Stats Scoreboard icon

Stats Scoreboard -----

| Get your Stats on a Scoreboard! | 1.20+ Support! | HEX UPDATE!!!

Version: 4.0.13-Lite
This is the best free Scoreboard plugin. It has all what you need and it also supports HEX colors (the banner is old, but HEX colors work). Support on Discord is very fast, the owner directly answer.
Author's response
I appreciate the review thanks!

Version: 4.0.12-Lite
I find it a good plugin for your Minecraft 1.8 or 1.19 server. You can tell that the developer puts his effort into the plugin

Version: 4.0.6-Lite
Can you bring harmony with the Decent Holograms plugin?
I don't use Holographic Displays on my server
Author's response
I can give it a try, I attempted reaching out to their discord/authors. They completely ignored me so It may take some time.

Version: 4.0.5-Lite
Great plugin. I use it with all of my custom plugins with no issue. Took some time to figure parts of it out, but 10/10. Creator helps in Discord as well.

Version: 4.0.2-Lite
good plugin, but can you add more stats, like blocks placed, blocks mined, blocks walked, dragons killed and command to reload all the stats but on premium, this plugin is really good

Version: 3.4.8-Lite
Cool plugin with easy setup! Everything is fine, except for the non-working "rank".
Author's response
I'm not sure what you mean by "rank" but feel free to join the discord and I can assist you with any issues you may be having.

Version: 3.4.8-Lite
Great Plugin, very easy to configure :). First time reviewing something, so I thought i'd review this :). I was wondering where i can find the wiki? :).
Author's response
Click the picture that says Wiki above :D or you can just click here :D
Its slightly out of date, but most the general stuff is there. if you need more help feel free to join the discord and I can help you with anything else!

Version: 3.4.6-Lite
It's okay, but you should think about making all-in-one placeholders for all plugin features instead of making other (sometimes same) placeholders for other feature.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! All the Placeholders and where they can be used are listed in the Wiki. I can still try to generalize the placeholders for ease of use :)

Version: 3.4.3-Lite
Its a biutifull Plugin very Nice but if Restart server the holograms will be deledet
Author's response
Please join the discord and we can get this issue solved, Please look for support before rating poorly as this could be a user error :)

Version: 3.4.1-Lite
Nice work! I living in Finland can I get form the day.month.year not and how? And is the red numbers mandatory for right site. Thank you!
Author's response
There not currently a setting for day.month.year, I will look into adding that feature. And yes unfortunately its built into minecraft's code to require the red numbers. If you go around on any big server they have them too.

Version: 3.4.1-Lite
Sadly Mob Tracking costs 4€ which is the only thing I needed but I like the feature with holographic leaderboards ^^
Author's response
Thanks for the review, though I do not understand why you would rate this plugin 3 stars for not having a feature. You should rate it on how the plugin runs/enjoyability, Not based on a feature that's in a paid plugin.

Version: 3.4.1-Lite
like this plugin but could you make it so if there's no scoreboard up then display the statsb scoreboard(cuz that can cause an annoying problem)?, or make it so if you go to a world then display the score board(if its on enabled worlds)

Version: 3.1.16-Lite
Works like a charm for my server highly recommend this discord support is good too looking forward for more updates :)

Version: 3.1.14-Lite
Great plugin. Must download. Great devs support fast all around great plugin. 11/10

Version: 3.1.14-Lite
Dev is awesome and nice. Plugin itself is really easy to use and useful for displaying pvp stats

Version: 3.1.9-Lite
Great plugin, simple and just what I was looking for. Easy to configure to my needs and setup.

Version: 3.1.8-Lite
Excellent complement, I recommend it too !

Version: 3.1.8-Lite
thank you so much this plugin is very useful it works perfectly <3 good job you are legend

Version: 3.1.7-Lite
this is a amazing plugin, it would be even more awesome if some had like over 5 kill streaks and a player end it, it says %player& has ended %player's% kill of 12... etc
Author's response
More streak support is on my update list :D
Thanks for the review!

