MultiArena Duels [1v1] [Open Source] [Leaderboard] [MySQL Support] icon

MultiArena Duels [1v1] [Open Source] [Leaderboard] [MySQL Support] -----

1v1 Duels! Now featuring customizable kits, a leaderboard, and more!


Thank you, everyone, for more than 20,000 downloads! It is because of you that I am motivated to keep working on plugins!

- Unlimited arenas
- Unlimited kits
- Configurable messages
- Permissions
- Stats tracking and Leaderboard

Tutorial Video:

/duels help - Displays a configurable help menu
/duels join [id] - Joins the first available arena, or the arena with the specified id if it exists and is available.
/duels leave - Leaves the arena you are in. If the Game State is IDLE or COUNTDOWN then you'll just leave, but if it is PLAYING (that is, you're actively in the duel), then it counts as a loss in the statistics.
/duels listarenas - Lists all arenas, showing their ID, Name, and Game State (IDLE, COUNTDOWN, PLAYING)
/duels createarena <arena name> - Starts creating an arena called
/duels setlobby - Sets the lobby location of the arena you are currently working on
/duels setspawn1 | /duels setspawn2 - Sets the spawnpoints of the arena you are currently working on
/duels finisharena - Finishes the arena you are currently working on, adding it to the list of playable arenas
/duels kits list - List all available kits
/duels kits create <kit name> - Creates a kit with your current inventory
/duels kits delete <kit name> - Deletes
/duels kits select <kit name> - Equips for your next duel. If it doesn't exist, you'll get the Default kit
/duels loadoldstats - Loads the old stats from Stats.yml and puts them into the new Statistics system
/duels filetosql - Loads statistics from statistics.yml and puts them into the SQL database
/duels stats [player] - View your own or [player]'s stats
/duels top [wins/kills] - View a wins or kills leaderboard

Permissions - Allows /duels help
duels.join - Allows /duels join
duels.leave - Allows /duels leave
duels.listarenas - Allows /duels listarenas
duels.createarena - Allows /duels createarena, /duels setlobby, /duels setspawn1, /duels setspawn2, and /duels finisharena
duels.kits.list - Allows /duels kits list
duels.kits.create - Allows /duels kits create
duels.kits.delete - Allows /duels kits delete - Allows /duels kits select
duels.admin - Allows /duels loadoldstats and /duels filetosql
duels.stats - Allows /duels stats - Allows /duels top

As of Version 3.3.6, the following placeholders are supported through PlaceholderAPI:
%duels_top_wins_#% - Shows name and win amount of the player in #th on the wins leaderboard (e.g. Dartanman (5 wins)) [only supports the top ten players of each leaderboard.]

%duels_top_kills_#% - Shows name and kill amount of the player in #th on the kills leaderboard (e.g. Dartanman (5 kills)) [only supports the top ten players of each leaderboard.]

%duels_your_wins% - Shows just the number of wins of the player looking at it (e.g. 5)

%duels_your_kills% - Shows just the number of kills of the player looking at it (e.g. 5)

One example usage would be to have a leaderboard made with a holograms that support PlaceholderAPI and make them look like this:

Wins Leaderboard
1. %duels_top_wins_1%
2. %duels_top_wins_2%
3. %duels_top_wins_3%

Code (Text):

# Duels by Dartanman
# Don't edit kits in the file... unless you're particularly confident in your ability to read/write in Base64!
  Storage-Type: 'YAML'
    Address: 'localhost'
    Port: '3306'
    Database: 'schema'
    Username: 'admin'
    Password: 'password'
  No-Permission: '&cInsufficient permissions.'
  Countdown: '&aThe Duel begins in <seconds> second(s)!'
  Unknown-Command: '&cUnknown command. Try &e/duels help&c!'
  Incorrect-Args: '&cIncorrect args. Try &e<suggestion>&c!'
  No-Available-Arena: '&cUnfortunately, no Duel Arenas are available right now. Try again later!'
  Arena-Not-Available: '&cUnfortunately, that particular arena is not available right now. Pick another or try again later!'
  Joined-Arena: '&aYou have joined the Duel Arena called &e<arena_name>'
  Player-Left-Cancelled: '&cA player has left the duel and the countdown has been cancelled.'
  Invalid-Arena-Id: '&c<arg> is not a valid arena id (either it does not exist or is a name, not an id)'
  Arena-List-Format: '&9<id> &f- &e<arena_name> &f- &6<state>'
  Arena-Created: '&aArena &e<arena_name> &acreated! &e&lRemember to set its lobby and spawn locations!'
  Arena-Not-Finished: '&cArena is not finished! Ensure it has both spawnpoints and a lobby location set!'
  Arena-Finished: '&aArena has been finished and is now joinable!'
  Kit-Created: '&aKit &e<kit_name> &2&lcreated&a!'
  Kit-Deleted: '&aKit &e<kit_name> &4&ldeleted&a!'
  Kit-Selected: '&aSelected Kit &e<kit_name>&a!'
  Leaderboard-Header: '&9Duels <type> Leaderboard&f:'
  Leaderboard-Format: '<place>. &e<player>&f: &6<stat>'
    - '&9Duels Help Menu&f:'
    - '&6/duels help&f: &eDisplay this help menu'
    - '&6/duels join [id]&f: &eJoin an available arena or the arena with the given id'
    - '&6/duels listarenas&f: &eList all arenas'
    - '&6/duels createarena <arena name>&f: &eCreate a new arena called <arena name>'
    - '&6/duels setlobby &7or &6setspawn1 &7or &6setspawn2&f: &eSet the respective location of the arena you are currently making'
    - '&6/duels finisharena&f: &eSave and finish the arena you are currently making'
    - '&6/duels kits list&f: &eList all kits'
    - '&6/duels kits <create/delete/select> <kit name>&f: &eCreates <kit name> with your current inventory, deletes <kit name>, or selects <kit name>, respectively'
    - '&6/duels stats [player]&f: &eView your own stats, or [player]''s stats'
    - '&6/duels top [kills/wins]&f: &eView the top 10 winners and killers'
    - '&e============='
    - '&8<name>''s Stats'
    - '&eWins&f: &6<wins>'
    - '&eLosses&f: &6<losses>'
    - '&eKills&f: &6<kills>'
    - '&eDeaths&f: &6<deaths>'
    - '&e============='
    Name: Default
      Helmet: '{ material:iron_helmet amount:1 meta:{ } }'
      Chestplate: '{ material:iron_chestplate amount:1 meta:{ } }'
      Leggings: '{ material:iron_leggings amount:1 meta:{ } }'
      Boots: '{ material:iron_boots amount:1 meta:{ } }'
      - '{ material:iron_sword amount:1 meta:{ } }'
      - '{ material:bread amount:64 meta:{ } }'
Steps To Update From 3.1.3 or Lower:
  1. Stop your server.
  2. Delete your old config.yml and your old Duels JAR file.
  3. Add the new Duels JAR file.
  4. Start your server.
  5. (OPTIONAL) If you wish to load the old tracked wins into the new statistics system, run the command /duels loadoldstats with the permission duels.admin. If you do not want to load the old tracked wins, just skip this step.
  6. Delete Stats.yml BUT DO NOT DELETE statistics.yml

Duels for MC 1.17-1.18:
Use Duels Version 3.1.3 - It is the latest version that supports Minecraft 1.17 and 1.18. It has worked well for about 6 months without complaints, so it should be relatively stable. That being said, if you do find any bugs, they will not be fixed. Also, no new features will be added for these versions. Use them at your own risk.

While it is possible I might add more backwards compatibility on the latest version of Duels, do not count on it.

Tutorial Video [Lots Of Important Information] [Slightly Outdated]:

- Unlimited arenas
- Unlimited kits
- Configurable messages
- Permissions

/duels help - Displays help menu
/duels join - Joins a duel if there are any available arenas
/duels join <arena> - Joins <arena> if it is available
/duels leaderboard - Shows the top 10 winners
/duels arenas create <arenaName> - Creates a new arena
/duels arenas setspawn1 <arenaName> - Sets the first spawnpoint for <arenaName>
/duels arenas setspawn2 <arenaName> - Sets the second spawnpoint for <arenaName>
/duels kits create <kitName> - Creates a new kit with your current inventory
/duels kits delete <kitName> - Deletes <kitName>
/duels kits list - Lists all kits
/duels kits select <kitName> - Selects <kitName> for your next duel
/duels leave - Leaves the queue for a duel if you are in queue but the duel has not started yet.

duels.join - Allows /duels join
duels.leaderboard - Allows /duels leaderboard
duels.arenas.create - Allows /duels arenas create
duels.arenas.setspawn - Allows /duels arenas setspawn1 and /duels arenas setspawn2
duels.kits.create - Allows /duels kits create
duels.kits.delete - Allows /duels kits delete
duels.kits.list - Allows /duels kits list - Allows /duels kits select
duels.leave - Allows /duels leave

Duels uses bStats to obtain anonymous information about your server, such as the server version. If you want to disable it, do so in the \plugins\bStats folder. I would appreciate it if you would leave it enabled, though, as it helps me better develop Duels.

Download Goals:
100: Done
250: Done
500: Done
1000: Done
1500: Done
2000: Done
2500: You all have been so supportive. It is unbelievable that I would ever have this many downloads on one plugin. THANK YOU!
3000: Amazing. Truly amazing. You all really inspire me to keep going.
4000: WOW! 4000! This is beyond the amount I ever thought one of my plugins would get.
5000: Okay.... this is kind of insane at this point! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
7500: What a fantastic way we've come. You're all amazing. Can we make the next goal?
10,000: I don't even have words to describe this anymore. Y'all are truly a wonder. I'm so glad I could provide a fun plugin for all of you.
15,000: Y'all are fantastic. 15,000 downloads is really something special.
25,000: Can we make it happen?
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 26,256
First Release: Jul 31, 2017
Last Update: Oct 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
29 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings