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[6.6.2] The Ability Update (Hotfixed)
Double posting to fix an issue with recent builds of MythicLib

Changes related to the ability system

Casting modes are now called ability triggers and were moved over to MythicLib so that the same triggers can be used in MMOCore to create passive skills. The new triggers are TRIDENT_HIT, ARROW_LAND, etc.
This brings so many new possibilities, you can have a bow cast a specific ability whenever an arrow hits an entity, or have a sword that gives you health back whenever you kill an entity.
This update aims at drastically increasing the item creation possibilities through abilities. Abilities are special because unlike other mostly hardcoded stats, if you feel like something is missing, you can try to add it using a custom ability with one of the many new triggers.

Be careful, the trigger type names changed as well. The full list can be found here: Skills#available-skill-triggers
This means that you will have to update your MMOItems casting mode names in your condif files. Using "/mi update apply 5" will do 50% of the job by replacing the casting mode names in the /item folder.

  • On hit abilities now trigger on any type of damage, not only weapon damage.
  • Removed #advanced-enchants# from the lore format to reduce confusion.
  • You can now use MATH(yourEquationHere) inside of the stats.yml config file to apply math formulas before displaying some item stat
  • Compatibility with ProSkillAPI
  • Stats named "Disable xxxx" can now display in the lore if you add them to your lore-format.yml and stats.yml config files
  • WorldGuard flag names were changed, here is the new list:
    • mi-weapons
    • mi-commands
    • mi-consumables
    • mi-tools
    • mmo-abilities (changed)
    • ability-pvp (new)
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with shapeless recipes
  • Fixed the default trident and bow damage
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some AoE weapons like staffs or wands with specific staff spirits to have exponentially increasing damage with the amount of entities hit
  • Fixed an issue with staff and whip damage
  • Fixed a display issue with the item editor
  • Better support for MM skill conditions.
  • Fixed an issue with Citizens that would throw NPEs in the console when trying to interact with one
  • Fixed an issue with the Restore Saturation stat
----------, Nov 1, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,002
First Release: Apr 19, 2017
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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