Fixed bug with payments task stops randomly after taxes math get 0 (sync667)
Now performing /jobs reload command, furnace handling event should be reload too. (montlikadani)
Fix for language double loading on plugin startup (montlikadani)
Fix for villager trading not working properly (montlikadani)
Now gui filler button will not have its name displayed.
Removed data values for gui filler and back buttons. Update your config files with exact material names you want to use.
Now payment boosts based on permission nodes should update on /jobs info [jobaName] command. To avoid confusion why its not updated while it could take up to 1 minute to get new values.
Added some legacy blocks into library to minimize "missing" block types.
Some fix for translatable words and missing basic values.
Now /Jobs browse gui will resize to try and fit as many jobs as possible even if you have your config set to smaller size. So it should handle up to 54 jobs now.
Tab complete fixes related to colors (montlikadani)
Updated default jobConfig.yml file to contain material names instead of deprecated id's (roracle)