- Full Customization everything can be within your tastes
- Vault, EssentialsX, and PlaceholderAPI support. The first 2 are mandatory because the plugin relies on the economy.
- 1.21, no need to change things. This plugin was made with compatibility in mind
- HEX color codes support everywhere
- Points. You have advertising points, with UUID support, and a cool API to go with it. Give, take, set, and look after a player's points with easy commands and beautiful titles.
- These could be given through the API included, or through the amazing commands
- They can be given from player to player.
- Sadly, stored in a .yml file, soon in MySQL or SQL. But this means that you could easily edit someone's points without commands.
- You will have an option to disable and enable this feature or, use both economy or points, on the player's choice.
- Own logs help in tracking nasty ads and abuse.
- You can set a price per /ad.
- You can either choose to pay with Essentials money.
- Or you can choose to pay with points.
- You can set cooldowns
- You can set a cooldown for the command in seconds
- Color Code support, so you can set the ad's color to match your taste
- Lightweight. I work constantly to reduce excess code and to make everything as efficient as possible
- Reload - You can reload your config with a simple command.
- Broadcast - If you want to make a more "official" ad, I've got your back, with smart broadcasting which is title-based if your message is under 42 characters, and chat-based if it's over that.
- Join / Quit messages for the players to see if the player who posted the ad left or just re-logged
- This option can be turned off in the config
- Auto Broadcaster, send messages to all players online in style
- Chat Messages (PlaceholderAPI support)
- Titles (PlaceholderAPI support)
- Configurable intervals
- Unlimited possible messages
- Nice GUI, to easily send ads with just a click, and continue sending the ad in the chat, it cannot get easier than this.
- Titles have configurable stay, fade-in, and fade-out, just to be perfect
- TabCompleter so that you don't have to worry about typing all the commands by yourself
- Everything is toggleable, if you don't want something to be available to the players, you can just turn it off in the config, and reload the plugin.
- Friendly developer, always ready to answer questions and squash bugs
- Open-Source, so everything is out in the open. GitHub
- Constant updates, in the summer at least.
- Debug function - if you encounter any problems with the plugin, send me a message with your problem and a screenshot of the debug messages
- Nice developer API, that can be used to use SimpleAdvertising's methods in your own plugin. Available on GitHub.
- Many more to come.. (Look below)
Code (Text):
## SimpleAdvertising, 15.2.22 Made by Moshu
## MATERIAL NAMES: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
## SOUND NAMES: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
## YML VALIDATOR: http://www.yamllint.com/
## DISCORD SERVER FOR HELP: discord.gg/rADmNx9
## WIKI: https://github.com/Moshulika/Simple-Advertising/wiki
welcomers: true
logging: true
sounds: true
updater: true
economy: "money"
cooldown: 10
price: 100
stay: 0
#Stay or how much an ad stays live (in seconds)
#Set to "permanent" to be active until another person sends an ad.
#This value should be greater or equal to the one used in repeat.
repeat: 0
#If the ad should repeat if stay is more than 0
#at what interval should it be sent (in seconds)
#Vaild economy types: money, points.
default-balance: 1
usage-give: "&fUsage: /points give (Player) (Points)"
usage-take: "&fUsage: /points take (Player) (Points)"
usage-set: "&fUsage: /points set (Player) (Points)"
negative-int: "&fYou cannot use negative numbers or 0"
insufficient-points: "This player doesn't have that much money"
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "You've set &c{player}&f's points to &c{points}"
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "You gave &c{points} &fpoints to &c{player}"
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "You received &c{points} &fpoints from &c{player}"
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "You've given everyone &c{points} &fpoints"
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "You took &c{points} &fpoints from &c{player}"
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "You have &c{points} points&f."
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "You sent &ceveryone {points} &fpoints"
title: "{prefix}"
subtitle: "&cEveryone &frecieved &c{points} points&f."
inventory-name: "Advertising Menu"
item: "PAPER"
item-name: "&cAdvertise"
- "&7&oSend a public ad"
- "&7&oFor everyone to see"
- "&7&oPrice: &a$&f{price}"
fade-in: 30
stay: 50
fade-out: 30
#20 ticks = 1 second
chat: true
titles: true
minimum-players-online: 1
chat-interval: 60
titles-interval: 65
- "{prefix}We've just got the best plugin in the world, SimpleAdvertising"
- "{prefix}For just {price}&a$&f, you can sell your items, house, or life in moments"
- "{prefix}You just have to love it"
- "{prefix}"
- "Everything"
- "Woah! So cool"
- "&cIs way better now"
enable-titles: true
title: "&c&lBroadcast"
subtitle: "{message}"
- "&8&m---&l&f(&cBroadcast&f&l)&8&m---"
- ""
- "{message}"
- ""
prefix: "&8(#80C7FDAdvertising&8)&f "
- " "
- " {prefix}&oNow even better"
- " &7{message}"
- " &7&omade by &f&o{player}&7 | Make your own ad now (/ad)"
- " "
succes: "&7Your ad was placed for &f{price}&a$"
succes-points: "&7Your ad was placed for &f{price} points"
balance: "&oYou have &c{points} &f&opoints"
no-money: "You don't have enough money"
no-points: "You don't have enough points"
cooldown-message: "You have to wait before posting another advertisment"
active-ad: "There is an ad already up for display. Wait your turn"
transaction-cancelled: "&oTransaction cancelled, thank you for your time"
dialog: "&oType in chat your desired ad, or type &ccancel &f&oto cancel the transaction"
already-in-dialogue: "&cFinish your initial ad first"
empty-message: "&fHey! You forgot the message"
join: "&a(&2Join&a) {player}"
quit: "&c(&4Quit&c) {player}"
title: "&c&l✖"
subtitle: "&fNo permission"
title: "&c&l✖"
subtitle: "&fTarget is not online"
- Permissions
- simplead.help - Permission for /help
- simplead.reload - Reload the plugin
- simplead.broadcast - Broadcast
- simplead.ad - Send ads
- simplead.admin - Full access
- simplead.points - Access for giving / taking points
- simplead.debug - Lets you see debug messages
- Commands
- /ad (Text) - Send an ad, requires simplead.ad which is given by default
- /ad reload - Reload the plugin, requires simplead.reload
- /ad help - Lists a help page, requires simplead.help (Default)
- /ad debug - Sens you the debug message, requires simplead.debug
- /broadcast - Broadcast, requires simplead.broadcast
- /points (Give / Take / Set) - Manage points, requires simplead.points
- Placeholders
- %simplead_price%, sends the config price
- %simplead_cooldown%, sends the cooldown time
- %simplead_currentad%, sends the current / latest ad.
- %simplead_currentplayer%, sends the current / latest player that created an ad
Documentation, API, code and configuration help, available on GitHub
Newest updates are first released there.
Click the logo to check it out
- Your best shots at contacting me:
If you have any proposal for any other To-Do, leave it in the comments