✦ Eggwars/Bedwars X ✦ [Solo, Teams, Kits, Leaderboards, Mysterybox, Parties] icon

✦ Eggwars/Bedwars X ✦ [Solo, Teams, Kits, Leaderboards, Mysterybox, Parties] -----

Best Eggwars/Bedwars plugin out there! Tons of cool features that you don't want to miss!

Version: 8.5.1
eggwars scoreboard is totally buggy with the powerboard plugin
every game, after a few minutes, the scoreboard disappears and whole plugin is completely buggy then I must every time type '/ew stop' to make it even stop and it spams errors to console, if it gets fixed I will give it 5 stars!!

Version: 8.5.1
extremely epic plugin! but eggwars scoreboards with powerboard plugin is buggy even if I turn it off using perworldplugins :( and usually when I join to the arena it says "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" and then the game doesn't start. you can come and take a look on ip nacworld.ooj.cz version 1.20.4, If this will fixed I will give it 5 stars immediately! (sory for bad eng xd)

Version: 8.5.1
extremely epic plugin but eggwars scoreboards with powerboard plugin is buggy even if I turn it off using perworldplugins. and usually when I join to the arena it says "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" and then the game doesn't start. you can come and take a look on ip nacworld.ooj.cz (version 1.20.4)

Version: 8.2
I did not regret purchasing the plugin. Flexible in settings, support is happy to help if you don't understand something. 5 out of 5
Author's response
Thank you for your kind support!

Version: 8.1
Very good plugin which does exactly what it is supposed to. Higly reccomend it! Also the owner is very helpful when you need help with anything. Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thank you so much for the awesome support <3! Happy to hear that you like my work.

Version: 7.8
Works well, not very customizable when looking at the source code, atleast its confusing to me but a good plugin and fairly reliable

Version: 6.1
The advantage of this plug-in over the original bedwar is that it can be upgraded, but the GUI is not perfect or even simple, and the iron ingots and diamonds of this plug-in can not be superimposed. That is to say, when only two people play a game, tens of thousands of entities will be generated, resulting in a very lagging server, I don't know if config.yml has a setting to turn off this item, but when I asked the author, my email and discord didn't reply to me for more than a week.At the same time, I also hope the author can create a super ticket function, that is, when playing 4v4v4v4, when the number of players is less than 8 but more than a certain value, the player can initiate the function of forced countdown, and when the number of players exceeds a certain number, the player can initiate the function of forced countdown.

Version: 5.9
Good Eggwars plugin you will like. There is still missing some stuff for it to be perfect, but I think it is still good plugin.
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: 5.8
Amazing plugin! Been using Wazup92's plugins for years now and they are always the best! Using this plugin on Play.Minecraft-Romania.Xyz!

Version: 5.8
This plugin is super cool, everything is customizable.
Can add as many kits as i want, liked generators images.

i really recommend this plugin for anyone want to start his own eggwars server.

but i wish is there was cages system.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! Cages are actually planned to be added :)

Version: 5.5
Mr. Wazup92, look how good updates you've brought. This is how we ask you for updates. :) Independent updates from your other plugins are always good.

Version: 5.1
Thank you for considering our suggestions, Mr. Wazzup! As a result of my review, there are commands allowed in the Eggwars configuration. I also think it should come to the disabled commands section and I wanted to share it with you. If this section comes to the Customize section; ''The command you were using has been disabled.'' It may come in the form of a warning.

Commands Allowed: Available in configuration

Disabled Commands: It is not available in config but would be great if you do. :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I don't really understand why there would be both 'Allowed' and 'Disabled'. Anything that is not in the Allowed would be disabled automatically.

Version: 5.0
My perspective on the game is increasing day by day as new features come in! You really know this job man!
Author's response
Thank you for support!

Version: 4.6
This is by far the best EggWars plugin I've seen so far.
Everything is so polished and easy to setup, although the feature list is pretty huge.
The performance is excellent, and I didn't stumble across any bugs until now.

The documentation is absolutely exemplary and everything is clearly understandable. I can only strongly recommend anyone who has problems with the plugin to read the documentation in detail, because every function and problem case is explained here.

