a-9c887d4]
Author's response
Instead of posting your error here you should contact me and report the error. You can either download citizens (it's free) or use previous version of StrikePractice

Version: 3.0.0
I have been using this since it was released on MCM, i was one of the first buyers and i can say that this is the best practice plugin
Author's response
I remember you were one of the first customers! Thanks for the review.

Version: 3.0.0
Nice PvP Practice plugin, nice Author. We are waiting for more new cool updates;)
Author's response
Glad you like the plugin :)

Version: 3.0.0
pretty good update didn't expect you to add a feature where the bot can enderpearl but i mean pretty cool
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.0.0
Unbelievable update as we used to................................................
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 3.0.0
I loved your plugin, I can't wait for you to continue optimizing your plugin, 10/10
Author's response
Glad you like it! Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.10.1
Best practice plugin on the market!!
everything so simple and easy

Toppe is a nice guy .
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.10.1
Very good plugin with lots of features. Author of the plugin is best. Thanks for help with my problems. I look forward to more updates.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! There's a new update coming soon :)

Version: 2.10.1
Very cool plugin with a lot of features. It's the best practice plugin that you can get. However, there are some things that should be fixed, for example bots. For now, they're not looking very real
Author's response
Thanks for the review. The bots are getting a small update soon

Version: 2.10.1
I played with this plugin for a while with some friends just for fun on 1.8.9.

This plugin is incredibly easy to set up and use and is a great bang for your buck!

It is also still being updated with both new features and bug fixes which is always a plus.
Author's response
Glad you liked it!

Version: 2.10.1
good fix bug..............................................................................
Author's response
Thanks. If you have any bugs to report pm me or contact on discord: Toppe#4670

Version: 2.10.1
I love ur plugin thats it.........................................................
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.10.0
Perfect plugin, it's honestly a must-have for PvP Servers, big or small

It just makes everything so simple with a good community.

I also love the authentication in the Discord Server ;)
Author's response
Glad you like it ;)

Version: 2.9.1
Good plugin but there is one bug.
Players notice a lot fps drops when breaking blocks in spleef for example
Author's response
Instead of leaving a review here you should have contacted me first. Moreover, that bug has nothing to do with StrikePractice, it's because of how Minecraft lightning works. You can try it without the plugin too and will still happen. To fix it make your arenas just above the void and please delete this review. For more info contact Toppe#4670 or here

Version: 2.9.1
Best Practice plugin out there on Spigot rn. It has a lot of modern features and you can edit nearly anything to really make it your own.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
Best Practice Plugin ever, It is too much for the price and the Dev give nice support to it, love it.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 2.9.1
Awesome thanks for the good plugin that no devolper could do like it ur amazing!
Author's response
Thank you!!

Version: 2.9.1
The best practice plugin you can find, it is cheap and gives you everything you need including a Tablist, Leaderboard, etc. and as an addition it also has pvp bots which is the only plugin that has this feature 10/10
Author's response
Thanks for the review!!

Version: 2.9.1
I like this plugin because it's very cheap and you can run a big network for money! xD
A lot of networks use this plugin, so I bought it, and I really like it, too
This plugin is the best practice plugin for spigot.
I recommended it!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
Best practice plugin available. You can customize basically everything and it's very cheap and worth it.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
Great, worked well. Would recommend getting. It is really good for practice and has a lot of options. It has lots of modes and kits built in like sumo, nodebuff etc. Would recommend over propractice.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!!

Version: 2.9.1
Great plugin, I am very happy, I am sure I made the right choice about practice plugin!
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.9.1
Would have gotten 5 stars if the kit editor would be updated to save more kits. Overall though everything else great.
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 2.9.1
perfect in ever way, customizable and the bots work without errors. I can change everything i love it
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
Perfect plug in, very customizable for all server types. The Author is very active to help all clients.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.9.1
Great and very stable plugin. Very customizable. 10/10 practice plugin. If you need a practice plugin, you found the perfect one :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
Amazing plugin, stable and extremely easy to configure. I highly suggest it to any practice server owner.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
9/10 Practice plugin in the market

Event features is good

Hopefully this get updated with better features
Author's response

Version: 2.9.1
The best Duel plugin!

Work all features, very quick support!

I use in network ~100 players online in moment and that great
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.9.1
I have a error ablout replay fight...when i join the replay mode and all player in replay mode was teleport to center of the map and i dont know how to fix it. Pls help me!

P/s: Great plugin
Author's response
Hi. First be sure you have correct citizens version. Also note that custom spigots may cause that. Try changing "bot-teleport-fix" in the config too. If it's false try true and if it's true try false. Also, please pm me or contact me on discord if you have problems, this is not the place for support!

