Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover icon

Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover -----

Provided fixes for several vanilla bugs that allow players to dupe on your server.

Updated to Minecraft 1.14.1
Recompiled the plugin and tested some exploits today to see what 1.14 exploits were working. I was also made aware of a new carpet duper that works in 1.14 but NOT 1.14.1. Therefore I am going to leave the 1.14 protections enabled until things are a little more finalized and stable. I will mark below what should be fixed in 1.14.1 but there is no guarantee that the exploits will STAY fixed. To be on the safe side you may just want to leave them enabled for now.

1) Villager swim exploit : FIXED in 1.14.1
2) TNT Duper: WORKING in 1.14.1
3) Villager Trade Cheesing Exploit: WORKING in 1.14.1
4) Rail / Carpet Dupers: Appear to be FIXED in 1.14.1 (but were fixed previously and came back in 1.14)
5) 0 tick piston farms: WORKING in 1.14.1
6) Portal Duping; WORKING in 1.14.1
7) Bedrock Removal / headless Pistons: WORKING in 1.14.1
----------, May 14, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 108,771
First Release: Jul 24, 2017
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
268 ratings
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