Configurable messages in messages.yml
1) "Click to teleport here" text is now configurable.
2) Added message for StaffMsgDispenerFlint
New Features:
1) EnsureSafeTeleportLocationIfAboveCeiling - Makes sure the player wont be teleported back into solid netherrack or mid-air if teleport back down from above the nether ceiling.
2) BlockBuildingAboveNether - Prevents players from placing/breaking blocks when above the NehterYLevel setting.
3) PeventRecordDupe - Prevents an exploit using tnt, a skeleton and a pit full of creepers, used to mass farm records all at once.
4) PreventShulkerCrash - Prevents players from using a dispenser to place a shulker above the max build height, crasing the server (1.12 only).
5) PreventShulkerCrash2 - Prevents players from using a downward facing dispenser with flint and steel to crash the server. (1.16 only).
1) Fixed an issue with end portal destruction protection to prevent players from being able to use a bucket to break the end portal frames.