- New packet system:
HackedServer 1.x used the spigot vanilla system to communicate with the mods, unfortunately it could pose big compatibility problems with the 1.13 so I tried to use ProtocolLib in the previous snapshot. Not being completely satisfied I decided to write my own system for sending / receiving packets.
- Compatibility: Servers in 1.7.10 (about 1% of HackedServer users) will no longer be supported by 2.x versions (but will still be able to use the latest 1.x release without any problems).
- Dependencies: Since I use my own system you will not need ProtocolLib.
- New Features ?
With this new system we can expect a way to see mods / server communications without having to register the channel in the settings!
I will look for the umpteenth time on the problem of bungeecord compatibility hoping to find a new idea!