Updated to fix some debug code that was being printed to the console that I neglected to remove (sorry about that!).
Also added the ability to block non player entities from traveling through portals, this is to prevent dupes that kill monsters as well as falling blocks such as sand that would normally be duped when entering a portal.
The following configuration values will be added to your config automagically upon loading the plugin:
Code (Text):
BlockNonPlayersInNetherPortal: true #prevent any entity that is NOT on the whitelist from traveling to the nether.
NetherWhiteList: [] #Entity types (by name may be added here to allow them to teleport to the nether see: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html for the names, the MUST be exact for your version including caps, otherwise the entity will still be blocked. ***NOTE*** entity names may change from version to version so please keep this in mind if you're not on the current spigot***
BlockNonPlayersInEndPortal: true #same as nether portal settings
EndWhiteList: [] #same as nether white list
NotifyBlockedPortalAttempts: false #setting this to true will notify staff in chat when a portal attempt is blocked, this could possibly get spammy if the entity isn't moved away from the portal.
Any entity that tries to enter a portal is gently pushed away, thus trying to throw an item through a portal will cause it to get knocked back away from the portal. Notifications for portal attempts are OFF by default to prevent spam if a player decides to send a bunch of items or mobs through.