Version: 2.9.1
The best practice plugin ever! I had issues which I resolved easily. Recommending to everyone
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
C’est le meilleur plugin pour un Practice 100% dès que y’a un bug pouf tous est fix
Author's response
Je vous remercie!

Version: 2.9.1
The best practice plugin on spigot
and it is very cheap, I love this plugin
Author's response
Glad you like it :)

Version: 2.9.1
Amazing works like a charm not have a any problem with it and the developer is pretty active on discord for support i highly recommend using this on your practice server
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 2.9.1
i really like this plugin , its really good for practice server! many features !
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.9.1
great plugin! best on the internet! no bugs, a lot of features! buy this plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
No bugs found, great plugin with a lot of features fully customizable. I really recommend this plugin ⭐
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 2.9.1
Beneficio al momento de usarlo, en la manera de configurar las arenas y sobre todo las opciones disponibles, Versión perfecta y recomendable.
Author's response

Version: 2.9.1
Perfecto!, todo bien customizable pero mi unica duda es.. porque al iniciar un evento de sumo o brackets me salta eso y se cancela?
"The arena is invalid or it cant not be used"
Author's response
Gracias por el comentario. Verifique que haya creado arenas llamadas "sumoevent" y "brackets" y que haya configurado el lobby con "/brackets setlobby" y "/sumo setlobby"

Version: 2.9.1
This is for sure one of the more quality plugins on Spigot. The plugin is filled with so many unique features and all of them are completely customizable. Great work Toppe.
Author's response

Version: 2.9.1
I've been searching for a plugin that gives my players the possibility to PVP against bots and this is Just what i needed
Author's response
That's awesome! Thanks for the review too

Version: 2.9.1
This is a very cool and advanced plugin! I'm glad I found it for my server, and I really like the playback and bot features.
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 2.9.1
I like this, the developer comes to fix all the bugs really fast and listens to all suggestions
Author's response

Version: 2.9.1
A nice plugin to play with
So many features
So many interesting things
Very nice
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.9.1
10/10 plugin would reccomend to anyone, almost everything is editable, and its the best plugin i have seen - and for all of it, the price is really low, its the best deal you will ever find!
Author's response
Thank you:)

Version: 2.9.1
Amazing practice plugin for this price. Almost everything is configurable in this plugin. Would recommend to anyone.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)!

Version: 2.9.1
100/10 Plugin very useful and easy to use. Not complicated and a lot of very good features. (please dm on discord, I am looking for good knock back settings)
Author's response
Glad you like it! Unfortunately, I don't have any good knockback values, sorry

Version: 2.9.1
Excellent practice plugin, very complete, the best ive used so far, the developer is friendly and helpful towards clients!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.1
It is an excellent plugin, very complete (not to say it is completely complete). but the bad optimization causes that there is too much lag and the server saturates
Author's response
Unfortunately, the plugin (as it's a cheap spigot plugin) isn't really meant for big servers or in case a server has more players it will require a better host.

Version: 2.9.1
Great plugin! Author is very helpful too <3, hope you keep updates more amazing stuff!
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 2.9.1
Excellent plugin for any PVP server.
The Bot system makes it 100x times cooler as it already is!
Author's response
Glad you like it

Version: 2.8.0
El plugin es asombroso lo amo me encanto su formato y es muy fácil de configurar todo pero me gustaría que este sea actualizado a 1.14.x y que todo este bien muchas felicitaciones por si buen trabajo
Author's response
Thanks for the review! The plugin most likely will be updated to support 1.14 at some point in the future

Version: 2.8.0
What's the matter with this mistake? The console keeps reporting it

[18:58:47 WARN]: [StrikePractice] Task #3988458 for StrikePractice v2.8.0 generated an exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Health must be between 0 and 20.0
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.entity.CraftLivingEntity.setHealth( ~[Start.jar:git-PaperSpigot-e489049-07c3001]
at ga.strikepractice.i.IlIIIIIlIIIIllIIIlIIllllIlIIlIllIIIlllIIIIIIlIlllI$3$1$ ~[?:?]
at ~[Start.jar:git-PaperSpigot-e489049-07c3001]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [Start.jar:git-PaperSpigot-e489049-07c3001]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [Start.jar:git-PaperSpigot-e489049-07c3001]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [Start.jar:git-PaperSpigot-e489049-07c3001]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [Start.jar:git-PaperSpigot-e489049-07c3001]
at [Start.jar:git-PaperSpigot-e489049-07c3001]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_191]
Author's response
This is not a place to report bugs or errors!

Will be fixed in next update, happens if the kit has gapples

Version: 2.8.0
Best practice plugin ever made use it on my server. But I have problem. Can I add ranks to the match searching message? Like this=

player1 Silver I (1005) VS player2 Silver I (1043)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Unfortunately that's not possible, you can only get the player's rank, there's no placeholder for the enemy rank

Version: 2.8.0
When I put the .jar in my plugins folder and run the server only kits.yml and language.yml show up. Any help?
Author's response
Hi. You probably get errors that you could send to me. Note that this is not the correct place to ask for help, instead you should pm me your server logs and not leave a review

Version: 2.8.0
Best practice plugin ever made use it on my server! Author is also very helpfull + Amazing support
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.8.0
Good plugin, great dev! I recommend buying this if you would like to make a practice server of quality!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.8.0
Best Plugin Fast Respond from the Author everything is :heavy_check_mark: :yoink:
Author's response
Thank you :)!

Version: 2.8.0
I'm sorry, but I think I have to lower my rating because of the poor support I get from the author. While I don't expect him to go out of his way to get my suggestion done immediately, that isn't the problem. The author seems to find the most basic requests, that are fundamentally important to an actual practice server, unwanted or unnecessary. There is no way to allow a player to drop an item before the game timer starts, something that is allowed and necessary on every practice server. It could be a configurable option that would have taken 5 minutes to implement. He was not even respectful in his denial, nor did he have an open mind. If the author corrects his attitude, this will go to a five star. Because otherwise, this is a very good plugin.
Author's response
I'm sorry but first you were breaking the TOS. Then you insist me to add a feature only you have asked for and now you rate the resource 2/5 only because I didn't add features for you. I also gave possible solutions (other plugin or decrease the countdown time)...

Version: 2.7.7
I buy this plugin for mi network and...…. I LOVE THISSSSSSSS OMGG!! <3 <3 Can you put my network on your list of servers that use this plugin please? ip:
Author's response
Thank you! I'll check the server at some point

Version: 2.7.7
some players' statistics are broken.
constantly getting this error
Author's response
Either the plugin didn't start properly, the kits/files are invalid or you have changed versions and that caused it

Version: 2.7.7
Very nice plugins !
Very complete, fully customizable supports many modes of games and even tournaments. Good support and an active developer. I recommend
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.7.7
Amazing support and a pretty nice plugin for practice servers! Would Recommend it.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.7.7
Grate plugin and Dev over all would use for any practice server and can always get help from there discord if you need it
Author's response
Thanks for the review:)!

Version: 2.7.7
Realy good, everything is simple explained, ultra huge configuration file etc.. i would definitly recommend it
Author's response
Glad you like it!!

Version: 2.7.7
very good i would recommend this for practice servers its rlly good you can customize a ton of stuff and theres bot so if the server has no players on one day you can still pvp bots
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 2.7.7
This is an overall great practice plugin that I would recommend to any practice server who cannot afford to pay developers for a custom solution. Especially for practice servers that are starting out.

HOWEVER, I do have one major gripe: the bot system. I primarily use its PvP Bot feature, and this is actually this plugin's most defining feature. For practice servers who don't get many players, this is literally the best solution for steady growth. You do not need a bunch of players for a good experience when you can play with bots. The bot's only issue (for me) is its potting ability. It needs to be improved to the point where I can actually fight the bot and not easily win on all difficulties. It performs exceptionally well on things not potion related, credit where credit is due.

My suggestion on how to improve the bot (for a 5 star review): It's potting functionality needs to be almost instant, much like it is when fighting it in "Soup" mode. Its current spinning around and then potting , even with instant pots on, makes it super easy to just steal its pots and kill it. Even on hacker mode, it is still pretty simple to overpower the bot every time.

TL;DR: Make the bot better for PotPvP and you get a 5 star from me, even at the risk of being very nit-picky. This is the only reason I bought the plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. However, I'm currently very busy but I'd recommend increasing the bot attack range, it might help with your problem.

Version: 2.7.7
Outstanding plugin, with great support and loads of customizability it helped my server grow better and better, the bots also give it and edge. I can't possibly thank the creators of this plugin enough. Well worth 5 stars and my money.
Author's response
Thank you very much!!!

Version: 2.7.5
Excellent work.
But why disable sprint random at hit? Just only with your plugin, I tested with 4 spigots. If strikepractice is unloaded there is no much. Please fix it!
Author's response
StrikePractice doesn't stop sprinting (only enables it when you change words so togglesprint works better). I haven't hear same from anyone else though, are you sure you have disabled StrikePractice's knockback etc

Version: 2.7.5
Loving the plugin. It’s serving as a core plugin for my server and it’s amazing, love how much customization is available :) Keep up the great work Toppe!
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.7.5
Very good practice plugin! But if the item can hide in some world,it will be better.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You can disable spawnitems by setting join-lobby-teleport: false

Version: 2.7.5
Very good plugin with tons of features. It’s a great price. Of course it has room for improvement, but every single plugin does.
Author's response

Version: 2.7.4
Brilliant plugin! My players are loving it! Very easy to set up and just so scalable!
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: 2.7.4
This plugin is almost perfect, can't see any flaws, keep on refueling :)
However, I feel that I can add instructions to directly award the card points. I want to play and watch.
Author's response
Thank you

Version: 2.7.4
Great support, although takes time, great for all servers needing a practice gamemode. One of the best out there, can compete with ProPractice. Definitely an option if your willing to pay the price.
Author's response
Thank you for the review

Version: 2.7.4
Best practice plugin ! Support is fast and the plugin has no lag on server ! ----
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.7.4
Best practice plugin around for its price. It barley lags the server and the developer is very helpful / kind.
Author's response
Thank you :)!