I still can't believe how professional this plugin is.
I'm so impressed, that I also bought all the other plugins of Wazup92.
Well done, mate!
Author's response
My god! i'm glad you liked the plugin so much!!! many thanks for the awesome review ;) made me really happy <3

Version: 4.5
I don't know why, but if I win the game, it won't show up in the chat, it just throws me into the lobby.
Author's response
Please use the discussion area for issues! Show me what happens and look for any errors in the console as well!

Version: 4.5
Awesome! keep updatig this plugin, and can you add my server using your plugin? ip: jogar.craftsgp.net

Version: 4.5
cool plugin with great customer support.
I'd very much recommend this if you have the time.

Version: 4.2
Asked for arena status placeholders and the developer added these!
Plugin is working nicely, It is worth to buy it!
Thanks again Wazup ;).

Version: 4.1
Very easy to configure, and works quite well! Everyone on my network has a lot of fun with this. I recommend this easy to setup plugin to anyone who wants to add eggwars to their server.
Author's response
Thank you for your honesty! Glad you got the plugin running well.

Version: 4.1
Could you please add support for beds? RED_BED, ORANGE_BED etc...
The plugin is good.

Version: 4.0
Customized scoreboard in the game, not in the hall!!! Many of us are waiting for this update

Version: 4.0
Doesn't work with beds as advertised tried defining in config as RED_BED and just BED anything other than BED and DRAGON_EGG causes an internal error when defined as BED I look at a teams bed to try and define it and it says you must look at a BED. zero support not to mention email support this is the 21 century no one uses email, to make matters worse it has been a week and I still have no response! I am deeply disappointing.

TL;DR plugin sucks don't waste your money time or effort on this terrible
plugin Even if the plugin was free the clicking of the download button takes too much energy for this trash. even then there are much better free alternatives to this plugin.
Author's response
Yes, the whole plugin is terrible just because you could not change your egg to a bed. Yes, smart one! Anyway, I believe what you are looking for is a bed block.

Version: 4.0
Hi, nice plugin!
Full customizable
Satisfied 100% with this plugin!
Nice support 10/10
Author's response
Thank you so much man! Much appreciated!!!!

Version: 3.8
i liked this plugin its very good developer but i would rate this 5 if the shop would be more organized like hypixel bedwars shop and plase make config more easy to change like kits and stuff but without this its perfecy
Author's response
Thanks for the support..

Version: 3.8
Best plugin of it's kind, and good price for such a good plugin. no issues whatsoever at the moment.
Author's response
Glad to hear!

Version: 3.5
Player when join on arena take a damage, sometimes i can't pick up iron from my generator, i get a bad render of my avatar when i die on 1.11 version, but is a perfect on other session, nice for bungee with mysql and leaderboards, nice game, but fix iron generators, damage on join arena and render skin on death on 1.11 (rare case)
p.s. dev inactive, not release update for this plugin, and dont' talk on chat, i will update my review after fix my bug,

Version: 3.5
The update is pretty meh but its an update none the less so Im pretty happy you're back. Anyway, I really do like the plugin tho you can buy kits twice.

Version: 3.5
another useless update the reason i gave 2 stars to it is you finally woke up after 1 year of not working and updating the plugin with useful features for people to feel OK to actually PAY for the plugin, you didnt even fix any bugs in this last couple of months, bugs like the spectating system, kitsystem, mistery boxes and etc
Author's response
Well... maybe now that i'm online for this period you should contact me about these issues instead of whining here without any clear description

Version: 3.4
The developer has gone inactive and this plugin doesn't exactly work.

I wanted to use the bungee mode function although it does not work whatsoever, and now the developer is gone so I've wasted my money.

Version: 3.4
Why Resource name Eggwars/Bedwars ?? Nice Minigame plugin! deleveloper afking?? aksed please!

Version: 3.4
Needed more configurable. Example;
Can't be changed in chat "shout" and "team names" etc.

Also needed random map or map vote option for bungee mode.

Also have some important bugs i report this bugs but developer inactive no reply.

Version: 3.4
Lo testie en mi server y funciona perfectamente osea lo recomiendo 100%

Version: 3.4
Innactive developer and plugin has a looot of bugs. Waiting for reply for about a month. Rather buy some other plugin or download some free version.
Maybe I will change rating if author do something about this..

Version: 3.4
The best EggWars plugin out there.
This plugin is the best one respecting performance and gameplay. It does have some problems indeed, like it's not fully customizable, but that has been clarified in the overview and the author is constantly working to improve this.

