Now jobs in browse window will glow if you have joined one.
Icons in jobs browse will not contain item attributes shown anymore
Better feedback message when setting up Economy support to be more clear whats missing
Now feedback message indicating successful linking to Vault will include economy name, this will allow for better debugging of whats going on
/jobs clearownership command fix when using target player name without permission
Fix for cumulative permission check
Added option to add all permission based bonuses. This is disabled by default to keep old behavior.
Added option to pick permission based bonus by not prioritizing specific over general. With current system we will pick instead of just because first one is a specific permission node for this specific job while second one if more general for all jobs even if its higher than the first one.
Improvement on jobs shop to allow payments by using Vault economy and/or jobs points.
Small reset of 2 locale lines for jobs show with was indicating require point amount with current one you have
Jobs shop config file Price section renamed to pointPrice, old format still works.
Fixed/reworked %jobsr_user_jtoplvl_[jobsName/number]_[number]% which was changed to %jobsr_jtop_name_[jobName/number]_[1-15]% which will return player name based on top name or number and provided place in top list. Additional %jobsr_jtop_level_[jobName/number]_[1-15]% placeholder node got added to show players jobs level in same way as previous new placeholder.