PixelStacker - photo realistic pixel art generator icon

PixelStacker - photo realistic pixel art generator -----

A PixelArt Mosaic Generator that builds photo realistic art in Minecraft.

Auto update checker + design improvements
Oh yeah. It can also render much more than it used to be able to. I was able to output a 54mb PNG file map.
- Number of stacks required added to the CSV output

- Checkboxes to show toggle state


- Automatic Update Checker: Someone on the forums requested an automatic update tool for this. At first I didn't do it because I didn't think people would want it. Now I've added it. You will only get one prompt per version. "Would you like to go to the update page?" Your answer will be saved. If you say yes, you will go to the update page. If you say no, that update will be skipped. The program will not spam you to update. You will only be told to update once. Then it is up to you to go out and fetch the new version.

- Grid Mask: I was trying to use the grid to build some pixel art, but it was hard to keep track of which square I was on. So I added this. Middle click a grid square when grid mode is enabled and it will darken the display except for the clicked grid. Middle click the same grid square again to turn it off again. Also- grid lines are slightly thicker.
----------, Dec 5, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48,505
First Release: Sep 8, 2017
Last Update: May 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Find more info at taylorlove.info...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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