Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover icon

Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover -----

Provided fixes for several vanilla bugs that allow players to dupe on your server.

Bugfixes and New Features!
Configurable messages in messages.yml
1) "Click to teleport here" text is now configurable.
2) Added message for StaffMsgDispenerFlint

New Features:
1) EnsureSafeTeleportLocationIfAboveCeiling - Makes sure the player wont be teleported back into solid netherrack or mid-air if teleport back down from above the nether ceiling.
2) BlockBuildingAboveNether - Prevents players from placing/breaking blocks when above the NehterYLevel setting.
3) PeventRecordDupe - Prevents an exploit using tnt, a skeleton and a pit full of creepers, used to mass farm records all at once.
4) PreventShulkerCrash - Prevents players from using a dispenser to place a shulker above the max build height, crasing the server (1.12 only).
5) PreventShulkerCrash2 - Prevents players from using a downward facing dispenser with flint and steel to crash the server. (1.16 only).

1) Fixed an issue with end portal destruction protection to prevent players from being able to use a bucket to break the end portal frames.
----------, Feb 19, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 108,771
First Release: Jul 24, 2017
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
268 ratings
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