Version: 3.1.5
I LOVE THIS PLUGIN!! works on 1.15.2 like a charm :)) BIG 5 STARS and also your developer is really active and fixes a lot of bugs. I am reporting one issue for the plugin on the discord plz check it! V_Link#8687

Version: v3.0.3
The developer fixes lots of bugs quickly!
The plugin is great for a survival server
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.8.8
can you help, im getting kills and deaths, but the scoreboard and leaderboards arent updating. same with another non-op acc
Author's response
Please report issues and bugs with the plugin on my discord, not my reviews page thanks!

Version: 2.8.8
Good plugin but I don't understand why don't work TAB prefix when ScoreBoard is on.
Author's response
Please report issues and bugs with the plugin on my discord, not my reviews page thanks!

Version: 2.8.6
I decompiled the plugin, sue me if you have the balls for it haha........................

Version: 2.6.3
Works not all the time, the plugin keeps getting disabled for no reason...
I hope this could be fixed otherwise i need to use a other plugin
Author's response
If you can join the discord. (link on plugin page) I can help you work out the problem. Thanks!

Version: 2.6.3
so good plugin great. I like this plugin. the best plugin scoreboard. thank you so much

Version: 2.5.7
Great plugin, you should add a feature to display the leaderboard as a hologram!
Author's response
Planning on it! Keep an eye out on the updates!

Version: 2.5.7
Works fine but why does this plugin doesn't use the UUID to store the stats? Please add UUID support

Version: 2.5.7
Open the source code please lmaoxdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddwkdjfujsjxkwk
Author's response
As of now, I'm not looking to push the plugin open source. If you would like a feature join the discord and shoot over a message! I'll look into adding it!

Version: 2.5.6
Great plugin! i joined discord and this guy provide a nice support, love it <3, its free and safe, the most easy 5 stars ever.
Author's response
Thanks for the nice words!

Version: 2.5.5 Re-Code
New update added all the features i asked for. Very good support too!
Best free Stats plugin i know.

Version: 2.5
Very nice plugin. Very good support also, I joined discord and my issue was solved in 5 minutes.

Version: 2.5
Just a great plugin. Very useful for pvp severs! I cant see any issues! 5 stars.

Version: 2.5
The plugins works fine but it needs a lot of performance.
please try to reduce this, thanks!

Version: 2.5
Super Plugin!
Nur komischer weise wird bei mir das Scoreboard nur mit /sbreload angezeigt.. Wenn ich neu joine ist es wieder ausgeblendet und mit /sbreaload wieder einfügbar.. habe number-of-players-to-show: 1 schon gemacht..
Author's response
Ich habe Probleme, Ihr Problem zu verstehen. Bist du auf der neuesten Version? Wenn ja, hast du es versucht, ohne etwas in der Konfiguration zu bearbeiten? oder läuft eine Neuinstallation des Plugins?

Wenn dies Ihr Problem nicht behebt, schreiben Sie mir bitte eine E-Mail, damit wir das Problem beheben können!

Version: 2.5
Funktioniert klasse. Was ich mir wünschen, dass man bei /stats auch seinen Rang sieht und ,dass das Leatherboard nach Kills und KD basiert und nicht nur auf Kills basiert ^^. Zudem würde ich mir den momentanen Rang im Scoreboard wünschen ^^.

Getestet in der 1.8.8 ohne MySql
Author's response
Nun, ich würde gerne so etwas machen. Kannst du mir mehr Informationen darüber geben, wie du Rang meinst? und oder KD / Kill Leveling?

Ich spreche kein Deutsch .. also wenn etwas seltsam ist. Google Übersetzer

Version: 2.4.3
Worst plugin, I have EVER tried, I set up everything, and the scoreboard doesn't show up, the ONE thing I needed this plugin for, if the rating was out of ten it would be 1, but its 1/5 cus its out of 5. HORRIBLE
Author's response
Give this plugin one more go! I realized that I pushed a faulty build out I should have fixed alot of the issues!

I hope this resolves your issue and you can consider a rereview!