We've reported plenty of bugs, all of them were fixed in a considerable amount of time.
Some bugs reported in the review below, are only special cases which doesn't occur in our server and even if they did, they're really small bugs which aren't meant for a 1 star report.

Congrats, Wazzup.

Version: 3.4
Worest EggWars Plugin i Ever Seen Developer Is Inactive and i contact him more 20 times on skype and he just say me that updates come soon i report more than 10 bug

Detected Bugs
i found another FUCKING idiotic bug , not fixing this bug would cause many problems in server and the plugin,
when you create a VIP kit that requires a permission node to use it and we give this permission to a player and he buys the kit, after sometime that his rank expires he can still use the kit
you can buy the same kit time after time
like 10 times, and there's no warning that shows you, you already bought the kit
you released this plugin almost a year ago and you're a well-known developer and made plenty of GREAT plugins
you can spend some time working on this plugin to fix almost every bug
i dont know why you wont do that
you used permissions for double XP and double coin modifiers for KitPVP
but you used commands for EggWars modifiers
please use the same things as KitPVP for EW if its possible
because if someone hasnt play on EW yet they wont get the modifiers when i give it to them, but if you used permissions instead of commands this problem would be solved
the next bug is about Special section on villager shops
when you use TNT to destroy an egg, it wont give you coins or anything
and you can even destroy your egg with TNT
if you destroy ANY ( yours or enemy's) egg with TNT, in the scoreboard shows that they/you still have your/their egg
one of my friends had an idea that we use Potato instead of Emerald for purchasing things from special section in villager shops,
so i put a Potato generator in every map that generates one potato every 30 seconds but the item limit wont work on potatoes, it means it generates potatoes every 30 seconds wether or not there's a potato that's not been collected
but the limitation works well on Emeralds
And Another Leaking Memory Bug https://timings.aikar.co/?id=2beb0ee5ec344db9af36a66980853b47#plugins

Version: 3.4
Quite Good for my server, i love it and it works well for the most part, only had a few errors which were because i was goin between version to version, but i think they are fixed, thanks for developing this awesome plguin ;D

Version: 3.4
hhhkhkjj f jvkj erka esk jf ewrf ewjf ker wj fre wf f e whrf hrejkw fjrew f erw kf h ewrf

Version: 3.3
Again Very good plugin *-*
I bought Eggwars / SkyWars / Hide And Seek / Survival Games
easy and fast good developper thanks :)

Eggwars => Core-Block-Type: DRAGON_EGG
BedWars => Core-Block-Type: BED_BLOCK

I looked for a moment, in discussion, If it helps other people^^

Version: 3.3
This is one amazeing plugin im running it on my server rn on my minigames server witch is still wip but the ip is play.voidcraft.net 1.12.2

Version: 3.3
Just Bought this plugin gonna test it out before I update this review. if i get removed off the purchase list again. ill dispute it with you again.

Version: 3.3
No answer for a month, No fix bug that I reported: "I encountered a problem with the EggWars kits. Permissions can prevent players buying kits but not prevent using them. Therefore, If someone bought the kits of VIP 1 time, they could use them all the time although they are not a VIP anymore."
Author's response
I completely agree with you and I'm very sorry about this. I'm currently inactive, please read my profile status! I will hopefully come back soon and get back to updating and fixing issues :)

Version: 3.3
Awesome plugin! Has to be the best eggwars/bedwars out there!! Keep up the good work and updates

Version: 3.1
the developer is great he considers your ideas and he if you have a problem he gets back to you in about day i recomend this plugin to anyone who wants a Eggwars Plugin i also bought the SurvialGames Plugin and there both great!
Author's response
Glad you like my plugins :D

Version: 2.9
Impresionante trabajo una vez más, estoy prácticamente enamorado de este desarrollador. Deseando que saque más modalidades para comprarlas de forma automática. Dinero rentabilizado al 100%.
Author's response

Version: 2.8
An awesome plugin coming from an awesome developer! Definitely the best EggWars/BedWars plugin on SpigotMC, providing lots and lots of features with no bugs whatsoever. :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 2.7
Simply this developer is wonderful. Each update always improves the plugin and corrects all errors. This is definitely the best EggWars plugin right now.
Author's response
Thank youuuu :D

Version: 2.6
Awesome plugin, does what It says on the tin. Would recommend to anyone who Is Looking for a really good egg wars plugin.

