Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover icon

Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover -----

Provided fixes for several vanilla bugs that allow players to dupe on your server.

Minor Bugfix Update from version 1.9.7
1) Fixed a bug that would cause chested horses to be checked for in 1.8 even though those mobs don't exist
2) Fixed a typo in messages.yml it should auto fix your messages.yml provided you're using the misspelled version.
3) Fixed a bug that would send InGame notifications to players with the notify permission node even if notifications are turned off.
4) Fixed a bug with book detection that would throw an error in some very odd circumstances.
5) Cleaned up the /istack prot command it should now only show protections that are actually relevant to your server version.
----------, Jul 8, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 108,771
First Release: Jul 24, 2017
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
268 ratings
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