This is not a plugin! This is an addon for ItemsAdder.
How to install?
extract the content of the .zip file inside plugins/ItemsAdder folder
use the command /iareload
use the command /iazip
(upload the pack on dropbox if you're using dropbox and update the config.yml url, then use /iareload to reload the config.yml)
use the command /iatexture (from the game)
finished, open the menu /ia or use /iaget and press tab
Add the two textures together to the ItemsAdder.
All weapons have the same performance as its corresponding iron tool
We do not explain items or adjust performance at all.
I'm adjusting the model for use on my server.
Please note that it has been slightly changed from the original.
DM ME FOR DEV WORK AND OR HELP: IanPigy1#0998/ianpigy1 Please leave 5 stars