⚒ HikaBrain / MLGRush | [1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12] ⚒ icon

⚒ HikaBrain / MLGRush | [1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12] ⚒ -----

HikaBrain popular in France | Everything is configurable | BungeeCord, Map Reset and more...

Version: 2.2
Super plugin, but it lacked a function allowing the tnt can destroy the blocks if ever needed, I think it could be cool, for little by little to ensure that the plugin is 100% customizable!
Author's response
Thank you for your rating :)
Kann ich gerne hinzufügen.

Version: 2.1
Wo ist die Full Join - hikabrain.fulljoin Permission ?
Sonst wie immer Top
Weiter so :D

Version: 2.0
Ein Dev der weiß was er macht :D
Kauft euch alle seine Plugins und ihr habt keine Probleme mehr mit irgendwas Top Support ! :)
Author's response
Danke für deine Bewertung :D

Version: 2.0
Das beste MLGRush Plugin was es gibts 5 sterne Wir nutzen es Endofday.net

Der Support ist einfach der beste und 1000000000000 Sterne wert ich kann es nur weiter empfehlen.

Author's response
Danke für deine Bewertung :)

Version: 2.0
A great plugin really very nice
Many bug fixes

The developer is super active and even informs in private message updates.

A developer who takes care of the community
And a very functional plugin

It's perfect
Author's response
Thank you for your rating :D

Version: 2.0
A very nice plugin, but can you add please map voting and Better Nick Support? :)
Author's response
Thank you for your rating :)
But a BetterNick support is already installed.

Version: 2.0
The MultiArena Support ?
I really need this please.
How much time do you need to create this feature?

Version: 1.9
Good plugin, but please add a GUI for choosing a team. Thanks ♥♥

Author's response
Thank you for your rating :)
I will add soon.

Version: 1.9
The plugin is perfect! It should just add that the instant respawn of the fall is the same as that of pvp death (when we fall into the void, respawn is fast, but when we die pvp, the respawn is slow)
Author's response
Thank you for your rating :D
I will fix it.

Version: 1.8
The respawn is not instant
But otherwise the plugin is nice
On the other hand there is a problem when the server kicks to the main server (the login for me)
And with a message that says premium need while I can not find the perm premium.

sorry for the google translate im french (love baguette <3 )
Author's response
Please write me a PM I did not really understand it.

Version: 1.5
Please add an instant-respawn to the plugin , i have purchased this ressource ! (and this is my problèm)
Author's response
An auto respawn is already available!

Version: 1.5
Ein wirklich sehr sehr gutes Plugin ein schneller Plugin Support und die
Bugs werden sehr schnell bearbeitet!
Author's response
Danke für deine Bewertung :)

Version: 1.3
It could be cool to have the possibility to add stuff, because I wanted to put TNT but we can't...
Author's response
It was now added, i would be happy if you change your review.

Version: 1.3
Votre plugin de fonctionne pas sous VPS j'ai tous tenter d’installer de plusieurs manière même de mettre JAVA 6,7 =8 ou 9 mais sans aucun sucées. Pouvez vous régler cela ?
Author's response
Please change your Review that has nothing to do with the Plugin!

Version: 1.3
good plugin, Are you multi-language supported? If more than one language is supported, more people will be consumed.
Author's response
Thank you for your rating :D
You can set your own messages in the Messages.yml

Version: 1.3
Vers cool gamemode and very good developer

I rate you this Plugin
Author's response
Thank you for your rating :D

Version: 1.3
Sehr gutes Plugin!
Ich habe nach diesem "Spielmodus" gesucht und direkt diees Plugin gefunden. Es hält was es verspricht... TOP!
Author's response
Danke für deine Bewertung :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 71
First Release: May 15, 2017
Last Update: Aug 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings