Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover icon

Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover -----

Provided fixes for several vanilla bugs that allow players to dupe on your server.

Added Auto Fishing Mod Detection
Added protection against client side mods that mimic player fishing. This protection is different than the afk spam fishing protection. Most of the fishing mods simply re-cast the lure in the same spot over and over again. This protection tracks the location of the lure each cast and once the code has detected they're landing in the same spot over and over again one of two actions are taken depending on the configuration values...

1) Default action: Notify Staff and block any further fish from being caught in that location. This simply blacklists the location where the mod is catching fish over and over (kicks in after 5 by default). The player is not notified however further catches in this spot will be prevented, if the player moves a tiny bit the lure will land in a new location and fishing can resume. This should avoid most false positives if a player is normally fishing as the detection range for the location is very small, the slightest wiggle of the mouse will produce a new location.
a) Settings.WatchForAutoFishMod: true #turn on the code that watches for auto fish mods.
b) Settings.FishMod.MaxFishToNotifyStaffThenBlock: 5 #Increase this value to allow more fish to be caught before the location is blacklisted.

2) Kick Mode: Instead of notifying staff of the potential fishing mod, warn the player then kick them if they continue to fish in that spot. This option will issue a warning if they continue to catch fish in the exact same spot over and over, if they catch another fish in that spot after the warning they will be kicked on the next fish caught. Again a slight movement of the mouse will reset this count and they will NOT be kicked.
a) Settings.FishMod.WarnPlayerThenKickInsteadOfNotify:true # if set to TRUE, there will be no in game notification sent to staff, but a warning will be issued to the player, before they are kicked.
b) Settings.FishMod.MaxFishAllowedBeforeKick: 30 #The number of fish a player can catch in the same spot before being kicked.
c) Settings.FishMod.WarningMessage #customizable warning that is sent to the player.
d) Settings.FishMod.KickMessage #Customizable kick message.
----------, May 2, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 108,771
First Release: Jul 24, 2017
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
268 ratings
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