ColorfulMix [⭐MiniGame⭐]  - Unique ✅ icon

ColorfulMix [⭐MiniGame⭐] - Unique ✅ -----

Unique minecraft MiniGame ColorfulMix

Version: 2.2.0
wszystko jest git tylko na 1.19 nie mozna ppm myszy na tabliczke a admini z opem moga? dziwne
Author's response
Spróbuję złapać więcej czasu i się zebrać aby zrobić update pod 1.19+, obecnie wsparcie do wersji 1.18

Version: 2.2.0
you can't see players when the game is over, and sometimes you can't see them in the game. the previous version was better...
paid plugin not working properly?
Author's response
Could you give me more info? It is bukkit/paper/spigot or what server version? In first you should send to me that information than give 1-star review if you want waiting for fix update. I hadn't that problem, so from where I shall know about that problem?

Version: 2.1.2
good plugin, just a pity that it is not supported to the latest version. (1.18) and to-do list will never be completed.

Version: 2.0.2
buen plugins podria poner en modo team, top ranked actualizarlo, pero aun asi es exelente plugins mke gusta
Author's response

Version: 1.8.6
A Really Funny minigame, super adictive, I spend hours playing it!
The dev is also really nice and fast to fix any bug you could find. 5/5
Paper 1.16.5

Version: 1.8.4
Not working for 1.16.5...........................................................
Author's response
Thanks for the info :) The plugin was fixed as soon as I could. If you can remove 1 star, thanks! :D

Version: 1.8.2
Author's quick response to a problem I had and misunderstanding. Works well in 1.15, but spigot throws async errors and seems broken in 1.16..? Good fun and players on my server love it
Author's response
Thanks for good opinion ;) Btw if You find the bug just tell me more about this in a private message ;)

Version: 1.8.0
Bukkit: Paperspigot 1.12.2
Plugin: ColorfulMix v1.6.2
Explanation: A warning message is generated when running the server.
Author's response
Older version of NoteBlockAPI resolved this problem ;)

Version: 1.8.0
Lo estoy testeando me encanta luego pasare mi ip de servidor
seria buena ida poner top victorias con leaderheard
tambien seria buena idea poner en equipo cosa uno muere tiene oportunidad de ganar :D

Version: 1.7.0
Very nice plugin and great support from developer! Very friendly! I recommend! Please keep the updates!

Version: 1.5.0
Very nice plugin ! Game is funny ! I recommand it ! Thank for the game ! A creator who responds cordially to questions !

Just, clean =)
Author's response
Thank you for these kind words ;)

Version: 1.4.8
Love this type of games simple but fun hope you are gonne add something like music (notebocks/web client) then this will be even more fun
Author's response
I will soon finish school and have more time to encode and try to please your and other people ;)

Version: 1.4.6
I love this plugin. Definitely Worth The Money. It works really well on a 1.12.2 server.

One thing that I love about this plugin is the nostalgia. I remember playing this plugin my old server, but sadly as times pass the old minigames get replaced with the new, and as such the plugin became outdated. Luckily this plugin is up to date and I hope it stays that way because it truly is a marvel to have.

The creation of the arena is very simple and easy to setup. The only hard part is actually building the arena itself. Haven't experienced any bugs so far. In the future

I would love to see versions where you can use clay or glass as floors.

Thank you for creating this plugin. Hope to see it in future versions of minecraft. :D
Author's response
Hmm... When I'm finished adding planned features for this plugin I will add to choose in config a type of blocks with colors to replace floor. Thanks for idea and this opinion ;)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 89
First Release: Aug 28, 2017
Last Update: Oct 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
12 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings