New /jobs resetexploreregion world [worldName] command is added for cleaning up explorer data of specified world. (chacho4)
Some change for help page. Removed command descriptions and moved it into hover over message instead for cleaner look. Added option to click command line to get quick suggestion
New placeholder %jobsr_user_jmexp_[jobName/number]% which will return missing exp until level up
New placeholder %jobsr_user_jprogress_[jobName/number]% which returns formatted job progression
Fix for issue relating to mobs which got spawned from spawner after splitting producing mobs which can give you payment while payment from mob spawners is disabled.
Fix for WEEPING_VINES not paying out for entire stack when you brake top block and you have pay-for-above enabled. Yes, name of config is somewhat weird as we are paying for block under it, but for time being its fine to utilize old one and avoid creating new.
Fix for performance hit when trying to check explorer information by players name and not by his ID which is a new format.
Fix for %jobsr_user_canjoin_[jobName/number]% not returning correct value
Fix where player could loose block ownership if you have PreventHopperFillUps or PreventBrewingStandFillUps enabled. Now player will receive message that specific block and specific location got disabled instead. This will remain in disabled state until player interacts with that block which will inform about reenabled block or server restart. While block is in disabled state, payments for smelting or potion crafting wont be given out. Additionally /jobs ownedblocks will indicate which blocks are disabled, if any, with additional information why if you hover over it, just to minimize confusion from players who tries to figure out why payments are not coming in when those should.
Fix for gtop command not including players exp into list and always reporting back 0exp, while it wasn't big deal it would still mess up general sorting when it comes to players with same total level count, now total exp count will be used as secondary sorting criteria
Fix for async economy not actually being async even tho you have enabled that option in config file. If you are getting errors relating to economy not being able to process async calls, disable this option in config file as it is enabled by default, but any newer economy system should not have any issues with that.
Updated Chinese translation (YuanYuanOwO)
Fix for issue when not all commands could have been performed in case you jumped over level by gaining bigger amount of exp in one go, most relevant for /jobs exp command
Fix for issue relating to custom enchants
Fix for dynamic payments not calculating correct bonus and penalty values, please double check and adjust accordingly after update if you have those enabled
Fixed tab complete for /jobs give command
Removed less efficient Adventure chat handling method and default to... Well... Default API
Improved performance when it comes to recognition of limited items, this in general can boost it by up to 100x depending on situation
Fix for issue with things like crafting of custom recipes by provided name, now it should properly show recipes name in /jobs info
Updated handling for multiserver support
Removed /jobs quests next sub command as it was... Weird and useless and caused some issues in general.