Version: 2.7.4
This is an excellent plugin, well put together with many functions, great for any server. The bot works amazingly well and is a great feature to have, definitely 5 out of 5 for me. Support is amazing too :)
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.7.4
Very well plugin. The best practice plugin. Worth all 9Euros (sorry for my english, i'm italian)
Author's response
Thanks for the review!!

Version: 2.7.2
Hey! I mixed a bit the plugins. Excuse me. Very nice plugin. Nice work on it. (English is not my first language.)
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.7.2
Vraiment bon plugin mais il faudrait rajouter une option dans le config.yml pour par exemple quand on join une queue et bah que sa nous tp au spawn et quand on sort aussi et une autre option dans le settings pour modifer le Enable et disable. Sinon plugin parfait!

Version: 2.7.2
The Message.yml dont work , we get this message in chat [ Null ].

Please fix that before you leave
Author's response
Check the errors in console or use previous versions until its fixed. Thanks anyway

Version: 2.7.1
Excellent practice plugin, they have a good support, good community on discord support server, and easy to understand
Author's response
Thank you!!

Version: 2.7.0
The best practice plugin for any pvp server(s)! :D
Hope can have more update to this plugin!

Author's response
Thanks for the review! Im currently very busy but there will be a few updates coming!

Version: 2.7.0
Bonjour, je viens d'acheter le plugin il y a 2 jours et j'ai un petit problème, lorsque je lance une game en pvpbot le bot est invincible il ne prend pas de degats et on peut pas le touchez. Pouvez-vous m'aidez svp ? Sinon plugin genial presque pas de bug
Author's response
Bonjour. Désolé je ne fais pas Si vous ne pouvez pas frapper le pvpbot, vous avez probablement une mauvaise version du plugin "citoyens". Contactez-moi via des messages privés si vous avez besoin d'aide. Et au fait, ce n’est pas le bon endroit pour signaler un bogue. Désolé, je ne parle pas français.

Version: 2.6.9
Very good plugin, but I have 2 problems, 1 when you do for example a party FFA sometimes the player get teleported underground. 2 (I don't know if it's the plugin or bukkit 1.7) for example, I stay in a block, but the other player sees me in another; I see him hitting the air and I take damage. sorry for my bad english
Author's response
Hi. If it's only visual use paperspigot instead of regular spigot, it should have it fixed. If it's not only visual set /arena center a few blocks above, you won't take fall damage for a few seconds. Same for pos1 & pos2 if it happens

Version: 2.6.9
StrikePractice is one of the best Practice plugins that have a lot of customization.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.6.9
Best practice plugin that is on spigotmc very cheap and the owner, toppe is very kind
Author's response

Version: 2.6.9
This is a great plugin that I use on my server and is able to provide me with the perfect server wide solution.

Thanks Toppe, continue this great plugin.
Author's response
Thank you :)!

Version: 2.6.9
If you are looking for a simple, easy to use, and professional practice plugin, StrikePractice is for you. It has all of the functions a large server would have, and works perfectly.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.6.9
Excelent plugin. Using it for months and no errors/bugs. Great support. Nice developer!
Author's response

Version: 2.6.9
Exellent Practice Plugin Mate !!!! When the StrikeCheat will be available ? I really want to have it
Author's response
Thanks for the review.

Unfortunately, strikecheat probably won't be released, pretty much an abandoned project. The feature was available for cheatbreaker too but that's no longer available.

Version: 2.6.8
Excellent Plugin, very easy to setup + the developer/owner Is friendly, really recommend this plugin!
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.6.7
Re-review as, this plugin deserves 5 stars no matter what. An amazing practice plugin for around 10$ US. I added you on discord as I got a few questions but either way good work and good plugin!
Author's response
Thank you very much :)!

Version: 2.6.4
Definitely one of the best practice plugins out there. Comes with great support and a very friendly developer.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.6.3
This is an awesome plugin with a helpful and active developer! I would reccomend it to a friend on a heartbeat! I honestly don’t know how the developer was able to make such an awesome plugin, if it were $100 I’d still buy it :)
Author's response

Version: 2.6.1
It is a very easy-to-use plug-in.
But sometimes there are bugs, but it is star 5!
Author's response
Thanks for the review.

New versions with new features might have a few bugs, if you want a more stable version, check the "version history" tab and choose latest version that has 100+ downloads (currently 2.5.7) :)

Version: 2.6.1
Amazing plugin, is really good to practice your pvp with the amazing bot, and enjoy playing other people. You can easily make your own maps and set everything up. Highly recommended buying this plugin. Totally worth the money
Author's response
Thank you

Version: 2.5.7
Author's response

Version: 2.5.7
Definitely, this is the best practice plugin on the market. It has some features that came from some famous server as well as some other unique features.
Author's response
Glad you like it :)

Version: 2.5.7
StrikePractice is the best practice plugin that you can buy! Amazing developer and very friendly.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.5.7
StrikePractice is the best practice plugin that you can buy! Amazing developer and very friendly.
Author's response
Thans :)!

Version: 2.5.7
Excellent Plugin, very easy to setup + the developer/owner Is Friendly, really recommend this plugin!
Author's response
Thank you!!

Version: 2.5.7
Me and My Friend have buy this plugin we appreciate This plugin
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 2.5.7
The best public practice plugin ever
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 2.5.4
incredible plugin, if you could add a uhc meetup type badlion, that would be even more incredible
Author's response
Thanks! Hosting lms with a build kit (should work) or FFA arenas (do /ffasetup for help) are somewhat like meetups :)

Version: 2.5.0
Amazing plugin coming with amazing support. Friendly author and flawless plugin. Performance seems to be great as well and the wide variety of features it has will make your players love it. Vouch!
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.4.1
Hey, the only problem I have with this plugin is that. We cannot change the spectating scoreboard? I don't know if you removed it from the other update or something. But it would be wonderful you could make it so we can change that!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Spectator scoreboard is in the config (if you don't see it you backup your current config.yml and delete the one on the server and restart to get the latest version of it and then you can copy it). If you see it in the config check that there is nothing wrong with your config (it should give an error when the server starts). Otherwise pm me with your config and logs

Version: 2.4.1
It is Best Practice Plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This plugin is god!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Thank you!!!!

Version: 2.4.0
StrikePractice is a nice well-developed Practice plugin, compatible with almost every version and with good n' fast support.

Latest version runs a lot smoother than before and lot of bugs got fixed.
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.3.1
I need help with the plugin. Please help! Fights works only in party ;((((
please help!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Pm me here or contact on discord: Toppe#4670 for help

Version: 2.3.1
This plugin is the best practice to continue and solve any problem coming
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 2.3.1
> ------------------------- <
- Successful plugin -
> ----- ------------------- <
Author's response
Thank you:)

Version: 2.3.1
Nice StrikePractice 2 Plugin Thanks!
its recommend plugin

Thanks! nice author plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.3.0
The author has helped me in fixing lag spikes for my server ! Great support, great practice plugin packed with many many features ! Highly recommended to buy this plugin !
Author's response

Version: 2.2.1
The author has helped me in fixing lag spikes for my server ! Great support, great practice plugin packed with many many features ! Highly recommended to buy this plugin !
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)!

Version: 2.2.1
Good Plugin 5 Stars and i love strikepractice because best practice plugin and best practice developer
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.1.0
It's a nice plugin, but I prefer to use /duel [player] to duel a player. It is hoped that the author can add this function, preferably to switch between Sign duel and command duel.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You can use /duel <player>. The sign will only open if you don't input the player name.

Version: 2.1.0
I have an error when a player uses the command / spectate <player>.
The error happens so many times that it causes my practice to lag and restart
Author's response
Do not report bugs or anything here. Pressuring me with 2 star review won't help you at all and it will take even longer to get help. Instead, you should send the error and additional information.

Version: 2.1.0
A great plugin where bugs are scare and when there are bugs, the developer is very quick to realise them and then patch them.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.1.0
add a option in the config file , ( Default Hide all players at Spawn : true or false ) , like MineMenClub , cuz i want to the all players invis on spawn without the player settings.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! You can do that in the config. It's "hide-players" just under "default-values"

Version: 2.1.0
Great developer, great support, amazing features. The most customizable plugin in the market (Practice). What more do you need? It's perfect. <3
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)!

Version: 2.0.0
This is the best practice plugin.Easy to use and has a lot of wonderful
features,the most important is it has almost no bugs.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!!

Version: 2.0.0
Congratulations there is a great plugin everything.He came and helped thanx developer
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 2.0.0
Good Plugin 5 Stars and i love strikepractice because best practice plugin and best practice developer
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.0.0
Great Plugin and nice developer. StrikePractice is the best plugin i have yet used and the developer is very nice.
Author's response
THanks for the review!

