Added appropriate locale lines for modifying quest progress bar
Fix for some permission recognition
Improved max permission methods
Added ingame quest editor, you can access it with /jobs editquests which will open list with all made quests where you can modify existing ones, delete them entirely or create new.
Added option to disable quests, this will only prevent player from getting one while still keeping quest in records. Keep in mind that disabling quest will completely remove it for active online players including its progress, so make sure that you really want to do it.
Fix for /jobs resettotalquest command issue while providing incorrect variable amount
Reverted fishing exploiting (Smudge)
Added -s variable for exp command (Teyir)
Added -sa variable for exp command (Teyir)
Added rand_[min]-[max] variable for exp command. For example /jobs exp Zrips miner add rand_5-50 (Teyir)
Jobs info and playerinfo commands will take into consideration players archived jobs while displaying payments for actions.