⚠ Please read the page description, before buying this Plugin! ⚠ If you have a problem or something does not work, please use the PM function not the Review function! The plugin is currently being redeveloped, all buyers will receive the new version for free! In the redeveloped phase, the plugin only receives important bugfixes, no new features! 36% discount until the finished recode version.
There are two Teams that can fight each other. But this is not the goal of the game. The goal is to reach the opposing bed, when the bed has been reached the Team gets a point. The first Team with 5 points wins.
MOTD Sounds Start Item Map reset Team Chat Quick start Global Chat Scoreboards Start Command Spectator Mode ONLY BungeeCord Back to lobby Item Colored Tablistname Spectator Teleporter Configurable Features Configurable Rewards Super Easy Setup (Menu) Armorstands Teamselector Full Configurable Messages Configurable Players per Team Blocks in off Hand (1.9 or higher)
/HikaBrain - List all HikaBrain Commands (hikabrain.admin) /HikaBrain reload - Reload the Messages.yml (hikabrain.admin) /Start - Start the game (hikabrain.start) /Build - Turn the Build Mode on or off (hikabrain.build)
1. You need a HikaBrain Map. 2. Upload the Plugin on your Server. 3. Reload your server. 3.1. If you use the plugin from the 1.9 or higher go in the spigot.yml and set the moved-too-quickly-threshold to 600.0 4. Open the bukkit.yml and change the autosave to 0 5. Put the bed on the respective team color (example: If you want to create the Blue bed put the bed on the blue wool.) 6. Restart your server. 7. Join the server and right click on the chest to open the HikaBrain Setup Menu. 8. If you are done with the setup, restart your server. 9. Let the fun begin!
Prefix: '&7[&6HikaBrain&7]'
NoPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to execute that command!'
GameAlreadyStarted: '&cThe Game has already started.'
MovedInTeam: '&fYou are now in Team %team%&f.'
AlreadyInTeam: '&cYou are already in this Team!'
TeamJoined: '&fYou are now in Team %team%&f.'
TeamFull: '&cThe Team is already full.'
Kill: '%player% &fwas killed by %killer%&f.'
Death: '%player% &fdied.'
PlayerScored: '%player% &fscored!'
PlayerJoin: '&a+ &e%player% has logged in. &a(%oplayers%/%mplayers%)'
PlayerQuit: '&c- &e%player% has disconnected. &a(%oplayers%/%mplayers%)'
PlayerQuitInGame: '&c- %player% &ehas disconnected.'
TeamDestroyedQuit: '&fTeam %team% &fis eliminated because the Team is empty.'
OnlyPremiumJoin: '&6The server is full. With &6Premium &cyou can always join.'
GameOver: '&cThe Game is over!'
BuildModeOn: '&7You are now in the Build Mode.'
BuildModeOff: '&7You are no longer in the Build Mode.'
LobbyServer: Lobby
Up: You play on &6HikaBrain 2x%pperteam%
Down: Who has the faster &dBrain &f?
TeamScored: '%team% +1 point'
LobbyCounter: '&7Start in %countdown% second(s)'
VictoryTitle: '&7Victory of the %team% &7Team !'
Spawn: '&b%countdown%s'
Go: '&bYeah !'
Lobby: '&aLobby'
Full: '&6Full'
InGame: '&cInGame'
Restart: '&4Restart'
LobbyRestart: '&7%player%&f: %message%'
Team: '&f(Private %team%&f) %player%&f: &e%message%'
Global: '&f(Global) %team% %player%&f: %message%'
Spectator: '&f(Private &7&oSpectator&f) &7&o%player%&f: %message%'
Blue: '&9Blue'
Red: '&cRed'
Blue: Blue
Red: Red
Blue: '&9'
Red: '&c'
Title: '&6&lNo&f&lName&f&o.net'
Line1: '&1'
Line2: '&7Game&f: HikaBrain (Training)'
Line3: '&7Players&f: &a%oplayers%/%mplayers%'
Line4: '&2'
Line5: '&7Start in &f%countdown%s'
Title: '&6&lNo&f&lName&f&o.net'
Line1: '&1'
Line2: '&9Blue&f: %points% points'
Line3: '&cRed&f: %points% points'
Line4: '&2'
Line5: '&7Goal: 5 points'
Title: '&6&lNo&f&lName&f&o.net'
Line: '&1'
If you want pay with PaySafeCard please write me a PM.
• You are NOT allowed the decompile this plugin! • You are NOT allowed to change the Source-Code! • You are NOT allowed using parts of my Source-Code! • You are NOT authorized to resell this plugin! • You are NOT authorized the plugin upload to pages where you can download it for free! • You are NOT authorized to send people this plugin! • No Refund! • You are ONLY allowed to use this plugin for your Server!