Version: 1.9.0
Good Plugin! 5 stars.

But tablist in my server don't work, please Dev help me.

No bug in plugin and 100% customizable. I made a very good investment buying this plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! The StrikePractice tab is only for 1.7 clients on 1.7 server. I recommend using external plugin such as Bungeetablistplus and placeholderapi.

Version: 1.9.0
Good Plugin!

you plugin the best of its style 100% recommended no bug or defect and found I made a very good investment buying your add-on!
Author's response
Glad you like the plugin. Thanks!

Version: 1.9.0
I love the plugin but I would like to know which is the best knockback for combo fly :3
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with good knockback settings so I can't help with that.

Version: 1.9.0
Love the plugin super easy to setup and is so configureable would recommend to anyone
Author's response
Thank you :)!

Version: 1.9.0
Before commenting here, I thoroughly tested the plugin. honestly it is a true wonder for the practice, The best complement for the professional use that I have found, It would lack details to make prettier but in truth it is perfect. Congratulations! keep improving
Author's response
Glad you like it! Thanks!

Version: 1.9.0
Great plugin, Developer fixes all bugs and gives great support with any issues you may encounter
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.8.0
Hello Mr. Toppe.
Version 1.8.0 of the strikepractice has errors, one of the usual ones is that of automatic events and sometimes pulls errors of worlds.
I would like to get in touch again with my Dombooh configurator by discord.
I feel I will classify it with 1 star, I will give it 5 stars when it solves the errors and the performance of its complement. Thank you.
Author's response
Hi, I'm sorry if there are any problems but pressuring me with 1 star review doesn't help you at all, especially when you haven't sent any errors and the "world error" is most likely from other plugins. Dropping from 5 star to 1 star, taken that you haven't even contacted me regarding to these problems, is ridiculous.

Version: 1.8.0
10/10 although sometimes there are errors on the plugin code, they are fixed in a short time. Good support and a very customizable plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.8.0
Beast practice system in the world.


Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 1.8.0
Best Practice Plugin on the world
1.Easy to cinfig
2.Easy Api
3.Kind Developer
4.Cheap and many features

This practice is the best for any practice
This Practice didnt care if your player 100+ cause it test on the bing network and its running smooth
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.8.0
1. Best Practice plugin on the market. Definitely worth the buck.
2. Friendly and Active Developer.
3. Down to the bone and very customizable.

Buy this plugin if you are making a practice server!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.8.0
Please update to 1.9.0 and remove premium queue add fully customizzare /Sumo arenacreate name and /sumo arenapos1 name /Sumo arenapos2 name /sumo arenacenter name

Please add this feature for multiple arena for sumo event and add a Customzable no permission message add a custom staff mode and staff mode scoreboard with freezegui (IRON BARS ITEM) vanish worldedit wand invsee compass
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You can remove the premium queue item, although I don't see point removing the feature from the plugin. Anyway, this is not the section for suggestions.

Version: 1.8.0
Amazing plugin,9999999 star
i recommended for every server owner
The dev is amazing person
support 10/10
# skript addon <3
Author's response
I'm glad you like the plugin, thank you!

Version: 1.8.0
This plugin is great. The bots move like real players(but when you fight the bot it does not strafe or combo you as much as a real player would yet it still does combo and sidestep). The author is always active and offers support. 10/10.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.8.0
I use this In my server add me to the server list thanks is a fantastic plugin!!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I'll check the server but I don't usually add all servers.

Version: 1.7.0
Strike Practice:

Easy to use (config)
Used on a lot of servers.
Trustworthy Developer

Some bugs, rarely though.
Author's response
Thanks for the review <2!

Version: 1.7.0
Amazing plugin, surely the best practice plugin out there on spigot. Haven't bumped into any problems yet and updates are nice and frequent.
Author's response

Version: 1.7.0
I like the plugin bucz it was good
so pls update more more more unranked mode. ty
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.7.0
StrikePractice might be the single best practice plugin for many reasons.

- Extremely cheap.
- Performs very well.
- Works with almost any server version, but works best with 1.7.10.
- Many features.
- PvP Bot/Replay matches (something you rarely see)
- 5 different hostable events.
- Regular updates.
- Does its job very well.
- Very friendly developer.

- Bugs can happen, but very rarely.

If you are looking for a practice plugin for your next server, StrikePractice is the go-to option for starting up your server.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.7.0
Bes practice plugin ever :D ! Good developper and active support ! I recommend it
Author's response

Version: 1.7.0
when someone wants me to recommend him a practice plugin , i'll never says StrikePractice , because this plugin is too good , i dont want let anyone know this plugin xd
keep working on this project!
Author's response
Thank you very much

Version: 1.7.0
very good developer and very good plugin . . w
Author's response
Thanks for the review.