If you would like to see It in action. Join our server and have a look.

Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 2.5
The best EggWars plugin out there, Developer is amazing, very responsive and helps as best as they can. I've had no problems and it works perfectly!
Author's response

Version: 2.5
Another great plugin by another great Developer. I use a lot of Wazup92's plugins on my servers, because they're all very good obviously, but they all are similar in some way, so it really helps on my Bungee Network. I use the EggWars X, KitBattle Advanced, and will soon be purchasing Skywars X and Survival Games, because I know they're great plugins and I have been on servers that use them. Great job!
Author's response
Thanks for the support :D

Version: 2.4
Another plugin with very good performance and like most of its plugins. More developers like this are needed in spigot.

Version: 2.4
I'm comming from ProEggWars and I certainly miss some of it's feature that EggWars X still does not have like scalable bungeecord support, fully translate messages like team names, stats and leaderboard holograms and etc, belive me, my players have no clue how to spell LIGHT PUPRLE.

But author was very honest on the plugin description, I knew everything about the missing feature that I had on ProEggWars, so nothing was a surprise.

I have found only just one minor bug that does not impact on the gameplay itself, just a broken placeholder and I feel that the author is very responsive and does give a quality support for it's costumers.

The villager shop is great, responsive and very easy to customize, I was not expecting such well made default shop.

It's a little expensive for a non scalable bungeecord but I'm giving a 5 stars for such honest description, good support and a very stable plugin and I'm sure that he will update and make it better to attend his costumers needs in the future.

Looking foward to buy Survival Games and probably SkyWars X in the future :D
Author's response
Thanks for the honest review :D

Version: 2.3
Hello exelente plugins 5 star no doubt, and please add individual cells to spawn team and poll box I can add one op? Sorry for my english is a translator
Author's response
Glass boxes will be coming soon :) thanks for support

Version: 2.3
Plugin is 10/5 stars! Great plugin, very efficient. Very few bugs which dev fixes. It can hold up to 250 players on one server with AAC https://timings.aikar.co/?id=81e559ca928d4bb5a2ff39663c17dd54 obviously more without the anticheat but yeh plugin is VERY light.
Author's response
Glad its working well for you :) thanks for the support

Version: 2.2
This is by far the best EggWars plugin in the market, the performance is awesome and his developer is extremely friendly and helpful.
Would recommend any plugin this developer has, you won't find anything better.

Version: 1.7
ola exlente plugins pero me gustaria , una votacion los kit por defecto y uno op eso serviria como donacion recomendado y siga las actualizaciones.
Atte: AzazeL
Author's response
Thanks for the review, for suggestions contact me in a pm in English

Version: 1.4
Awesome Plugin! Best Eggwars Plugin, fully customizable, easy to use and much more! Keep it up! :D

Version: 1.4
Very nice !!!
you can almost change everything in the plugin
works fine, no bugs no lags ..
you don't even need to use a worlds plugin like : multiverse
gonna post my server IP once i finish the hole server ..
thanks author for this great plugin <3
Author's response
<3 :D

Version: 1.4
Hey we use the Plugin on our Server dekolp.net can you please add it?

Cool_1001 and DekoLP
Author's response
Sure! thanks for the review

Version: 1.3
This is the best EggWars plugin that you can ever find! Very easy to setup and clean configurations. great statistics and mystery box it has everything you need! Ranks, Kits, Shops and many more.
The Dev is very active and updates the bugs and updates the plugin very frequently. If you are looking for EggWars plugin, this is the one. don't think twice.

Version: 1.3
Amazing developer, I asked for him to add Broken Gens, and add when a team has no one on a team there is no egg, he added it great dev and responds fast. 100% recommended plugin

- EazyFTW
Author's response
Really appreciate your support :)

Version: 1.2
Another instant buy plugin. I like the shared enderchest and special items. Really efficient code, use 10% CPU when there are 2x players.
Author's response
Thanks for the support :D

Version: 1.2
Amazing plugin. Amazing support. Great author. Fully recommend buying author's plugins.
Author's response
Thank you :D

Version: 1.2
Awesome plugin, keep up with the great work you're doing. Excellent developer and really friendly.
Author's response
Thank you so much for the support :D

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 722
First Release: Jun 23, 2017
Last Update: Mar 4, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
57 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings