I promised you a big feature to start the year 2018. ... Well, that's the case! I do not know if you have heard of mcspam.org? This is a website that sends packets to your server to make it believe that he receives thousands of players per seconds (more than 7k bots per seconds sometimes).
It's a friend who told me about it. Sometimes his server was attacked with deathbot : the most well-known bot program (created by the same author as mcspam), but it was enough to activate the whitelist for a few minutes to solve the problem. However he recently received attacks via mcspam. And unfortunately his server stopped responding instantly and crashed in a few tens of seconds. After a player told him he was using mcspam.com, he contacted me to find out if I had a solution.
And I found one: I entered into a partnership with the mcspam developer. From now on you my dear users will be protected against mcspam.
Specifications : If your players connect trough a proxy like bungeecord your server will not be protected automatically. In this case don't hesitate to contact me and send me your ip adress I'll do that manually.
I hope you enjoy the improvements I make to HackedServer to better protect you! Thomas.