Version: 1.7.0
Excellent and complete plugin! The developer is working hard for this plugin and he is fixing all the problems asap. This plugin has every feature that you would wish for a practice server!
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 1.6.0
The Best plugin!!

very easy

easy config

Friendly Deveropper
Author's response
Thank you

Version: 1.6.0
Excellent plugin for practice server!
And best Developer!
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 1.6.0
Just PERFECT! The Developer Is Really Really Really Nice, he is fixing all problems asap. I just love this dude! If I could rate this out of 100, I would rate it 100/100. Big Probs!

This Plugin has EVERYTHING + so much extras!
Author's response
Glad you like it :)

Version: 1.6.0
StrikePractice one off the best Practice plugins Keep The good work your Boi - yazon_pro
Author's response
Thanks :)!

Version: 1.6.0
StrikePractice might be the single best practice plugin for many reasons.

- Extremely cheap.
- Performs very well.
- Works with almost any server version, but works best with 1.7.10.
- Many features.
- PvP Bot/Replay matches (something you rarely see)
- 5 different hostable events.
- Regular updates.
- Does its job very well.
- Very friendly developer.

- Bugs can happen, but very rarely.

If you are looking for a practice plugin for your next server, StrikePractice is the go-to option for starting up your server.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.5.0
The best complete practice plugin of the whole Minecraft community!!!
You can buy it without any problem
Author's response
Glad you like it!

Version: 1.5.0
I have been using this Practice plugin since before it was on Spigot, and it is still without the best one out there. Especially useful is the bot fighting, to help players hone in on their PvP Skills. Thanks Toppe!
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 1.5.0
The best bang for your buck practice plugin. Active developer and little bugs. Would recommend it,
Author's response

Version: 1.5.0
It is so good
plz updat it better
thank you every much
like bot ai
like autostack problem
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 1.5.0
Amazing practice core, has every feature that you would wish for and amazing developer. Very fast help through discord and fast support. 5 Star rating.
Author's response
Glad you like the plugin :)

Version: 1.4.8
Extremely involved and well rounded plugin! I would recommend to everyone who is in need of a simple, ready to go Practice PvP plugin! Toppe is extremely helpful, and not to mention is quick to address an issue.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.4.5
excellent plugin , all features are here ;)
i am recommandate him :)

thank's for your dev
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.4.4
Awesome plugin with amazing features. Better than ProPractice and pretty much every practice plugin. With events and the ability to make any kit/ladder you would like, it is a must have for any practice server.
Author's response
Glad you like it :)

Version: 1.4.4
Very good Plugin, the Dev, showed me that he knows, and fix almost everything I asked, I hope you put our ip on your page as a test server, thank you, the ip is
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Added your server :)

Version: 1.4.3
exelent plugin, but you can give me spigot wisn't have bug of that ( ) cordaly
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) Paperspigot should have that bug fixed.

Version: 1.4.3
Wow, Great update this time, thanks you dev! Hope you get better on this project!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.4.0
Yes this plugin is amazing, although there are minor problems i found but they dont cause any problems with practice in general. I hope you could add a option so on the countdown people cant move, this will help alot with sumo since the arena is usually small other then that it is really nice!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You can use /battlekit stickspawn <kit> so they cant move. Other solution is to have slowness potion when using /battlekit setinv. Also you can pm me the other problems :)

Version: 1.4.0
please help!
when I setlobby and stop the server I cant tp to the lobby and I cant get items please fix this!
and I will change my review.
Author's response
Hi. I'm not sure if I understood correctly. Be sure you have set the lobby with /sprac setlobby. Also be sure you have join-lobby-teleport: true in your config, otherwise the plugin won't teleport you when you join the server. Currently there is no command to teleport players. If this doesn't help just pm me.

Version: 1.4.0
I have several errors that the dev does not answer. When I solve them I will qualify the corresponding .. click inventory in gapple disconnects the user from the server, when a game and you leave the game pull abstract error npc, and do not take anti cheat da bug in combo fly
Author's response
I'm sorry but sometimes I can't help everyone within 24 hours. Some things need more time to solve and therefore I helped the other guy before you (and I partly forgot it, you can always hit me up again if I don't reply). The bot error is probably because of wrong version of citizens (or some custom spigots don't work with citizens). Also I really can't help much if some your anticheat plugin doesn't like the combo physics. You probably need to disable that check or ask its dev. If you still need help just pm me or contact on discord/telegram for quicker replies.

Version: 1.4.0
Strike practice gets the job done. I've been using it for my practice server on my network for about 20 days now, and in that time, through extensive use, I've never had an issue that couldn't be solved. Support is always there, hats of to Toppe
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 1.3.7
One of the best Practice plugin on Spigotmc.
All the features are correct.
It can be a little hard to setup it at the beginning but for now i'm OK.
The support is also great, the author answered me minutes later!

I suggest: Premium Queue
Author's response
Thanks for the review :). I'll make setup easier in the future.

Version: 1.3.7
I have never seen that good. It really excites me. Highly recommended to all spigot users
Author's response
I'm glad you like it :)

Version: 1.3.7
Dude you have a problem with ur plugin , you have a exploit bug , ...
Please check it and found it .
Author's response
Hi. I highly doubt it (depends on what you really meant). You haven't reported anything so please private message me and explain the situation.

Version: 1.3.7
Best plugin I've ever seen in my life.
Author's response
Thank you for the review

Version: 1.3.5
Awesome plugin :D the Developer is Active for support And really fast. Fantastic :D
Author's response
Thank you a lot :)

Version: 1.3.5
Awesome plugin and support , people cant stop using the PvPBot when they are bored.

Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 1.3.5
You have Create Tutorial for Plugin (All commands)?

i can't create arenas with kits

msg: there are no free arenas. please try again soon! :(
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) If you need help you can always message me.

Version: 1.3.5
Looking for a main plugin for your practice server?

Seek no more! Here is the perfect one.
Would rate it 6/5 if possible.
Author's response
Thank you my friend :)

Version: 1.3.5
best plugin i found for a practice server. just a question, how i get golden heads for builduhc?
Author's response
Hi and thanks for the review. Use "/sprac goldenhead" or just have a golden apple named "Golden Head" or "GoldenHead" (case insensitive)

Version: 1.3.5
This plugin is AMAZIN!!! I am using this plugin on my server, and it works very wall! Buy it, is a good plugin.
Author's response
Thanks a lot for the review :)

Version: 1.3.5
Amazing plugin, right now I am going to take screenshot to this review to send proof to the owner for support on discord.
Author's response
Thanks (sorry for late reply :D)

Version: 1.3.5
I come from China, your plugin is very good, I use your plug-in to do PVP server, I have some suggestions.Can u add kit edit chest,add meetup and close pvp bot command config,I support your author :3
Author's response
Hi, thanks for the review :) if you do /battlekit chestaccess <kit name> you can open a chest at the editing place. /arena ffa <arena name> and have at least 1 kit set for the arena and after a restart you should be able to use /<arena name> to join it (still beta). You can remove the pvp bot permission from people if you don't want it. In the future contact me somewhere else if you want to ask something :)

Version: 1.3.5
Amazing plugin for practice pvp! However I'm pretty confused about this Strikecheat thing in the config file. Does this exist? THX
Author's response
Hi and thanks for the review. The strikecheat hasn't been published yet but some people have tested it.

Version: 1.3.5
Amazing plugin, but is there a way we can set a certain amount of ranked matches a player can play?
Author's response
Thanks! At the moment there is no option to limit ranked/unranked games.

Version: 1.3.5
Perfecto, mi servidor español lo esta usando, y va de maravilla. Sigue trabajando así ;)

Version: 1.3.5
So Amazing dude, this is the best pvp plugin i have ever used! Keep up the fantastic work man :D
Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 1.3.1
Truly an exceptional bug-free plugin and customizable to 100%!
A developer really willing to support....All this in one plugin! A really useful purchase. Best practice plugin
Author's response
Glad you like the plugin : )

Version: 1.2.7
The best plugin you can get for ArenaPVP. The developer is very interested, responds quickly to our questions. It helps a lot. For this quality this price is very cheap :) He fixes all errors and updates frequently. My server ip adress: Play.BloodyNetwork.Net ( Www.BloodyNetwork.Net = Web Site Register)

Türkiye'ye Selam Olsun!
Author's response
Thank you for the review : ]

Version: 1.2.6
Nice to see that Toppe cares about the bugs and suggestions etc..
And that the updates are every day / 3 days
Author's response
Thanks for the review T_T

Version: 1.2.6
This is an amazing plugin my man. i love the bot pvp feature well worth the money spent.
Author's response
Glad you like it :)

Version: 1.2.2
Best practice plugin ever :)
Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 1.1.4
The most complete practice plugins, i was one of the first (if not the first?) buyer and i can assure that Toppe is a great person and always helps you if you have problems and fix bugs extremely fast, 100% recommended, the price is extremely cheap for a plugin with this quality!
Author's response
Thanks mate :)

Version: 1.1.2
Great plugin! Using it on my Practice server on! Would reccomend and the developer helps very fast!
Author's response
Thanks for this review!

Version: 1.1.1
Best practice plugin!
I hope that the Author will be active!
But still this plugin is great!
Gonna use it on my network: or
[ 60+ poeple loves your plugin :) ]
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 1.0.2
Author's response
Hi, thanks for the feedback :). I'll check your server when it's open and might add it.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,075
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Sep 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
342 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings