First things first. As of version we are fully converting into
CMILib plugin usage. You will need CMILib or newer version. Made this plugin specifically to centralize most used things across multiple plugins to have them in one, easy to update, place. Which by itself allows us to utilize same features across all plugins and have more consistent results.
This is
DEV build and mainly made for testing on 1.17 servers and not on live ones. So go with 4.x version if you don't want some surprises.
- Fix for commands not being loaded for jobs shop items (montlikadani)
- Improved displaying player's quests in console (montlikadani)
- Fixed array index out of bounds exception (montlikadani)
- Added rounded job experience placeholder as %jobsr_user_jexp_rounded_[jobName/number]% (montlikadani)
- Improved worldguard protected region retrieving (montlikadani)
- Removed NMS classes which will make plugin more future update friendly and it should keep working in atleast minimal state without extra work on it. (Zrips)
- Improved enchantment recognition (montlikadani)