Fixed %titlename% placeholder does not showed anything
- Re-added
Cat, Cat is ALIVE!!
- Re-worked the quest list to support
crowdin - Implement more
API event methods to PrePaymentEvent
Fixed issue when the JobsExpGainEvent called when the income 0.
Fixed issue when used the enchanted books, then can't enchanted properly
Added argument for signUpdate command, to update all signs
- Removed hack for removing items from inventory when in browse GUI
Fixed issue when the player gliding is not valid in 1.9.1 version
Fixed signs updating
- Level, exp adding and taking amounts now correctly calculating.
New placeholder %jobsr_user_job_(jname/number)% to show the player job.
Added option to ignore the boosted items usage in off hand.
Fixed money dupping issue when left clicked to block and earn income
Fixed 1.11 & 1.12 entities don't work
Fix bone meals dupping issue when interacted with seeds
- Should fixed issue when the JobsPrePaymentEvent getJob method always returns null
Fixed income dupping issue and repair action not work correctly.
Updated translations to the latest
- Jobs toggles will not be saved from now instantly when get income
Added option to leave from job in jobs GUI.
- Quest objective amount is now optional (default 1)
Fixed issue when used 1.12 and lower versions then some materials not work correctly.
Added option to jobs shop to hide icon if a player there are no enough points to buy a item
Fixed issue for inventory dragging when a player is in jobs GUI.
Added new action type: Bake, to cooking foods with campfire.
Fix for issue with jobs limits not being recalculated after levelup
Fix for possible issue if you have MMKill in your config file while not having MythicMobs installed
Fix for missing locale in itembonus command when you are not in that job
- From now on by default negative income (aka penalty) will not get bonus recalculation. This can be changed in config file to behave as previously
Fix for new PlaceHolderAPI not working correctly
Fix for issue with autocommit when recording data into database
Fix for BlockProtection data failing to be cleared out by defined day count
Fix for multiverse support not working as it should
Fix for some locale lines not being processes correctly as they changed type from a string into a list
Updated GUI handling into CMI type one to have glitch protection and to be more developer friendly
- Now you can leave job by middle clicking that job you are in
Fix for top list not being limited to defined amount in config file
Fix for issue with itemboosts not wanting to recognize full number boosts
Added extra information for informational message when block material is not recognized as a block. /jobs blockinfo we do have that one, you can use it.
- Some other small tweaks under the hood