Updated for 1.14 and added minecart glitches and zombie pickup protections
Added a couple options to the config for a few more exploits.
1) PreventMinecartGlitch: true - will stop players from being able to glitch a minecart inside another block using pistons.
2) RemoveExistingGlitchedMinecarts: false - Defaults to FALSE, if you have a problem with a lot of glitched minecarts already on your server set this to TRUE and they will be removed when loaded back into the game.
3) .PreventZombieItemPickup: false - Defaults to FALSE, the drowned dupe appears to be patched on spigot, but if you're using something else and players are able to dupe items that zombies pick up set this to TRUE to enable the protection.
This plugin has been compiled against the 1.14 Pre5 snapshot, and several long standing exploits have finally been fixed. It should run fine on a 1.14 server if you notice any issues please let me know!