Version: 2.4
Gutes Plugin aber sobald ich etwas am Scoreboard ändere zum Beispiel die Farbe, dann zeigt es mir das Scoreboard nicht mehr an
Author's response
Wir arbeiten an einer Lösung und erwarten bald ein Update!

Version: 2.4
This is a very good plugin! After trying to make other scoreboard plugins work with killing stats, I found this. This definitely simplifies a lot! One suggestion though. If this plugin could work with Placeholderapi and use its place holders, since this plugins scoreboard placeholders are semi-limited, that would be great.

Also, When i disable the economy, the scoreboard breaks. Also, the money: goes to like the 11th decimal point which takes a lot of space.

Other than that, great plugin
Author's response
Working on a fix, expect an update soon!

Version: 2.1
The best Scoreboard plugin I've ever used
but after I buy something the balance on the scoreboard doesn't change.
I used /balance and my balance is 495. My scoreboard balance is 500 how do I fix this?
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I will take a look! I don't remember implementing econ yet although, Be on the lookout for an update that could fix! :D

Version: 2.0.2
Would be better if i can edit the /stats messages

The other things are cool! porbs
Author's response
Hey, Thanks for your interest in the plugin, I can add the feature to edit the message! Then I hope you will re review :D

Version: 1.9.99
all is exelent really god work but i have a question, for what the top kills is in zero?, i have a list of ten players but all the kilss are in zero ;(
Author's response
Contact me on Discord! I will get that fixed for ya! ASAP
Discord: Snow#5752

Version: 1.9.99
Memes are dank, java is good.

This is the best, plugin I've ever used.

This stupid poetry took me half an hour to think of.
Author's response
Worth every second of the hour! Thanks for the feedback!

Version: 1.9.9
Perfect plugin :D But, can you add amount money ?) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
Author's response
I Can! updating coming end of July!

Version: 1.9.8
Hey i have a problem when someone dies: "could not pass event PlayerDeathEvent to StatsSB"

Please help:(
my disc: qiol#1542

Nice plugin

Version: 1.9.8
Just a little tiny error: the "deaths" count has a DECIMAL PLACE and this should only be a WHOLE NUMBER for example when I look at my scoreboard the "death" count should be 0 NOT 0.0 xD but I keep the rating at 5 stars!
Author's response
Fixing! Update soon will fix more bugs aswell!

Version: 1.9.8
Can you do perworldkills and perworld death plugin ? ?
Author's response
Coming in v2.0 hang tight should be coming in the next few days!

Version: 1.9.7
please add disable specified world option it would be great..............................
Author's response
That already is an option, Go into your config file and change "EnabledWorlds:" to "true'' and enter the worlds you want stats to be logged in :)

Version: 1.9
Hello!! I use your plugin but what happens is that when a person dies, you can solve this error ???
Author's response
debugging now! hang tight will release resource update when fixed

Version: 1.9
Can i take it to , which is the biggest forum about Minecraft in China,I will indicate the original author,the original address and other information.Thank you very much♪(・ω・)ノ
Author's response
Ill think about it, I'm not sure I want my resource posted under another user

Version: 1.5
Nice plugin !! Add TopKill and it's perfect (i'm french) please :) *****************

Version: 1.5
***********************Add top kills please!!, excellent ********************************
Author's response
Will do kind sir! - Might recode a lot of this plugin for V:2.0!

Version: 1.5
Add customization scoreboard pls! *********100 CaractereS*************************
Author's response
Explain what you want custom, I am planning on updating this plugin!

Version: 1.1
You can MySql read support. So you do not need the file. It can be nice if you write and read instant.

I am turk, my english bad, sorry :(
Author's response
I do not fully understand.. what I'm getting is that you want a option to get stats from MySQL instead of using the config? Please continue in the discussions area :)

Version: 1.0
You Can Add MySQL :)
Author's response
Will add, Thanks for your feedback!

Version: 1.0
Good plugin! Please consider downloading! Very well coded :)) keep it up zohreh :))

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 78,346
First Release: Jul 6, 2017
Last Update: Jul 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
52 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings