Super plugin, but it lacked a function allowing the tnt can destroy the blocks if ever needed, I think it could be cool, for little by little to ensure that the plugin is 100% customizable!
The plugin is perfect! It should just add that the instant respawn of the fall is the same as that of pvp death (when we fall into the void, respawn is fast, but when we die pvp, the respawn is slow)
The respawn is not instant
But otherwise the plugin is nice
On the other hand there is a problem when the server kicks to the main server (the login for me)
And with a message that says premium need while I can not find the perm premium.
sorry for the google translate im french (love baguette <3 )
It was now added, i would be happy if you change your review.
Version: 1.3
Votre plugin de fonctionne pas sous VPS j'ai tous tenter d’installer de plusieurs manière même de mettre JAVA 6,7 =8 ou 9 mais sans aucun sucées. Pouvez vous régler cela ?