1) Removed minecart's from the pushable entity lag machine check, as this is already handled if you have prevent minecart glitching turned on. This was just a redundant check and basically if you have either protection turned on the other is not needed.
2) Set the permission for enchanted item bypass to no-one, this did default to OP. If you wish for ops to be excluded from this check simply grant them the illegalstack.enchantbypass permission. The reason for this as it would cause confusion as to why the items weren't removed when opped players held them.
3) Added the command /illegalStack fix this will force check an item for illegal enchantments and bad attributes and fix the item you are currently holding in your main hand. This feature operates independently from the automatic IllegalEnchantment protection. If you have FixIllegalEnchants ON this command should never be needed.